Help Me! I Can't Remember 'Em!


I have bad a memory. Enough said.

There are so many memorable fics on here but I just can't seem to recall them. So if you have time or know what they're called, please help me out.

Appreciate it!


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Chapter 12: Shoot!! I was thinking I haven't read the last TaeNy fic you mentioned and was about to comment then, I remembered that I did read about it!!!!! It's definitely a short one but I'm not sure if it's part of multi shot fics or a single fic. Dang ittttt. Now it's stuck in my mind and I have to reread it. I'll definitely post the link here when I found it, haha.
1166 streak #2
Chapter 12: i would also like to read it along with you, so pls if any one knows this kindly post the link or even the title
Gaejihyo815 #3
Chapter 12: I would love to read chap 12, if anyone finds it
reveluv316 857 streak #4
Chapter 1: sounds interesting
Jayzxn #5
Chapter 11: Ohh I never actually read the last one part 1 did anyone send you the title yet for that one
supercookies #6
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - i think the title is Let Us Pretend! by Bluppy. I read that on SSF back then and it's still not completed.
sparkynk #7