

Baekhyun sat on his couch with his feet propped up on his coffee table. He sat there in a daze, with his remote in his right hand, thumb hovering over the power button, as he stared blankly at his silent tv.

“You gonna turn the tv on or not? You’ve been sitting there staring at your tv for ten minutes with the remote,” Jongdae stated as he stood in the entrance of the kitchen with a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other.

“I don’t know…” Baekhyun muttered quietly as he stared at the remote in his hand.

Jongdae sighed and walked back into the kitchen to continue making dinner for him and Baekhyun. “You know,” Jongdae raised his voice to make sure Baekhyun heard him. “It’s been a week since Sehun walked in and the two of you had that ‘magical moment’ you claimed to have. Plus, I thought you were going to watch the six o’clock news religiously. It’s almost six, what are you doing?”

“I do. I just can’t get over what happened though,” Baekhyun said as leaned his head back, groaning a bit from the pain of hitting his head on the wall behind him. He raised the remote and finally pressed the power button.

“Get over what?” Jongdae flinched as oil began to pop up when he poured in the egg mixture. He leaned back to avoid flying oil as he poked at the eggs with a spatula. “The fact that you might never see him again? Or the fact that you felt a ‘connection’ when the two of you met eyes?”

“Booooth,” Baekhyun whined as he kicked his legs about. “He looked even better in person and I might never him again. And my hd tv is not helping at all.”

“What about that ‘connection’ you felt?” Jongdae silently cheered for himself for not burning himself when poured the scrambled eggs onto a plate.

“It was magical,” Baekhyun breathed out. He cuddled with a pillow as he gazed toward the tv dreamily, even though there was an orange juice commercial on.

Jongdae raised his eyebrows at that comment as he dumped leftover rice into the pan. “Alrighty then. And you’re the one who said I was cheesy.”

“You are and forev-Ohmygod.”


Jongdae turned off the fire when his friend didn’t respond after a good thirty seconds. He grabbed a towel and dried his hands as he walked into Baekhyun’s living room.

He found his friend’s face buried into pillow as he rocked back and forth on the couch, muttering incoherent words.

Jongdae turned his attention to tv and saw that the weather was on. Apparently it was going to be extremely hot for the next few days. Wonderful.

“Are you freaking out over the fact that it’s going to be hot for an even longer period of time or what?”

Baekhyun peeked up at Jongdae from behind the pillow. “He changed his hair,” he squeaked out as he crawled over to him. “Jongdae he changed his hair. I can’t take it. Just drown me! The amount of hotness he is emitting is illegal and my hd tv is making everything worse.”

Jongdae stood there as Baekhyun clung to his legs while he rocked back and forth. He began to watch the tv, waiting for the weather report to change back to the news anchors.

He let out a low whistle once he saw the new haircut on Sehun.

He had his hair color dyed to a light mocha colored brown while it was short enough to be spiked up. He had also shaved the sides of his head, giving him an even more youthful look.

“He looks like a college student with his hair spiked up like that,” Jongdae commented, not paying attention to the whining Baekhyun on his legs. “I wonder if that’s what he looked like in college.”

Baekhyun pulled at his pant leg with desperation written on his face. “Don’t, don’t even let me think about that.”

“Oooh~ First a hair kink, now you got an age kink. y.” Jongdae snickered as he walked back to the kitchen to finish up the fried rice he was making, leaving behind Baekhyun to fall onto the floor with a thud.

“I do not have those kinks!!” Baekhyun yelled after Jongdae.

“Don’t even try to deny the hair kink! I know you have one!!” Jongdae shouted back at him. 

Baekhyun pulled his legs up to his chest as he silently as he watched the news. He didn’t even try to deny Jongdae, just knowing that their little argument would be continuous rounds of ‘Yes you are’ and ‘No I’m not’ shouts at each other.

He swallowed down with slight difficulty when the camera had zoomed in on Sehun’s face as he spoke about a recent wildfire in some province.

He swallowed again when he saw Jongdae place two plates full of fried rice onto his coffee table as he pushed various magazines onto the rug.

