The One Condition.

Look at Me... Please...???
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Hey everyone! I’m back with a new chapter.. All of you probably already heard about Kai’s and Krystal’s dating news- I was sad at first but as long as they are happy, then it’s all good! Also--- thank you to all of you who are reading my story >_< I really appreciate it!!! I hope you will enjoy this next chapter! Thanks!




(Back to the present time)




Kai’s POV


Was I too harsh to him..? He did look a little sad when I left… Kai couldn’t stop thinking about Kyungsoo. The classroom was full of tired students with their heads on their desks. Kai turned to look at Baekhyun, who sits right behind him in class. “Yah—Baekhyun, wake up..!” Kai whispered, rather loudly. However, no one moved an inch, with their heads still on their desks. All- except Baekhyun, of course.





Baekhyun lifted his head up, “Whattt, Kai, I’m trying to sleep here! I have to rest while I can; class starts in 15 minutes.” But Kai still insisted on going on. “Baekyun-ah, I have a question for you.. How do you know if someone likes you?” Baekhyun gave him a ‘are you kidding me’ look. “Uh… Is this about Kyungsoo??” Wow, how did he guess??! “Umm… yeah, I guess you could say that..” “Wait a second… So you mean DO Kyungsoo likes you??? THE DO KYUNGSOO???” “SHHHHHHH…. You’re being too loud… People might hear us...,” Kai hissed back sharply at Baekhyun. “Whoops,” was all the annoying little Byun Baekhyun said.





“So anyways, what about it? Do you think DO really likes you?” Baekhyun asked with an immense amount of curiousity. “Ummm… well, that’s why I’m asking you!” “Me? Oh!!! Hmmm… let’s see… If a person likes you, they would probably nervous around you, stutter maybe… hmm… they would probably be sad if you left to be with another person or friend, and they would be really really sad if they saw you with someone else…” Kai could tell Baekhyun was on the verge of crying. Oh… it must be because of Chanyeol… I probably shouldn’t have reminded him of what happened… “Sorry Baekhyun… I must of reminded you of you-know-who..” “Nah… It’s fine.. I just felt sad all of a sudden when I actually thought about it… But back to the main subject! So- did DO have any of these reactions before when you two are together?”





Kai thought back to this morning, when he first arrived at school. He remembered how DO said ‘hi’ to him, and how he did look a little disappointed when he said he needed to go to class with Baekhyun. But still… he still wasn’t sure if that was really what it was… maybe he was just imagining it?





“I don’t know, actually, Baekhyun…. I just thought he looked a little upset this morning when I came to class with you… but it was probably nothing…”


Or was it…?




Kyungsoo’s POV





Kyungsoo was sad. And sad. And sad again.





Ever since he went to class, he hasn’t been concentrating very well. “DO KYUNGSOO!!! Are you paying ATTENTION???” He looked up at his teacher. “Yes, sorry Sungsaenim.. I will pay more attention,” Kyungsoo immediately responded to the teacher. What was wrong with him today? He had never gotten called on by the teacher. Ever. He wanted to hit himself for making that mistake.





I wonder what Kai is doing right n

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SooSmiles #1
Chapter 3: Fingers crossed and cheering for ChanSoo! Sounds like a good KaiBaek in the make tho.
Is this a ChanSoo fic? Someone tell me plzzz...
Chapter 17: Whispers. I ship kaistal and baekhun
emmanime #4
Chapter 17: this is so timely as I've seen pretty cute sesoo updates lately.... but the end of this chapter is soooo... T__T thanks for update by the way! :)
Chapter 17: Bruhhhh I only ship kaisoo and chanbaek I don't ship them with anyone else. I only ship the main ot6 pairs. Idk I can't ship Sehun with anyone else other then LuHan. But I'm aight with this kinda...? But thanks fir the update and Lots of Love!! ❤️✨
Eun_jae17 #6
Chaper:16 I frickin love this so much ...please keep writing❤
christie134m #7
Chapter 16: OMG ITS GOING TO BE OH SEHUN MY ANOTHER SHIIIIIIIIIIPP!!!!! though im kaisoo, but im sesoo too!!!!
emmanime #8
Chapter 16: OMG I THOUGHT... I ALMOST HATED KAI.. but still.. the unending struggles T____T (thanks for the update! :) )
Chapter 16: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so this was the case!! i thought that kai really had a change of heart! haha, anyway be happy by kaisoo couple...