No I Don't


Sehun might have gotten a little lost on the way to Starbucks from the news station, again, but hey, he found a place that makes good coffee. Or at least that’s what Luhan always said when he mentioned the place.

But coffee was coffee and Sehun had to go and get it, even though he never understood why he was still doing the coffee run when he wasn’t an intern at the moment. Although he’s not going to question it since it’s a free ticket out of a stuffy building and he gets to keep any change from the pool of money for the coffees.

Sehun walked up to the café, reading the golden letters on the red awning, Kim’s Café, as he stepped inside.

He immediately decided that he liked the place, it felt welcoming and warm to him. And it’s hard to hate a place that gives you the feeling of home when you walk in.

Sehun took out a piece of paper that had everyone’s order, which mainly consisted of coffee with different amounts of creamer and sugar in them. Except for Luhan’s order which was always a frappuccino and his order of hot chocolate. He wasn’t a coffee kind of guy, preferring to go get bubble tea instead of coffee. Unfortunately, he didn’t know of any bubble tea places close by so he couldn’t sneak off to get his preferred drink.

“Hello, what can I get you?” A light browned hair boy asked him from behind the counter, his nametag reading ‘Minseok.’

He pushed up his glasses as he looked down at the paper in his hand. “Um, could you just get me everything on this?” He hesitantly handed him the paper as he looked around the café nervously.

Minseok gave a look over the paper before giving a short nod. “I can do this for you. Just gotta give me some time since my other employee is over there right now.” He pointed a thumb at the light haired boy sitting at the keyboard on a small stage in the back corner of the café.

Sehun nodded slowly as Minseok left to make all of the orders. He sat down at the nearest empty table; he never noticed that most of the tables were now occupied.

Mostly college students from the looks of it, including a few older people, and all of their attention were on the boy on the keyboard. All the attention on the boy made Sehun even more curious about him and began to watch as well.

“Good afternoon. I’m Baekhyun and I hope you all enjoy the song I’ll be singing.”

The name Baekhyun rung out in his head as he watched with a newly piqued interest, he racked his brain for the name Baekhyun, but as he thought he didn’t notice that he was squinting at the boy when Baekhyun suddenly stopped playing when they made eye contact and immediately began to apologize for stopping to everyone in the café.

Sehun felt his heart practically stop when he realized he was the one who caused him to stop playing, feeling extremely sorry for squinting/glaring at him when he didn’t realize it.

He saw Baekhyun take a deep breath and began to play again, this time keeping his focus on the keyboard.

The small fluttering of your wings seemed like it was telling me to follow you
The sad eyes and tacit stories in your heart that night in which the whirlwind was raging

Sehun held his breath as he realized that this voice was something he had heard before and it was something that was familiar to him.

I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen
Because I am completely drunk at your movements, I even forgot how to breathe

He began to rack his brain as to where he had heard this voice before. And he as he thought, he realized that he knew that face.

Like a waltz, I sit lightly and can’t take my eyes off of you
My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk

The slight slant of those eyes, the puppy like features, and the same pouty lips-he knew. He knew and he knew it well.

Guide me yeah take me together with you to the place where you live
Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow from behind you so please don’t go out of my sight

He vaguely registered the voice from the counter calling for him, but he didn’t get up as he sat there in shock when he realized that his high school crush was right there in front of him.

Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear oh
This walk that I’m dreaming

Sehun only snapped out of it when a two bags with small cardboard boxes full of drinks appeared in front of him. He looked up to see Minseok sitting in front of him with a smile.

You’re my only beautiful butterfly
Oh, woo-hoo-hoo oh yeah- woo-hoo-hoo yeah woo-hoo-hoo

“I see that you’ve been entranced by my employee.” Minseok tilted his head slightly, keeping the same smile on his face.

Sehun had drowned out any other voices besides Baekhyun’s, but now his voice was muffled in the background as all his attention was focused on Minseok across from him.

He only pushed his glasses up, willing himself not to turn red, as he pulled out the envelope of cash from his back pocket.

“How much was all of this?” Sehun waved a hand toward the bags containing the cardboard boxes.

“82.34, I hope you’re not drinking all of this by yourself,” Minseok said, eyeing the drinks as he took the cash from Sehun

Sehun dismissed the thought with a wave as he stood up to pick up the bags.

“Absolutely not. I could not take all of this caffeine in my body at once. Oh and just keep the change.”

He bowed slightly to Minseok as he stood with his back against the entrance door, eyes glancing back at Baekhyun. The customers in the café began to clap as Baekhyun ended the song with an embarrassed smile and small bows.

Baekhyun stood up straight and smiled, he froze when he made eye contact with Sehun, smile faltering slightly.

Sehun glanced at the floor before looking back into his eyes, flashing a small smile before escaping the café that seemed to close in around him when he saw Baekhyun’s face fall.

He flopped onto the white plush leather chair in his waiting room. Sehun took off his glasses to rub the sore spot on the bridge of his nose as he remembered who he saw at the café.

He sighed and threw an arm over his eyes as someone walked in with a clear plastic cup in one hand and a paper cup in the other.

