Hello Again


“Dude I don’t know why you just don’t make singing your career, your vocals are so beautiful.” Jongdae pressed a hand to his heart as he wiped away a fake tear. Baekhyun just rolled his eyes as he held open the bar door for the couple.  

He let the door slam shut as the three of them walked out onto the sidewalk. Baekhyun shivered as he wrapped his jacket around him in an attempt to try to get warmer.

“Jongdae’s right,” Yixing said with a pout as Jongdae intertwined their hands. “I have a few connections to a few companies. I could give you some business cards if you’d like.”

Baekhyun just shook his head as he gave the couple a crooked smile. “Nah. I’m pretty happy with how life’s treating me right now.”

“Except that you’re single,” Jongdae pointed out. Yixing frowned and nudged their shoulders together, making him sigh and shrug. “The offer for that blind date is still on the table if you want it.”

He scrunched his face up and shook his head. “I don’t do blind dates. Not through you at least.”

“Oh come on that last guy wasn’t that bad.”

“Jongdae he took me to a place that served insects and larva for our date.” Baekhyun gagged at the memory. “You don’t take people to eat insects and larva for a first date.”

“Point taken, but I promise this one isn’t an insect eating fanatic,” Jongdae said hopefully.

“He ate a spider in front of me and when he talked I could see bits of the legs poking out from his mouth. Jongdae, just face it. You at setting up blind dates.”

“Maybe I could set up a blind date for you!” Yixing exclaimed as he let go of Jongdae’s hand to clap. “One of my dance member’s friend broke up with someone not too long ago. Maybe he’d be interested in a blind date as well?”

Baekhyun kicked a rock near his foot as he thought about the idea. “Maybe, if the guy’s interested just send me a text or something.”

“Hey, you accepted Yixing’s offer so quickly,” Jongdae pouted and Yixing chuckled as he pressed a kiss to his cheek and held his hand. The pout quickly disappeared and turned into a goofy grin.

“Ew. I’m gonna leave so you two lovebirds can go on home to the nest or whatever.”

Baekhyun turned around and waved.

“You’re coming to the showcase on Saturday right?!” Yixing yelled out.

Baekhyun gave a thumbs up without looking back and waved good bye again.

He breathed out, creating a puff of air. He was about to create another puff of air when he heard his name being called out from behind him.

Baekhyun turned around in confusion as he thought he got away from third wheeling Jongdae and Yixing already. Instead he was faced with a man that he was sure he never saw before. He was pretty sure he hasn't seen him before, but his face looked somewhat familiar to him.

The man was bent over breathing heavily trying to catch his breath.

“Um, are you okay?” Baekhyun bent down to try get a glance at him, but got shocked when he suddenly stood straight up with a wide grin and offered a hand to him.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Luhan.” The two shook hands, with Luhan smiling widely while Baekhyun kept a wary eye on him. “No need to look at me like that. I’m harmless, promise.” Luhan put his hands up in a ‘I surrender’ position to show Baekhyun that he had nothing on him. “Pat me down if you want, but I can assure you that the only thing I have on me is my phone and my house keys.”

“I’m good.” Baekhyun shook his head with an awkward smile. Luhan nodded and put his hands down by his sides. “I’m Baekhyun, but I guess you already knew that.”

Luhan nodded vigorously as he clasped his hands together. “You were absolutely amazing earlier. And I was wondering if I could get a photo with you.”

“A photo?” Baekhyun asked in disbelief. He’s gotten plenty of compliments on his singing, but he can’t remember the last time someone asked for a photo with him.

“I swear it’s not anything creepy.” Luhan waved his hands around, hoping to dispel any bad thoughts Baekhyun was having. “My…friend really enjoys your singing as well and I kinda just wanna rub it into his face.” Luhan let out a small giggle as he scrolled down on his phone.

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at the giggling Luhan and shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he shrugged one shoulder. “One photo couldn’t hurt.”

Luhan squealed and quickly wrapped an arm around Baekhyun. He raised his phone up and smiled into the camera. Baekhyun gave a wide smile and held up a peace sign next to his face.

The two separated after Luhan got a few shots of them together. Luhan quickly began to type onto his phone while he held back laughter.

He quickly collected himself and gave a polite smile to Baekhyun. “Thanks again. I hope to hear you sometime soon.”

