Little Debbies

Take My Hand And Run Away With Me Forever

Kyungsoo's Point Of View


"Baekhyun I'm gonna kill you later!" I screamed. "Chanyeol get back here!" I ran after him and once I caught up I grabbed his leg and sat on his foot like a little kid. A little kid begging they're favorite person not to leave them.

"Get off my foot!" he yelled at me.


"Baek help me!" Chanyeol whined.

"Baekhyun's my friend."

"He is my boyfriend!

"BAEKHYUN!!!!" we both shouted simultaneously.

"You're my friend." I said to him.

"You're my boyfriend."

"Sorry, Kyungie..." Baekhyun said as he tried to pry me off of Chanyeol's foot.

"Kai!" I yelled.

"Yes?" He looked at me strangely, knowing the situation that I'm in.

"Help me."

"Ok." he said, going in front of Chanyeol trying to block the way to my room.

Kai was pushing Chanyeol, trying to hold him back but Chanyeol seemed to be stronger than Kai. Meanwhile I was losing my grip as Baekhyun tried to pull me off Chanyeol's leg with all his strength. I gripped tighter onto Chanyeol's leg.

"Baek stop pulling me off of his leg!"

"No, I'm helping my boyfriend."  I lost my grip on Chanyeol's leg again, my left hand slipping off. Baekhyun started to tickle me which was really bad for me because I was extremly ticklish. I couldn't help but to protect my stomach with my hands. I let go of Chanyeol completely while Baekhyun was still tickling me. Chanyeol and Kai were pushing each other then Chanyeol pushed Kai out of his way. I got up and ran to my closet spreading my body in front of its doors.

"Are you really that stupid, D.O? There's a button to open your closet doors here." Chanyeol said as he pushed the button sliding the doors open. an I stumbd back ot leaning ainst the doors anymore. I ran over to the back of my closet and guarded my snacks from Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol think about it. You don't want to eat them 'cause if you eat them you'll become as fat as I am and Baek won't like you anymore because you'll be so fat that he won't even be able to hug you. He'd just bounce away from you ever time he comes in for a hug and you'd have to be rolled everywhere you go. It would become an addiction and because it's an American dessert it'll make you so much fatter than you already are." I tried to persuade Chanyeol not to take my snacks.

"I'm not fat."

"Yes, you are! Your V-line is not visible at all, it's disappearing! You're gonna be fatter than I am, you might already be fatter!"

"No, I'm not because no one is fatter than you and that's a fact." Chanyeol stated

"Well, that hurt my feelings."

"I don't care. Move, I've never had an American dessert or snack so just give me one, please!" Chanyeol looked at me with his puppy eyes.

"It's not working on me, you know your ugly- puppy eyes only works on Baek."

"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol shouted as he walked to the door.

"Yes Channie?" Baekhyun asked, walking over to Chanyeol.

"Make him give me a little debbie."


Baekhyun walked over to me.

"Kyungie can yo please give Chanyeol one?"


"Why not?"

"Because they are mine. But... I'll make a deal with you. If throw all of the eyeliner in my drawer away and I'll give him one."

"Your kidding, right?"

"Not really."

"Chanyeol I'm sorry. He won't give me one and I don't want to throw away all my eyeliner for one stupid dessert."

"Baekhyun please!" Chanyeol whined. "I'll buy you new eyeliner."

"Kyungsoo can't I do something else?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes you and Chanyeol can be my assitants for a week."

"Deal!" Chanyeol said immediantly, right after I finished my sentence.

"Ok, I'd rather do that."

I turned around and reached on the shelf behind me and grabbed one of the little debbie boxes filled with brownies because that was my least favorite and if Chanyeol was going to get one of my little debbies he was definetly going to get my least favorite one. I opened the brownie box and took out one of them and threw it at Chanyeol's face.

"Thank you, D.O." Chanyeol said, opening the brownie and taking a bite

"It's so good, I see why you're so fat now, D.O. American desserts are so sweet! We're gonna end up as what your dad said, the blueberry minus the blue, he said that to me one time when we were eating pizza. He said I ate a lot, can you belive that? I do not!" Chanyeol said, stuffing his mouth with another bite of the brownie.

"Shut up and leave my room."

"Can we just watch movies for the rest of the day?"

"Fine but we aren't gonna be in my bedroom watching movies. We can watch them downstairs."

"Ok, but if I get tired can I sleep over?"

"No, Baek, please take your boyfriend out of my room and dowstairs to the living room."

"Ok, come on Kyungie and Channie"

"I'll be there in a second." I said, closing my door and hiding my snacks again.

Once downstairs I wanted to just die so badly because of my living room couch which was about to be filled with stains, considering Chanyeol was now going to eat on my couch.

"Come on, D.O, we have to pick a movie." Chanyeol said.

"I'm coming. What kind of movie do you guys wanna watch?" I asked, sitting down on the couch next to Jongin.

"Horror." Chanyeol replied instantly.

"Comedy." Baekhyun said "not horror, I get scared easily."

"If you get scared, I'm here." Chanyeol responded with a wink.

"Can we watch an action movie? we don't have to, though." Jongin asked.

"How about a mini movie marathon so we could watch action, horror and comedy?" I suggested.

"We could do that." Jongin said.

We compromised on the mini movie marathon and started to decide what movie to watch first.


Thanks for reading I'll show finish this note later


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Chapter 6: Hey! Sorry for not being able to comment earlier, because a book got me hooked up and I only managed to read the uploaded chapters now. I'm looking forward to see what will happen within the next chapters and how Kyungsoo's 'admiration' for Jongin will develop :) Keep up your good work! *^*
Chapter 4: I hope their relationship is not too rushed... well I'm looking foward the next chapters
Chapter 1: Wow, how do you managed to update your ff within such a short period? It sounds interesting and I will enjoy reading it!