The Guy Opposite My Window [HIATUS]


"So how was the audition?" Baekhyun wriggled his brows. Iseul choked on her drink the second after Baekhyun's question. "What?" Baekhyun awkwardly said. 




As the group entered the room, they were told to stand behind the tape that was pasted on the floor and to squeeze in together a little so that the camera could capture everyone. 

Not knowing whether being the last was considered good, Iseul played with her fingers as the first person started her audition. Calming herself down for the 10000th time, her five senses were awaken as she listened on.

Okay maybe excluding the smelling and tasting sense.

The girl had bangs that covered her eyebrows and her hair fell into place with a little bit of waves.  Her vocals was explosive and anyone listening could feel the emotions. Clearly, she put her heart and soul into singing. 

The company's staff in-charge of the audition didn't stop her until she reached the of the song. The high note. And of course, she nailed it.

Iseul then thought to herself, "Maybe being last is a bad thing." 

After that girl's performance, everyone felt burdened. It felt like a 10kg bag of rice was thrown over their shoulders. 

Others danced while others sang because that was the only thing they prepared. Besides, who knew that girl before them was that good? 

Just as Iseul snapped out of her thoughts, she realized that she was next. Bomi was already dancing her way into the staff's heart while Iseul could only refrain from trying to laugh. 

It's not that Bomi's dancing was funny, Iseul just had the habit of laughing when something's really awkward or I guess, she just likes to laugh. 

As Bomi ended her audition with a bow, it was now Iseul's turn. She took a step forward and started singing. Her voice was clear and loud and she was just about to get comfortable with singing in front of the camera and the others. 

Her song also had a high note in it. Hoping for the best, she continued singing since the staff's didn't stop her after the 30 second mark. 

"Aish, that was fuxking embarrassing..." Iseul mentally cursed while she tried not to laugh at herself. 

After the audition, everyone got out of the room and sighed in relief as the audition had ended. Iseul awkwardly walked to the girl from earlier just to say hi. 

"Hi, I'm Iseul. Your singing was brilliant." Iseul smiled as she extended her hand out. "Hi! I'm Eunji! Thank you, your singing was great too but you're too nervous right?" Eunji said, her Busan accent was strong but Iseul found it cute. 

Bomi then introduced herself after watching them for quite awhile.

Well, they all got along pretty well within 10 minutes. They also exchanged numbers as Iseul suggested to meet up someday to bring Eunji around Seoul. 



"Dam, you broke your voice?" Baekhyun's eyes were as wide as a ping pong balls. "I know right, at the midst of the high note too." Bomi chuckled. "Ugh shut up." Iseul snapped but continued with laughing at the thought of it. 

"Anyway, when will you guys know the results?" He asked. "Not sure.. but they said they'll send us an email if we got in." Iseul said. "You guys auditioned too right?" She added. 

Baekhyun nodded, "Only Kyungsoo. The rest of us were casted here and there." 

Bomi then shot him the 'such a show-off' look. Before they could start bickering, their subject teacher came in and shut the class up before starting. 



"Eh eh eh, did you get any email?" Bomi excitedly asked. "I haven't check my mail though. Why? New couple in town?" Iseul raised her brows. "NO? It's Acube!! I GOT IN." 

It was like.. the whole canteen could hear Bomi. All eyes were on them, those who already found seats and started eating to those who were queuing to get their share of food.

"Got in to where." DO blankly stared at them. "Bomi got into Acube Entertainment." Iseul explained. "That's good news." Suho joined in. "How about you?" DO asked. 

"I'll check my email later." Iseul said. "Since this is good news..." DO smirked. "What are you trying to hint?" Suho forcefully smiled. "This calls for a celebration." DO declared. 

While DO and Suho were arguing at how they always used his credit card, Iseul was silently on her phone, looking for the mail app.


"Dear Auditionee, 

Thank you for applying for 'Acube Entertainment Audition'. We are pleased to tell you that you've been picked to train here at Acube. 

The training schedule is attached at the bottom of the email so do check it out so that all trainings can proceed smoothly. 

If you would like to decline this offer, please email back to us. 

Once again, Thank you."


"YES BICTHES!" Iseul threw her hands up in the air. "What's up?" Suho nudged. "I got in too!!" Iseul squealed. "We'll be training together! We've been waiting for this our whole lives!" Bomi jumped on her spot. 

"Congrats you girls~" DO smiled. "All the more we should go for a celebration right?" DO smirked as he glanced at Suho.

Suho had to give in to the little one so after school they went out as a group to celebrate with the condition of no Alcohol.



A/N: Happy new year guys! Thank you for subscribing to this story and waiting patiently for my updates :D 

More of DO and Suho in this chapter and sorry if Sehun didn't appear here.

Wish you all the best for the new year!!


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Chapter 9: It was a happy chapter! Sehun is falling in love with Iseul. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 8: Happy New Year! looking forward for the next!
Chapter 6: Oh! I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^,
Chapter 5: Oh! Sehun wants to know more about Iseul ^^, It was a great chapter and I love Myungsoo's cameo. ^^,
I will wait for the next chapter. Hugs
Chapter 4: great chapter! I would like a cameo of L of infinite!
cocoflower #6
Chapter 3: ;0;" sehun lol
Chapter 3: I laugh when Byul bite Sehun. XD so cute! ^^,
Chapter 2: it's good. I can't wait to know what will Sehun do to get to know Iseul more? hugs. ^^,
Chapter 1: Great start! I am looking forward for the next! ^^,