“You look all tuckered out from going on a coffee run.” Sehun peeked out from under his arm, although he didn’t have his glasses on, he still could tell that the person who walked in was Luhan. There’s no mistaking the honey colored hair he had. “I’m glad you went to Minseok’s café. I didn’t think I could take another Starbucks drink.”

Sehun put his glasses back on as he stared at Luhan taking happy sips from his cup. He put his hand out and Luhan handed him his drink.

He sat up properly and leaned his elbows on his knees. “You know Minseok?”

Luhan rolled his eyes as he leaned against the vanity table. “Duh. I go there all the time, why wouldn’t I know him?”

Sehun just shrugged and sipped at his hot chocolate, letting out a surprised noise when the chocolatey flavor exploded on his tongue. “It’s pretty good,” he said as he continued to drink.

“Of course it is,” Luhan said as he puffed his chest out. “So, what’s on your mind?”

He raised an eyebrow at Luhan, Luhan raised an eyebrow back at him making Sehun sigh. “I kinda saw someone at the café.”

That had gotten Luhan’s attention and he jumped up to sit on the table, putting his feet on the chair in front of him. “Ooh, was he cute?”

Sehun nodded with a frown. “He hasn’t changed. Expect his hair color.”

Luhan’s eyes widened as he put down his cup next to him. “You know him?”

“Yeah.” Sehun put his cup down on the white table in front of him and began to look at the papers in front of him, detailing about the various reports for today. “I knew him from high school.”

Luhan changed his seat to the chair in front of him as he leaned on the back of the chair. “Is it Kyungsoo?” He leaned forward toward Sehun with wide eyes.

Sehun looked up from the papers with a confused expression. “Who?”

“Someone who works there,” Luhan said as he bit his thumb. “Who else works there, who else…” He sat there thinking, while Sehun went back to reading.

He didn’t really want to talk about Baekhyun. Even though it has been who knows how many years now, the pain of the rejection never really left. He never regretted telling him about his feelings; he just regrets that he told him when he was in a relationship with someone else. Sehun figured he should’ve known that he was dating before making a fool out of himself by confessing.

Luhan stood up as he snapped his fingers, but Sehun paid no mind to him as he continued to ingrain the information into his head.

“Baekhyun! It’s Baekhyun right? I’m right, right?” Luhan shook his shoulder and leaned against him. “Right? Right?”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re right, you’re right,” Sehun muttered as he tried to keep his focus on the reports and his frustration down. Failing quite miserably since Luhan started to shake his shoulder out of excitement.

“Oh my gosh!” Luhan squealed. “You’ve picked like the most perfect boy in the world to fall in love with~”

Sehun shoved him off in frustration of not being able to do some work and having to deal with the fact that his high school love never seemed to have gone away. “I’m not in love with him.”

He began to ignore him as he continued to shuffle through the papers with more aggression than he intended to. While Luhan sat on the floor in shock at the small outburst from Sehun. From his position on the floor, he watched Sehun read the papers with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and with a seemingly permanent frown on his face.

Luhan sighed and stood up to pick up his drink. He down the rest of it and threw into the trashcan next to the table.

“I’ll come back when you’re done being pissy.” Luhan closed the door behind him with a bit more force than it needed, making the pictures on the wall rattle slightly and the plant leaves shuffle around.

Sehun threw the papers down on the table as he leaned back in the chair, rubbing his eyes while he pushed his glasses up on his head.

He knew he was being unreasonable with Luhan. Taking out some of his frustrations on his friend and co-worker was not the nicest thing to do when Luhan just wanted to be happy for him. But there wasn’t any way he could’ve let his friend be happy for him when he wasn’t even happy for himself.

Seeing Baekhyun again brought back unwanted feelings, feelings that he thought he got rid of a long time ago. And he hates the fact they have resurfaced with just one look at him.

But the thing was that, the feelings were always there. They never left and Sehun knew that.

He had boyfriends, even a few girlfriends, but they never lasted more than a month. Somehow always ending in the same cliché way, “It’s not you, it’s me.” But in reality it was more like, “It’s not you, it’s my feelings for my high school crush that never went away.”

Sehun hated the fact that he never got over Baekhyun. It was even worse since they had never dated, nor were they friends. The only time they ever talked was when Sehun confessed.

Despite getting rejected, Sehun swore that his little crush just got bigger.

It was around five o’clock when Luhan walked back into Sehun’s room.

Sehun had his head resting on the back of the chair along with papers sitting on his face, moving slightly from his breathing.

“I hope you’re not dead because then they’d have to show a corpse on the six o’clock news,” Luhan commented as he set down a makeup box on the vanity table.

Sehun lifted his head, making the papers fall to the floor, and sat up with a groan. “I wish I was.”

“Fantastic, from pissy to self-wallowing.” Luhan shook his head as he brushed some foundation onto his hand. “Just get your over here so I can make you even prettier than you already are.”

Sehun moved to sit in the chair in front of the vanity, immediately getting to work on putting his contacts in when Luhan handed him his case.

After blinking a few times when he put in the contacts, Luhan got to work on his face and later his hair.

