The Guy Opposite My Window [HIATUS]


Sehun was woken up by the shouting of the others and Suho's nagging. It was only 9 in the morning and he was acting as if the world was going to end.

"Wake up, we're going to Myungsoo's party today." Suho knocked vigorously onto the door of Sehun and Baekhyun's room. 

"Hyung, the party isn't gonna start till it's 6 PM." Sehun emphasized on the time before going back to sleep. 

It was already a month since Sehun moved into their apartment. Recently, Myungsoo moved into the area with his friends as well and he was throwing a party. 



"Let's go before we're late." DO rushed everyone out of the house. "God, their house is just 3 floors below ours." Kai rolled his eyes.

Sehun could totally relate to how Kai was feeling. First, it was Suho who was being all paranoid in the morning and now? It was DO. 

In less than 5 minutes, they arrived at INFINITE's place with warm welcome. Guests started to arrive shortly after them. Most were familiar faces while some were from Myungsoo's high school.

"Iseul! You're here. Where's Woohyun?" Myungsoo greeted her with a bear hug. Sehun who was at the corner a few meters away, turned to Myungsoo's direction after hearing her name. 

"He's at work, will be here later. How long has it been since I last saw you?" Iseul asked. "5 years, I guess." Myungsoo recalled transferring to a different middle school before graduating. 

"And you didn't call me, At Least Once." Iseul frowned. "Well... you didn't answer." Myungsoo argued. "You could've tried calling again?" Iseul raised her brows. "Fine, I'm sorry." Myungsoo pouted.

"Alright, go and eat. The food and drinks are at that corner." He pointed.

Iseul nodded and made her way to the food area while Myungsoo entertained the other guests. 


"She knows them?" Chanyeol almost spat his drink out when he saw Iseul talking to Myungsoo's friends. "Would she be invited if she hardly know them?" DO's face showed a look of exasperation.

"I'll be right back." Sehun tapped onto DO's shoulder and left the guys.

Sehun walked towards Iseul and sneaked behind her. "@#$%^" Iseul cursed unknowingly after being taken aback. "You've could just tap me or something.." She added. 

"I'm sorry." Sehun chuckled. 

The two chatted awhile around the food area before deciding to get out of the house for some fresh air. 

"Fancy meeting you here. You know Myungsoo?" Sehun said. "We've known each other since young. He used to come over to hang out with my brother, Woohyun. What about you guys?" Iseul explained. 

"We attended the middle school Myungsoo transferred to and we were all in the same soccer team." Sehun said. "I don't recall your brother inside the team though." Sehun rubbed the back of his neck. 

"That's because he went to a different school." She giggled. 

As their conversation continued outside, Baekhyun who was searching for his dear friend who never returned, smirked when he spotted him outside with Iseul. 

At this point, Baekhyun clearly knew there was something going on with that guy. He kept disappearing when she's around and kept asking about her all day long. 




After the party was over and the guys were back at their apartment, Baekhyun pushed Sehun into the room and shut the door. They acted almost like girls who loved to gossip among themselves. 

"What is it?" Sehun groaned. "What's going on between you and Iseul?" Baekhyun raised his brows. 

Sehun shook his head and shrugged while Baekhyun wouldn't stop pestering him, "Are you sure you're just friends..?" 

"Look, I barely know her." Sehun said. 

"Oh really. One month being beside her all day, gets you know where in knowing her." Baekhyun nodded sarcastically. 

What could Sehun ever reply? He, himself wasn't even sure of his feelings at this point. 

Yes, he enjoyed Iseul's company and she was kinda different than the others. She wasn't awkward around guys like most girls were and she would always reach out her hand to others. 

But she was someone he just met a month ago. All they do is bump into each other at random places or exchange words in school. It's not like they were at the stage where they text day and night. 

"I don't know. Maybe I'm interested in her or maybe we're just comfortable with each other that we're actually sending you the wrong signals." Sehun winked.



A/N: Finally updated after awhile.. Having author's block at the moment real bad lol. The chapter's pretty short but I managed to include Myungsoo as anitaklr24 has requested! 

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Chapter 9: It was a happy chapter! Sehun is falling in love with Iseul. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 8: Happy New Year! looking forward for the next!
Chapter 6: Oh! I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^,
Chapter 5: Oh! Sehun wants to know more about Iseul ^^, It was a great chapter and I love Myungsoo's cameo. ^^,
I will wait for the next chapter. Hugs
Chapter 4: great chapter! I would like a cameo of L of infinite!
cocoflower #6
Chapter 3: ;0;" sehun lol
Chapter 3: I laugh when Byul bite Sehun. XD so cute! ^^,
Chapter 2: it's good. I can't wait to know what will Sehun do to get to know Iseul more? hugs. ^^,
Chapter 1: Great start! I am looking forward for the next! ^^,