“Gonna eat?” Jongdae asked as he offered Baekhyun a spoon when he sat down at the low table.

Baekhyun nodded as he took the spoon and crawled closer to the table.

He ate a spoonful of the fried rice and frowned slightly. “Yixing’s is better,” he muttered as he continued to eat.

Jongdae pouted as he kept his eyes on the tv. “Well I’m sorry that Yixing wasn’t here to make his fried rice.”

Baekhyun shrugged as he kept his eyes on Sehun, his ears not picking up on what he was saying, rather he was just staring at his newly cut hair. Occasionally glancing down at his lips whenever he bit down on them. After watching the news for a good week, he noticed that Sehun has a habit of biting his lips or pressing them into a thin line.

Baekhyun is starting to think it’s a bit worrying since he’s noticing these habits of Sehun’s by watching him every day. He swears it’s not weird. Or creepy.

He sighed as he poked at his rice while Jongdae kept watching the news.

“You know, I think this is the most news I’ve watched in my life.” Jongdae leaned back against the couch as he let out a small chuckle. “And it’s all because of you. Even Yixing doesn’t watch the news that much.”

Baekhyun pouted as he glared at him. “I’m not forcing you to come to my house.” He placed his spoon on the plate and leaned back on his hands. “If you hate it so much go back home to your precious Yixing.”

Jongdae folded his hands over his stomach as he laid his head on the couch cushions. “Yixing’s been staying out to prep for that showcase on Saturday. He doesn’t get home till like eleven now.”

“Poor you,” Baekhyun scoffed as he poked Jongdae’s leg with his foot. “Must be hard to go home when no one’s there to greet you.”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it. You’re a bitter single person.” Jongdae waved him off as he sat there staring at the tv.

Baekhyun sighed as he pulled down his shorts when they rode up as he sat straight up. “I am a bitter single person. And all this bitterness is towards you cause you’re the one who left me and all of my singleness to move in with Yixing.”

Jongdae rolled his head to look at Baekhyun. He gave him a sympathetic look as he nudged their knees together. “I’m sorry. You know how Yixing gets sometimes. He worries me way too much for me not to take his offer to move in.”

“I know, I know,” Baekhyun groaned as he threw himself back onto the floor. “It’s just a bit lonely sometimes.”

“I’m here now, isn’t that good enough?”

“I’d prefer it if it was Sehun, but you’re good for now.”

Jongdae launched a pillow at him and Baekhyun hastily put up his arms in defense. “Meanie,” Baekhyun pouted as he hugged the pillow to his chest.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but why are you so hung up on Sehun anyways? I know that stuff happened in high school and all, but why now?” Jongdae’s face softened when he noticed Baekhyun’s grip on the pillow tightened.

“I don’t know.” Baekhyun sighed and rolled onto his side to face Jongdae. “I mean. Maybe it’s because in high school it was ‘it could have been’ and now it’s ‘it could be.’ In high school he didn’t have a chance. I didn’t give him a chance. Now there’s a chance for us to be together so I’m clinging onto the hope we could get together?”

Jongdae raised his eyebrow, as if saying ‘Really?’ Baekhyun just shrugged and glanced over to the tv where the news was still playing.

“It could also be my lonely latching onto the closest hot guy I’ve seen this month.”

“You are one thirsty .”

“Hell yeah I am.”

Sehun let out a sigh of relief when he closed his apartment door behind him. He dropped his black messenger bag next to his feet as he toed off his shoes and threw his keys onto the table next to him, completely missing its designated spot in the bowl on the table.  

He set aside his slight frustration at not making the throw into the bowl, and shuffled into the living room while he dragged his bag across the floor.

He found his roommate and best friend, Jongin, fast asleep on the couch with the tv still on. Sehun noticed it was on channel seven, he forced back a grimace when the thought of his friend watching him on tv popped up.

Sehun still found it weird that he was on tv and that people actually wanted to watch him. If the ratings that Luhan keeps talking about are any proof, practically the entire country watched the news whenever he was on it.

Creepy, yet satisfying.