Baekhyun let out an embarrassed chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck. “No problem, why don’t you bring your friend next time.”

“Oh I will. Bye bye~” Luhan ran off, waving good bye.

Baekhyun gave a small wave as he watched him run off.  He scratched the back of his head before shrugging and resuming his walk back to his apartment.

A brightly lit store came up as he walked. He stopped in front of the glass doors contemplating whether or not he should go in.

But then he remembers the only food he has at home is the fried rice Jongdae made and he’s not about to eat horribly seasoned rice with salty eggs.

“I’ll just grab some instant ramen then go home,” Baekhyun said with a firm nod to try and convince himself not to buy any unnecessary junk food.

A small buzzer went off as Baekhyun entered the store, giving a polite nod to the bored looking teenager at the register. All he gets in response is a blank stare and a yawn before the cashier went back to reading his magazine.

Baekhyun wants to give a sarcastic comment on how great the customer service was, but holds back so he could keep a polite image to the rude . After all, he is the older one and should be a good influence to the young people around him. It’s quite bull and Baekhyun knows that.

He begins to stroll around the empty aisles, looking for his favorite brand and flavor of instant ramen. Baekhyun also spots his favorite chocolate bar and hesitantly picks it up. He quickly walks away with the chocolate in his hand despite his earlier decision not to get anything besides the ramen.

Since he already picked something up besides the ramen, he decides to grab the bag of chips that Jongdae likes to steal from his place whenever he comes over and that one bag of gummy bears that Yixing loves to eat.

Might as well feed the people around him if he’s going to feed himself, right?

He finally leaves the candy aisle, along with a few more bags of candy, to get a few packs of the instant ramen for his 3am meal. When another person had entered the store, slightly jumping at the buzz that went off when he walked in.

The cashier gave him the same blank stare, which soon turned into a scrutinizing gaze and following the new customer with his eyes as he weaved through the aisles.

Baekhyun had glanced over at the new person, but quickly went back to balancing the ramen packages in his arms. He nodded at his achievement of keeping everything from dropping from his arms. He knew he didn’t need a basket to hold his things.

He turned around to head to the cashier, but bumped into something with an ‘oof.’ The bump had caused a ramen package fall from his arms and onto the floor.

Baekhyun stared down at the fallen package in sadness. He looked up to say a few words to whatever or whoever bumped into him.

Instead he was greeted with the person bending down to pick up the package.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened when they landed on a familiar light haired brunette with black rimmed glasses.

Sehun put the fallen ramen package on top of Baekhyun’s pile of things in his arms, making sure it wouldn’t fall again.

“Sorry about that,” he said then cringing and grabbing the exact same ramen package as Baekhyun from the shelf. He quickly walked to the cashier and paid, effectively leaving behind a wide mouthed and speechless Baekhyun.

It was only when the buzzer went off when Sehun left, Baekhyun finally snapped out of his thoughts and registered what just happened.

He turned to look at the doors with a longing expression.

“He still has the lisp…”

Jongin rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes as he sat up in his bed. Sehun laid across his lap with a black plastic bag in his hand.

“Is there a reason you had to wake me up at,” Jongin picked up his clock and squinted at the bright red numbers. “3:32 in the morning? Couldn’t you wait until normal people hours?”

Sehun shook his head, messing up his hair on Jongin’s blankets. “No. No it could not.”

“If this is another mid-life crisis, I don’t wanna hear it.” Jongin slouched forward as he fought off his sleepiness by constantly blinking.

“I saw him,” Sehun said, but was slightly muffled from his face down position on the blankets.

Jongin held back a yawn and wiped away the tears at the corners of his eyes. “Who?”

Sehun turned his head toward Jongin, pressing his face into the thigh of his friend. “Baekhyun. I saw Baekhyun.”

“Dude, you’re lispy. Are your retainers in?”

Sehun sat up on the bed properly and threw the grocery bag onto the floor. He reached over and quickly plucked multiple tissues from Jongin’s tissue box on the night stand.

He pulled out his retainers and wrapped the tissue around it, slightly grimacing at the future tissue taste his retainers are going to have later.

“Yes they were and that’s what I’m kinda freaking out about.”

