Movie And Bed

Take My Hand And Run Away With Me Forever

Kai's Point Of View

"What movie are we gonna watch first?" I asked.

"We should watch the horror movie first." Chanyeol suggested.

"Why? you know I hate horror movies!" Baekhyun whined.

"Because if you hate horror movies you can forget about the horror movie through the action movie and the comedy movie. You'll forget about the horror movie because you'll find the other movies so cool and funny." Chanyeol replied.

"Or we could not watch a horror movie at all because I'm your boyfriend." Baekhyun said.

"Yeah you may be my boyfriend but you'll still love me even if we watch a horror movie."

"So the ones who want to watch the horror movie first raise your hand." Kyungsoo said, raising his hand.

"Looks like your out numbered, Baek. Three against one." Kyungsoo stated.

"Fine." Baekhyun pouted.

"What movie?"

"How about 'Sinister 2'?" Chanyeol suggested with the biggest smile ever.

"How can we watch that? It's not even out yet." I asked curiously.

"D.O." Chanyeol said, looking at Kyungsoo.

"What?" He asked.

"Buy it, please." Chanyeol demanded nicely.

"But if I buy it it's gonna cost like $1000 dollars."

"Kyungie you don't have to buy it, we can watch another movie." Baekhyun suggested with a smile.

"No, Kyungsoo. Buy it I'll do whatever you want for a whole week!"

"Two weeks." Kyungsoo negotiated.

"Deal!" Chanyeol said quickly.

"Ok, I'll buy it." Kyungsoo stated.

"Kyungie, why?" Baekhyun whined, hitting Kyungsoo on the arm.

Kyungsoo bought all the movies and we watched them on the couch all night long. Baekhyun complained about the horror movie being too scary and how he would kill all of us when he got the chance to. We had finished watching all the movies around 1:37 in the morning. I heard the door open when we were sitting on the couch.

"It's probably my dad." Kyungsoo said.

"Why is he getting home this late?" I asked.

"Because of work, that's what he tells me but I know it isn't true." Kyungsoo said then got up to answer the door.

Kyungsoo came with his dad into the living room. His dad wasn't drunk or anything from what I could tell, I was curious what he was doing.

"You guys should just spend the night here it's getting pretty late."

"Thanks, Mr. Do." Baekhyun said.

"Kyungsoo did you like your new mattress? I hope you have a better sleep on this one, it was the most expensive and best one in the store I could find." Mr. DO infrormed.

"No, I haven't tried it yet, thanks, dad." Kyungsoo responded with a smile.

"Come on, Baek, Chanyeol, Kai" Kyungsoo said, motioning for us to follow.

"How are we all gona fit in one bed?" I asked, thinking there were four of us and all of us in one bed... I didn't think that would work.

"Oh you have to see the kind of bed D.O has. You saw his bed earlier but that was his dog's bed." Chanyeol said, making his way up the stairs.

"That was your dog's bed?" I asked amazed, who buys a bed that big for their dog?

"Yep." Kyungsoo stated, opening the door to his room. We walked past the bed and into another room right beside the closet.

"Damn!" I said amazed "You could probably fit a whole faimly in that bed."

"I know that." Kyungsoo simply said.

Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo started taking off thier clothes in front of me.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Do you normally sleep with your clothes on?" Baekhyun asked me.

"I do, I don't sleep a lot."

"A lot, hmmm." Chanyeol said.

"We're not sleeping , Kai, we're changing into shorts we sleep with shorts on"  Kyungsoo informed me.

"But why are you all changing in front of each other" I asked.

"Because we've all seen each other at least once and it's not like we're completely , we have underwear on." Baekhyun stated pulling up some shorts over his underwear.

"If you wanna change in the bathroom. Chanyeol has a pair of shorts in the bottom drawer you can borrow." Kyungsoo said.

"Ok." I said walking to the dresser, then to the bathroom.

I took off my shirt and shorts and placed them on the ground next to the sink neatly, then pulled on Chanyeol short's and walked back into Kyungsoo's bedroom

"I put my clothes by the sink" I said.

Kyungsoo just nodded in respond.

"Come on, Kai, jump on the bed." Chanyeol said, motioning me to come to the bed. I hopped on the bed and sank right in.

"Wow your bed is so soft and cushiony." I said, laying there with my face sinking into the bed.

"I know, I hope it is. I hope I can get better sleep now. This is the nineth mattress my dad's gotten me in two months..." Kyungsoo said, walking over to the other side of the bed getting in under the covers.

I slowly drifted to sleep - in the same position I was in ever since I laided down - with Chanyeol and Baekhyun cuddling next to me. I woke up the next morning to an upset Chanyeol, but that was the best sleep I've had so far in my life. I thought about marrying this mattress so I was fine.

"What is this?!" Chanyeol said a little loud, waking me, and Baekhyun up.

"What is what Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked tiredly not fully conscious yet.

"This what is this?" Chanyeol asked, moving his arms in a data motion at Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.

I propped myself up a little bit to see what the deal is and it/ was Kyungsoo cuddling with Baekhyun.

"Oh. this?" Baekhyun asked. "Kyungie and I always cuddle together when we sleep together. He's just so squishy and cute when he sleeps. Don't tell him I said that!" 

"Why don't you cuddle with me?" Chanyeol whined.

"Because you snore like a whale" Baekhyun stated, well I couldn't disagree. I slept next to him all night and he is a loud snorer.

"Kai I'll be downstairs." Baekhyun said getting off the bed.

"Wait for me!" Chanyeol said, getting off there bed following Baekhyun.

I moved more into the bed. I was slowly drifting back to sleep.

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Chapter 6: Hey! Sorry for not being able to comment earlier, because a book got me hooked up and I only managed to read the uploaded chapters now. I'm looking forward to see what will happen within the next chapters and how Kyungsoo's 'admiration' for Jongin will develop :) Keep up your good work! *^*
Chapter 4: I hope their relationship is not too rushed... well I'm looking foward the next chapters
Chapter 1: Wow, how do you managed to update your ff within such a short period? It sounds interesting and I will enjoy reading it!