The Guy Opposite My Window [HIATUS]


July 20th.

It marked the day of the auditions and of course their practical exams. Students were allowed to go home once their papers were done, unless their teachers decided to be an and have them go for extra lessons. 

"Have you studied?" Suho nudged Iseul. "Can't you see the dark circles showing all over her face? Obviously she did." Chanyeol pointed at her while she rolled her eyes. "She definitely pulled all-nighter" Sehun came in out of no where.

"And you guys~ are all wrong." Iseul fanned herself with her notes. 

The guys stared at her with blank expressions before Kai joined in. "She was gaming with me." Kai rubbed the back of his sore neck. "What?" They chorused.

Iseul chuckled and got back to her last minute revisions before getting called into the examination hall.



After their papers were done, Iseul could only sigh, "I hope I'll do well. Maybe, I hope I can at least pass." 

While on the other hand, Bomi was already on her science textbook to check on what questions she went wrong. "Aish, not another careless mistake." Bomi mumbled. 

"Oh please, if you have careless mistakes.. Then what about me." Iseul said. "Eyy, you probably do well as always." 

"Anyway, did you bring any clothes to change in?" Bomi asked. Iseul shook her head, remembering how she rushed out of her house once again while forgetting today was also the audition day.

"Then, we head home first. I'll meet you around 2.30." Bomi glanced at her watch. "Alright. Just text me 10 minutes earlier before you head out." Iseul reminded. 



As the two of them met up at the train station, Bomi started keying in the address of the company onto her GPS while Iseul blew her bangs. "We have to go Mapo-gu first." 

"That side then." Iseul pointed to the train service heading there.

They boarded the train and found themselves seats. Both Bomi and Iseul were on their headphones, listening to the tracks they prepared and watching dance videos. Trying to calm themselves down, the two of them stared into space as they took a break from their phones. 

"We're here." Iseul mouthed as she tapped onto Bomi's arm. 

As they exited the station, they depended on the GPS to lead them towards the company. 

"Are you sure we're walking the right way?" Iseul raised her brows. "The arrow says to walk straight." Bomi said. "But you  do know... the arrow's off the actual track right?" Iseul asked. 

Bomi sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "You do it then." She sulked and tossed the phone to Iseul. 

Iseul turned a whole round on the spot just to see where they should walk next. "I think it's that way." Iseul said while Bomi quietly followed behind her. "We're here." Iseul smirked. 

The girls scanned the building before going in. The company didn't have those labels to indicate that the company was there, but it was still a decent building. 

They took the stairs to the 2nd level to save time. "We're here for the auditions." Bomi said. "Ah ne, please fill in these forms and pass it back to me after you're done." The lady smiled and handed them pens and the form.

"I don't know what's my height." Bomi pouted. "Just put something realistic." Iseul was also thinking about her height.

After they ran through the forms for the last time, they handed it back to the lady in-exchange for their stickers that has their numbers. "Wait for your number to be called at that practice room to the left."  

"Thank you." Iseul smiled. 

The door of the practice room was closed, but it was glass. Anyone from either sides can see what's happening outside. "Did we arrive a little too late or something? There's only 20 people or so inside there." Iseul was caught by surprise.

"Acube was formed just this year and this is their first audition. That is why there's not a lot of people. Besides, we'll have higher chances to get in." Bomi winked as she opened the door and shoved Iseul inside. 

There weren't any space to practice dancing despite the amount of people inside waiting. "Numbers 95-100, please follow me". This time, it was a guy who came into the waiting room. 

"He looks pretty cute." Iseul wiggled her brows. "He's all yours if you want." Bomi nudged her. 

Anyway, after the five of them gathered their stuffs and followed the guy, Iseul glanced onto the sticker which was pasted on her shirt. "10 more people to go." She thought as she mentally prepared herself.


It wasn't that long until they realized that they were next to be called. "Number 110-115, please come with me." 

Feeling all sorts of emotions, Iseul shoved her stuffs into her bag and exited the room. Taking deep breaths in between to calm herself down, she looked at Bomi who was also pretty nervous. 

"Good luck. No matter what happens, we'll accept it alright." Iseul whispered as Bomi flashed a reassuring smile. 

As they watched the batch before them leave the room, their nervousness gradually increase as they tried reading their expressions. Plus, they had to remain silent. It was as if you could hear everyone's heart beating 10x faster. 

"Alright, don't be too nervous and good luck to you guys!" The guy smiled, hoping that he'll be able to lighten the mood by a bit. 



Here's an update for you guys! Please pardon me for my slow updates as i struggle with a blank brain :\

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Chapter 9: It was a happy chapter! Sehun is falling in love with Iseul. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 8: Happy New Year! looking forward for the next!
Chapter 6: Oh! I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^,
Chapter 5: Oh! Sehun wants to know more about Iseul ^^, It was a great chapter and I love Myungsoo's cameo. ^^,
I will wait for the next chapter. Hugs
Chapter 4: great chapter! I would like a cameo of L of infinite!
cocoflower #6
Chapter 3: ;0;" sehun lol
Chapter 3: I laugh when Byul bite Sehun. XD so cute! ^^,
Chapter 2: it's good. I can't wait to know what will Sehun do to get to know Iseul more? hugs. ^^,
Chapter 1: Great start! I am looking forward for the next! ^^,