“Jongin.” Sehun threw his bag onto his friend, making his friend jerk awake from the sudden weight on his stomach. “If you’re going to sleep, do it in your room. You’re gonna hurt your back again.” He grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and turned off the tv.

Jongin groaned as he slowly pushed Sehun’s bag off of his stomach and onto the floor. “Seriously dude, what do you have in there? Bricks?”

“Paper. Lots and lots of paper.”

“No food?” Jongin kicked the bag with a frown while Sehun went to raid their kitchen.

“No food. Unless you count the month old piece of mint I have in there.” Sehun began to open and close random cabinets when he saw remnants of various vegetables and a half full carton of milk in the refrigerator. “And we don’t seem to have food in our own house.”

Sehun pursed his lips together as he looked into cereal box, he took a quick sniff, then ate one. He frowned at the softness and staleness of the cereal and threw the box onto the counter.

“I ordered takeout for dinner,” Jongin yawned as he walked into the kitchen. “I didn’t save any for you though.”

“Why would you do that,” Sehun whined as he held a bunch of extremely brown bananas.

Jongin shrugged as he scratched his chin. “I thought you would’ve gone out to dinner like you’ve been doing for the past few days.”

Sehun sighed and threw the bananas into the garbage. “No. Luhan hyung finally got over the fact he got a phone number. A phone number. He got a phone number and he wanted to go out to dinner, multiple times, to celebrate. Who does that?”

“That just means you can do that to Luhan when you get Baekhyun’s phone number.” Jongin smirked when Sehun turned his attention from the milk carton in his hand to Jongin.

“Who said I’m gonna get his number,” Sehun scoffed as he poured himself a cup of milk.

“Um why wouldn’t you?” Jongin took the carton from Sehun and poured himself a cup. “You couldn’t do it in high school, might as well do it now, right?”

Sehun just silently sipped his milk, forcing his attention to a brown spot on the tiled floor as Jongin gave him judgemental eyes as he drank his milk.

Jongin placed his cup down on the counter with a sigh. “Dude come on. I know you still like him. It’s so obvious.”

“What, no it’s not. How?” Sehun scowled at Jongin, waiting for him to reply as he rubbed his temples.

“The fact you can’t hold down any relationship after your little confession is considered something, plus you still look at our yearbook and you have post its in your yearbook that mark where he is. Plus you still have that handkerchief he gave you after he rejected you. It’s so obvious.” Jongin looked at him as if he was stupid.

Sehun glared at Jongin. “You went through my stuff.”

Jongin shrugged as if to say ‘So what?’ “You’re not over him.”

“So what if I’m not,” Sehun mumbled under his breath.

“So what? Then go get his number!!” Jongin shook his shoulders with a smile. “You got nothing to lose! I mean you broke up with that one guy more than a month ago, enough time has passed for you to go and get someone else.”

“And why should I follow your advice? You’re the one who got me to confess and look where that got me,” Sehun said coldly.

Jongin grimaced as he gave him a crooked smile. “Sorry? But this time it’s different. We’re older and you don’t have to deal with the teenage awkwardness. Plus it’s not like he’ll go off to college in a month.”

“I don’t even know if he’s dating anyone right now.” Sehun took Jongin’s hands off of his shoulders with an exhale. “I’m not risking it.”

He walked out of the kitchen and made beelined it to his bedroom, locking the door behind him so Jongin wouldn’t be able to come in.

Sehun groaned and banged his head on the door when he realized he had left his bag out in the living room, which had his laptop, and there was no way he was risking going out again if Jongin was out there. He would only bug him even more about Baekhyun. Even Luhan wasn’t bugging him too much about it.

He decided he’ll just do all his work through his phone, despite the inconvenience of a tiny screen and glasses.

He changed into a plain black tee shirt and a worn out pair of grey sweats before settling into his bed with his phone in his hand.

Sehun was about to check his email when a he received a text from Luhan.