“I thought you were freaking out about seeing Baekhyun.”

“That too.”

Sehun put his retainers on the night stand and moved to lie on his stomach on top of Jongin’s legs. “What do I dooooooooooooo????”

“Did you just run away or something?” Jongin felt more awake now that the reason he was woken up for was not something stupid. Although he still wished Sehun waited until he got more than two hours of sleep.


“What do you mean by kinda?”

“He dropped something and I gave it back to him. Then I grabbed what I wanted.” Sehun pointed the plastic bag on the floor. “Paid and left the store.”

“Oh my god you !” Jongin grabbed his pillow from beneath him and began to hit Sehun on the back. “What the literal ? You had a perfectly good chance to talk to him and you ruined it!! DUMB. .”

Sehun curled into a ball as Jongin kept on hitting him with the pillow. “I’M SORRY. I’M STUPID. I KNOW.”

“You could’ve taken him out to get some food or something and not be a ing wuss.” Jongin smacked him once more before putting his pillow back to its rightful place on his bed. “Or at least had a conversation with him.”

“I could’ve…but I didn’t…” Sehun mumbled under his breath.

“Nice job stupid.”

“I know I’m stupid. I’m the king of all stupid people,” Sehun grumbled as he closed his eyes and grabbed Jongin’s spare pillow, burying his face in it.

“So can I go back to sleep now?” Jongin asks with a yawn now that he’s calmed down, he feels even more tired than he did earlier. “We can continue your crisis later. Preferably six hours from now.”

Sehun’s answer was muffled by the pillow and Jongin took it as a yes, therefore he kicked him off of his bed.

He groaned in pain as he lay on the floor, the pillow still in arms. Sehun’s also pretty sure he landed on the package of instant ramen. He hopes it’s still edible despite being crushed by his .

“Good night,” Jongin says as he pulls his comforter over him as he lies down on his side facing the wall. “Turn off the lights when you leave. Oh and don’t forget your nasty retainers.”

Jongin turned away from the wall when the lights never turned off and he never heard Sehun get up from the floor. He peered over the edge of his bed and saw Sehun fast asleep on the floor cuddling his pillow. He sighed and got from his bed to turn off the light, even stepping lightly on Sehun in annoyance when he went back to his bed.

When he got back to his bed, Jongin threw a spare blanket over Sehun. He wasn’t going to bother waking him up since it takes an army to him up, so he’ll just leave him on the ground.

He’s made himself comfortable when he makes one final comment, even though Sehun probably can’t hear him.

“Don’t blame me for your back problems.”

“Ugh why did you leave me on the floor? My back is killing me, plus sleeping on the ramen didn’t help at all.” Sehun groans as he massages his back as the two walk to the dance studio Jongin goes to.

Jongin shrugs as he adjusts his duffle bag strap on his shoulder. “I told you not to blame me for your back problems.”

“When did you say-” Sehun was about to say more when a middle aged lady came up to him began to talk to him, speaking a million words a minute.

Jongin snickered as he watched Sehun begin to panic at how fast the lady was talking to him. And the longer Sehun stood there trying to talk to the lady, more middle aged ladies came up and all began to talk at once.

He looked at the time on his phone and realized he needed to get to the dance studio in ten minutes. Jongin caught Sehun’s attention and waved at him with a smile as he walked backwards toward the studio.

He cackled when he saw Sehun panic, trying to get away from the crowd that was beginning to surround him.

Jongin let out a sigh of contentment when the air conditioning cooled his hot skin as he walked in. He looked at the entrance doors and saw Sehun push the door when he was supposed to pull.

Sehun banged his head against the glass door, leaning his head against the cool glass for a few seconds before pulling the door open.

“Nice going stupid,” Jongin said holding back a snicker.

“Why did you leave me?” Sehun whined as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Ahjummas are scary. Especially when they come up to you in a large group and talk about wanting you to meet their daughters or granddaughters.” A shiver went down his back as the two made their way up the stairs to the dance studio.

“Not my fault you’re like the most wanted bachelor of the year now,” Jongin said as he pushed open the door, revealing a few people stretching near the mirrors and a few lazing on the couch against the wall.

He greeted a few people as Sehun trailed behind him.

“It’s like you’re a goddamn idol you know?” Jongin asked as he sat on the floor to rustle through his duffle bag. “So much attention for a news anchor.”

