The Guy Opposite My Window [HIATUS]


It was one of those rare occasions where Bomi would show up in school with Kai. 

And yes, Kai.

Everyone have been suspecting that something was going on between the two. But who knows? They've could been together since their freshman days or even earlier. 

However, Bomi's classmates knew that her textbooks were at the top of her priority list before guys and everyone knows, Kai has a thing for Bomi. 

"Can you help me with this? I have to get something from my locker." Bomi sheepishly asked. Kai willingly held her textbooks and shoe bag for her as she searched her locker.

He leaned against the locker next to her, grinning at her. Whatever she does seemed cute to him.

After she got her stuffs out from her locker, she tossed them into her bag before getting her stuff back from Kai. Well.. At least, she tried. 

Kai insisted that he'll hold her stuffs until she reached her class, which was very sweet of him.. but Bomi felt embarrassed. She had hands of her own but Kai was still helping her with her stuffs. 

"Are you coming to school tomorrow?" Kai asked. "No.. Today's the only day I'm in school for the week." Bomi pouted. "Anyway mister, don't be too upset alright. 2 weeks isn't that long!" She added. 

"Who knows it'll be longer?" Kai sighed. "It wont. And! Don't sneak out anymore please, you have other lessons to attend to other than dance too." Bomi said. 

Kai nodded at his nagging girl friend, "Get to class, I'll see you later." He returned her stuffs to her before leaving for his own class. 

As Bomi was making her way to her seat, her friend was looking at her with weird expressions. "What?" Bomi frowned. "Don't worry, you look extra pretty and cheery today." Iseul winked.

"Are you guys together yet?" Iseul sneaked up to her friend's side. "Nope. That's the 161th time I'm telling you this year." Bomi said as she placed her pencil box and her notebooks on the table. 

"Darn it." Iseul sulked as she backed off. 



Sehun and the rest were making their way to SM Entertainment when he saw a familiar figure. "Yah dwarf!" He shouted. She turned around with her brows raised.

After realizing who it was, she retorted, "IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I'M SHORT.". Sehun chuckled, "It's okay, you're still cute."

The others raised their brows, slightly taken aback from his frankness.

"ooooo, someone's in love." Chanyeol teased. "And in fact, he's blinded by it." Baekhyun added. 

"Say bye to your girlfriend, we're here." Suho nagged. 

Sehun's lips curled into a smile at the word 'Girlfriend'. How he wished Iseul was really his. But he wasn't sure if relationships would actually work out. Besides, what if it does and she gets hated by his future fans? 

Waving back at her for the last time, he entered the SM building reluctantly with the thought of wanting to go home for a nap. "Sehun-ssi, the others are in the boardroom for a meeting." The receptionist informed.



When Sehun entered the room, the staffs were already discussing about their group name, debut date and the concept of their debut album. The guys were obviously both excited and anxious. 

"We'll be splitting you guys into 2 groups. EXO-K and EXO-M. K stands for Korean while M stands for Mandarin. From your groupings, you'll promote either in Korea or China respectively and we'll see how it goes." Their CEO said. 

"Not to worry, there will be chances where you guys can perform as 12." He smiled. "For now, we'll set your debut date a year from now." The producer added. 



"Hyung." Sehun called. Baekhyun raised his brows at the younger lad who seemed pretty troubled. 

"How did you know that you liked Taeyeon all along?" Sehun asked. Baekhyun chuckled before answering, "When you're sure she's the only person you think about. Or despite the fact that you guys are close friends but you still get this butterfly feeling in your stomach." 

"Yes, it sounds gay. Anyway, that person should be on your mind right now." Baekhyun winked. And Baekhyun as right. The only person that came to his mind other than his mom, was Iseul. 



Waiting at the park which was located in the middle of their apartments, Sehun kicked the rocks within his reach. Not too long after he reached, Iseul came running to the park, thinking that something had happened.

Feeling worried that she might have said something wrong to him, she didn't even bothered to change out of her track pants and sweatshirt after reaching home 10 minutes ago. "You wanted to talk to me?" Iseul said. 

Sehun jumped up in surprise causing Iseul to chuckle a little. "I... i. " He stuttered as if he couldn't speak.

He sighed before continuing, "Don't freak out alright. I just wanted to tell you that I really like you.. You don't necessarily have to feel the same way but I just wanted to get this off my chest and I hope I didn't just ruin this friendship." 

Iseul's face was as if she was on pause mode. She was trying to register every single word that he said to her but it felt as if her brain wasn't functioning. The atmosphere was so awkward that she wanted to dig a hole and bury her face inside.

She didn't know how to phrase her sentences so that Sehun wouldn't get hurt. She too, can't possibly say she likes Baekhyun to a person who just confessed to her in person. 

"I'm sorry, I need some time to sort out my emotions." Iseul rubbed the back of her neck. 

Sehun nodded. He understood that his confession came out of no where and she was probably confused by it. Giving her time to think about it was the best choice as well.

He was just hoping that she wouldn't ignore him every time they bump in school. 



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Chapter 9: It was a happy chapter! Sehun is falling in love with Iseul. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 8: Happy New Year! looking forward for the next!
Chapter 6: Oh! I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^,
Chapter 5: Oh! Sehun wants to know more about Iseul ^^, It was a great chapter and I love Myungsoo's cameo. ^^,
I will wait for the next chapter. Hugs
Chapter 4: great chapter! I would like a cameo of L of infinite!
cocoflower #6
Chapter 3: ;0;" sehun lol
Chapter 3: I laugh when Byul bite Sehun. XD so cute! ^^,
Chapter 2: it's good. I can't wait to know what will Sehun do to get to know Iseul more? hugs. ^^,
Chapter 1: Great start! I am looking forward for the next! ^^,