From Lu Hyung:

sehuuuuun are you still awake

ω◐ )

To Lu Hyung:

what do you want

if its minseok related i don’t wanna hear it

From Lu Hyung:

luckily for you its not

its about baekhyunnnnn

Sehun squinted at the bright screen as he stuck out his tongue in disgust.

From Lu Hyung:

sehun? you still there? ︿

To Lu Hyung:

yeah yeah

From Lu Hyung:

so do you wanna hear about him or not?

To Lu Hyung:

does it really make a difference if I say yes or no

From Lu Hyung:


not really

SO apparently baekhyun’s at this bar

and its like near your place

im also like in the bar too

so you should like

come to the bar

To Lu Hyung:

and why would i do that

From Lu Hyung:

because its baekhyun

and you looooooooove him

。◕ˇε ˇ。)

To Lu Hyung:

i do not

and im also not going

i have work to do

From Lu Hyung:

what work?

i saw you like an hour ago

you have no work to do

To Lu Hyung:

there’s something called being a college student

From Lu Hyung:

ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ

when i was in college

school work can wait

love cant
٩( ╹▿╹ )۶

come on lover boy

get your tush over here

or im gonna go for him

To Lu Hyung:


cause you totally didn’t spend the past three days taking me out to dinner

cause you wanted to celebrate getting your crush’s number

From Lu Hyung:


To Lu Hyung:

speaking of those dinners

you owe me

i paid for those meals

From Lu Hyung:

nah ┐(
 ̄ー ̄)┌

i wont have to owe you anymore

if you just come down to the barrrr

you wont regret it (~
³ ̄)~

To Lu Hyung:


bye hyung.

Sehun ignored any more incoming texts from Luhan and got out a notebook and pencil.

He plugged in his headphones and drowned everything else out so he could focus on the assignments he needed to finish before tomorrow morning.

It was past two in the morning when Sehun finally took off his headphones and stretched out his back.

He pressed submit on his last assignment and took off his glasses to rub his eyes.

This was the only time he hated having glasses; it was a pain to wear when staring at a bright screen for a long period of time. At least for him it was. He could always wear contacts, but he never liked the process of putting them in and taking them out. Too much work when he could just put something on his face and not do anything else.

He brushed his hair back with his hand as he put his glasses back on and got up from his bed to peek out into the hallway.

The apartment was completely silent and blanketed in darkness, only the occasional passing car brought light to their dark abode.

Sehun patted his stomach when he felt it growl at him.

“I understand, but we have no food.”

He went back into his room to grab his wallet and phone, also sticking in his retainers when he remembered he wants to keep his straight teeth.

Sehun left his apartment to go to an open convenience store in hopes of satisfying his hunger.


A/N: Sehun's hair is now like his Overdose era hair. Or just think of it as the same style he had when they did in the Ask In A Box video (you can just find it on youtube if you havent watched it already)

oh my gosh im updating at normal people time, maybe i'll do it again. maybe. byeee :D

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962 streak #1
Chapter 18: I finally finished this beautiful story.
They have a beautiful relationship and a beautiful circle if friends.
I hope you are still around to read our comments. Thank you so much for sharing.
962 streak #2
Chapter 7: Just started reading this sebaek fic.
I'm lovibg it.
smilingsadpanda #3
Chapter 18: Hi... I read it again... And I still find my comment from 2016... And I still love this story the same...
Thank you
Shipping_Life #4
Chapter 18: Awww~! This is so cute~! I really LOVED THIS!! ♡~♡ plus this story made me cry a little curse you author-nim! (Joking) but really love this story an all the details!!! ☆_☆
Chapter 18: Wooohhhh i was at the peack trying to get all giddy giddy but there was no next.-.
Poooor me
*-* sebaek xiuhan my loves
loved the story
it was smooth and soft
with hints of pink
specially the last part
i couldhave enjoyed it with cofee and marshmellow lol
Chapter 18: Wait, oh god i was just reading and then i realized that was the end TT_TT
smilingsadpanda #7
Chapter 18: After many months I came back to read it again... And still love it the same when I first time read it...
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 18: ASDFGHJKL sebaek
R_nine21 #9
Chapter 2: Luhan n Sehun LOLOL