Sehun groaned as he laid down next to Jongin. “I regret taking the job.”

“Do you?” Jongin raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you really?”


Jongin looked up to see a very friendly Chinese man take a seat next to him with a smile.

“Hey. I hope you don’t mind Sehun here,” Jongin said with a crooked smile.

Yixing shook his head. “In fact it’s even better!”

“Better?” Sehun and Jongin asked at the same time.

Yixing nodded with a large smile. “I have an offer for you Sehun.”

Sehun lifted his head off of the floor and looked at Yixing in interest. “What kind of offer? If it’s dancing, you know I can’t.”

“Oh no, it’s not about dancing or anything. Would you like to go on a blind date?” Yixing looked at him in anticipation as he rocked back and forth.

“Blind date?” Sehun scratched the back of his head as he thought. “I don’t know-”

Jongin smacked his head, making Sehun curl into the fetal position as he held his head. “Dude! Take it. It’ll be good for you, get your mind off of you know who. He’ll do it Yixing.” Jongin glared at his friend while Yixing let out a nervous chuckle.

“I don’t wanna force you into it if you don’t want to,” Yixing said quietly.

Sehun uncurled himself slightly to fix his glasses that were threatening to fall off. “No, I’ll do it. Jongin’s right, it’ll be good for me.”

“Great! So-” Yixing was about to talk about the blind date Sehun was going on with, but was interrupted by his phone going off.

Sehun scrambled into a sitting position and apologized as he answered his phone.

“What?...Now? Why?...Finefinefinefine! I’M COMING.” Sehun hung up with a huff and stood up with his messenger bag. “Just tell Jongin the details and he’ll tell me later. Duty calls.”

He pushed his glasses up and ran out of the studio in a hurry.

Jongin shrugged when Yixing looked at him in confusion. “So details. Who’s this mystery date?”

Yixing pulled out his phone with a small smile as he pulled up a picture. “This is him. A year younger than me, but it shouldn’t bother Sehun much, right?”

Jongin took the phone and tried to hold back his laughter when he realized who it was in the picture. He couldn’t hold it back anymore and burst out laughing.

Yixing watched in confusion as he watched Jongin roll around laughing on the floor with his phone.

“Oh my god this won’t bother him at all. In fact it’s even better than what Sehun could expect.” Jongin wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye as he looked at the picture. “Ahh, Sehun is going to love us for this.” Or hate us, but Jongin wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Really?” Yixing’s sparkled in happiness as he grabbed his phone from Jongin to send a text.

“Yes. Oh my god Yixing I could kiss you right now.”

“Eh? But I have a boyfriend…”

“I-It’s an expression Yixing.”

“Ohhhh I see.”



A/N: Kinda normal people time? Maybe next time. But I'm just sticking this out cause I'm currently trying to pull my life together before I start school on Monday. -Sobs- So I'm gonna try to keep updates to at least once a week once school begins. No guarantees, but I'll try. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

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976 streak #1
Chapter 18: I finally finished this beautiful story.
They have a beautiful relationship and a beautiful circle if friends.
I hope you are still around to read our comments. Thank you so much for sharing.
976 streak #2
Chapter 7: Just started reading this sebaek fic.
I'm lovibg it.
smilingsadpanda #3
Chapter 18: Hi... I read it again... And I still find my comment from 2016... And I still love this story the same...
Thank you
Shipping_Life #4
Chapter 18: Awww~! This is so cute~! I really LOVED THIS!! ♡~♡ plus this story made me cry a little curse you author-nim! (Joking) but really love this story an all the details!!! ☆_☆
Chapter 18: Wooohhhh i was at the peack trying to get all giddy giddy but there was no next.-.
Poooor me
*-* sebaek xiuhan my loves
loved the story
it was smooth and soft
with hints of pink
specially the last part
i couldhave enjoyed it with cofee and marshmellow lol
Chapter 18: Wait, oh god i was just reading and then i realized that was the end TT_TT
smilingsadpanda #7
Chapter 18: After many months I came back to read it again... And still love it the same when I first time read it...
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 18: ASDFGHJKL sebaek
R_nine21 #9
Chapter 2: Luhan n Sehun LOLOL