Oh Sehun.

Look at Me... Please...???
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Hi everyone --- I've been gone for quite a while and had not updated for a long time. Sorry about that! However, please stay tuned as I definitely will finish this story. There will be several more chapters following this chapter. I will try to update more often, so stay with me! Thank you to all my upvoters, subcribers, and readers! I appreciate all of your positive comments and I am glad you are enjoying my story! Thank you for reading, and please enjoy this next chapter! --- Love, authornim




Kai's POV


Great... What do I do now? Kyungsoo gave me a week to reply to his feelings, but there is no way I can throw my family's lives away just like that. They don't deserve to suffer because my feelings for him. Jongin sighed loudly. He was very shocked and surprised that Kyungsoo had been harbouring the same feelings as him this whole time, but Chairman DO just had to barge in at the wrong moment to ruin everything. Jongin was devastated. He didn't know what do to. Everything was a choice, he realised. He could either choose his happiness with Kyungsoo or his family's happiness, by allowing them to continue living the simple life they had always been living.





Losing Kyungsoo would be the worst thing that could happen to him, however. He had perservered so much for his love, but now everything was destroyed because of the threat he received from Kyungsoo's father. It was just too difficult to make a decision. Would it be family or love? Whichever his choice would be, he would have to make his decision fast, before he would lose Kyungsoo forever.





Kyungsoo's POV


Kyungsoo was just as devastated as Jongin was. He was very stressed out about what his father had just told him. 6 days. That was all he had left to make Kim Jongin fall in love with him again. "I will never be able to change his heart in 6 days! I should just forget it and agree to the Oh's marriage propsal!" Kyungsoo buried his face in his pillow. His pillow was wet with overflowing tears as he continued to cry non stop. "B-but I can't just give up on Jongin like this," he sobbed, "I just don't understand what he is thinking! One minute I hear from Baek that he loves me a lot and another minute he says his feelings for me had disappeared??! He even said his heart was no longer loving me... He said it now belonged to Baek... Am I really unworthy to be in your heart? Have I hurt you too much in the past? Has Baek really healed the wounds in your heart? Has he really moved your heart, Jongin???" Kyungsoo felt more frustrated with these overflowing emotions than ever. He had never felt this way before, not even towards Chanyeol, who he 'thought' he had a crush on the whole time. 






Why is it that we always lose someone who is important to us? Why is it that hearts change? And have those hearts really changed? These were questions that kept circling in Kyungsoo's head. He knew that he must have hurt Jongin a lot in the past. He regretted not noticing Jongin's feelings earlier. He regretted agreeing to Chanyeol's proposal. And most of all, he regretted having missed his chance to be in Jongin's heart forever. He felt as if Jongins's heart had changed so quickly. He had found this quick change in heart odd, but didn't question it further since Jongin was the one who said he now had feelings for Baekhyun outloud, right in front of him. 






Kyungsoo was afraid of his future. He was afraid of what he would have to face next. Just then, he remembered his arranged marriage with the successor of the Oh Corporation. Great, now I'm stuck in another marriage proposal... I don't even know who this Mr. Oh is? How can I marry someone I have not met??? Moreover, Kyungsoo had no intention whatsoever to marry this 'Oh guy', or whoever he was. His heart already belonged to Jongin, and it always would. 






Knock knock... 






"Come in," said Kyungsoo. It was one of the maids. "Hello Young Master Do, I am here to inform you of the later meeting you will have with the Oh Family. Chairman DO ordered me to get you ready for the banquet." "Wait, what banquet? He arranged a banquet especially for this engagement? But I thought he said he would give me six days before he decided to do anything with my marriage arrangement?" Ky

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SooSmiles #1
Chapter 3: Fingers crossed and cheering for ChanSoo! Sounds like a good KaiBaek in the make tho.
Is this a ChanSoo fic? Someone tell me plzzz...
Chapter 17: Whispers. I ship kaistal and baekhun
emmanime #4
Chapter 17: this is so timely as I've seen pretty cute sesoo updates lately.... but the end of this chapter is soooo... T__T thanks for update by the way! :)
Chapter 17: Bruhhhh I only ship kaisoo and chanbaek I don't ship them with anyone else. I only ship the main ot6 pairs. Idk I can't ship Sehun with anyone else other then LuHan. But I'm aight with this kinda...? But thanks fir the update and Lots of Love!! ❤️✨
Eun_jae17 #6
Chaper:16 I frickin love this so much ...please keep writing❤
christie134m #7
Chapter 16: OMG ITS GOING TO BE OH SEHUN MY ANOTHER SHIIIIIIIIIIPP!!!!! though im kaisoo, but im sesoo too!!!!
emmanime #8
Chapter 16: OMG I THOUGHT... I ALMOST HATED KAI.. but still.. the unending struggles T____T (thanks for the update! :) )
Chapter 16: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so this was the case!! i thought that kai really had a change of heart! haha, anyway be happy by kaisoo couple...