Luhan closed the gel tube with a click and nodded his head at Sehun. “Yup. Pretty faces means higher ratings,” he muttered as he brushed away a few strands of hair. “I swear to god that is the only reason why you got this job when you’re this young.”

He only shrugged as he adjusted his hair as he looked at himself in the mirror. “It also helped that my uncle got me working here as an intern. Our boss just liked my face enough to give me a small promotion from intern to news anchor. Well it’s only temporary.”

Luhan rolled his eyes as he packed up the makeup. “It won’t be temporary once that old man retires. He’s already sixty something and I’m kinda tired of doing makeup on someone who is extremely touchy when I do makeup on them. At least you understand that I do not appreciate people groping my when I work.”

Sehun shrugged. “What can I say, I’m just that nice.”

“Hah, yeah right.” Luhan scoffed and leaned against the table. “So, wanna explain what was up with your bratty attitude earlier?”

He waved his hand dismissively as he stared down at his hands. “It’s stupid.”

“So is your face, c’mon just tell me. I’m not going to judge you.” He nudged his knee with his foot as he watched the color from Sehun’s face drain. “It’s about Baekhyun, right? Wanna tell your reliable hyung about what’s going on?”

Sehun looked up at his reflection in the mirror to see Luhan looking back at him with sympathetic eyes. He sighed and turned away.

“I was a sophomore. He was a senior. I liked him. I told him I liked him, but he was dating someone else. End of story.”

Luhan squinted his eyes at him, wanting more information on the vague story Sehun just gave him. “Is that really it? Something else must’ve happened if you freaked out on me like that earlier.”

Sehun sighed and glared at Luhan, who just returned the glare with no hesitation. The two sat like that for a good minute, neither giving up. But in the end Sehun finally gave up with a huff.

He folded his hands together on top of the table as he fiddled with his thumbs. “The thing was that I told him I liked him. He rejected me so I thought that would be it. Just try to move on from him. The only problem was that it felt like I liked him even more after the rejection.”

“What are you, a sadist? Masochist?”

Sehun ignored him and continued. “Even worse was that I heard that he broke up with his boyfriend a few weeks after. I thought, ‘Hey I could go ask him again and maybe this time he’ll say yes,’ but he just broke up with somebody and asking him out right away would be violating some rule like wait a month after break ups before getting together.

“The only problem was that if I waited a month, it would’ve been a good month and a half into the second semester. And he was a senior so he would be graduating in just a few months. There wasn’t a chance that he would’ve said yes to me, me a sophomore. And if he was just going to go and leave for college right after we got together, there wouldn’t be any point to dating. And call me cheesy, but I would like to date someone for longer than a few months.”

Sehun thought he sounded like a hypocrite, saying he wanted a relationship that would last longer than a few months when he couldn’t even hold down a relationship for a month.

“You’re not cheesy.” Luhan took a deep breath and readjusted his position on the table. “There’s plenty of people who wants a long term relationship. Like me.” He then pointed a finger at Sehun, which he raised an eyebrow at. “I’m not dating you just because we want long term relationships.”

Sehun gave him the ‘Are you serious?’ look and Luhan nodded with a smile.

“Good, that means we’re on the same page. Plus, I’ve had my sights on someone else. Just like you, someone at the café. So that means we both have an excuse for going back,” Luhan stated with a firm nod.

“Who said I’m going back there?” Sehun asked in confusion.

Luhan hopped off the table and kneeled down next Sehun, grabbing his arm. “Awh, come on. This is your chance!! You could get together with him.” Luhan shook his arm enthusiastically as Sehun kept his usual blank expression. “Don’t you dare tell me you don’t want to go see him again. Cause I know you do.”

“No I do not.”

“Yes you do.”








A/N: Let's just ignore reality in which news anchors are probably not hired in the way Sehun was. Just gonna ignore reality....ignore it....

Oh and the song Baekhyun was singing was Don't Go if you were curious. I just used the english translation

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972 streak #1
Chapter 18: I finally finished this beautiful story.
They have a beautiful relationship and a beautiful circle if friends.
I hope you are still around to read our comments. Thank you so much for sharing.
972 streak #2
Chapter 7: Just started reading this sebaek fic.
I'm lovibg it.
smilingsadpanda #3
Chapter 18: Hi... I read it again... And I still find my comment from 2016... And I still love this story the same...
Thank you
Shipping_Life #4
Chapter 18: Awww~! This is so cute~! I really LOVED THIS!! ♡~♡ plus this story made me cry a little curse you author-nim! (Joking) but really love this story an all the details!!! ☆_☆
Chapter 18: Wooohhhh i was at the peack trying to get all giddy giddy but there was no next.-.
Poooor me
*-* sebaek xiuhan my loves
loved the story
it was smooth and soft
with hints of pink
specially the last part
i couldhave enjoyed it with cofee and marshmellow lol
Chapter 18: Wait, oh god i was just reading and then i realized that was the end TT_TT
smilingsadpanda #7
Chapter 18: After many months I came back to read it again... And still love it the same when I first time read it...
R_nine21 #8
Chapter 18: ASDFGHJKL sebaek
R_nine21 #9
Chapter 2: Luhan n Sehun LOLOL