Same Difference [HIATUS]



Jungkook POV

It had been a long day at the museum, but the five of us had finally arrived at our apartment. Taeyeon and Minho had started preparing dinner, since they were the best at cooking out of all of us, Hyoyeon had sat down and chilled in the kitchen, talking to her best friends, V had sat down on the couch with a phone in his hands and I had just gone outside to the balcony, feeling like I needed some fresh air after being squeezed between a bunch of people all day. I slightly leaned into my shoulders with my hands wrapped around the railing. The sky was starting to darken and stars were slowly becoming visible. Staring up at the sky, the event which occurred earlier that day kept playing in my head. This had been going on ever since it happened. As soon as my mind had a chance to rest, the event started playing again and again. It was annoying and I didn't understand why it kept bothering me. I assumed it was because it was my fault, that I was feeling guilty. I sighed at the frustrating images in my head and slightly hit it with my knuckles.

"Yah. What are you doing, Jung?"

I flinched in surprise and turned my head quickly. V stood there, wide-eyed.

"Aish. Don't sneak up on people like that!" I groaned, holding a hand to my chest, even though I wasn't actually that startled.

"What do you mean? I was being pretty loud when I opened the door. There's now way you didn't hear me." He furrowed his eyebrows. My expression turned into a surprised one. Was I really so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear him come out? I groaned again and brush my palm over the back of my head in frustration.

"Kookie.... Y-you okay?" V rested his elbows on the railing with his back turned against it, looking at me worriedly.

"Hyung! Don't call me that!" I exclaimed and returned to the position I was in before V interrupted me.

"You didn't answer my question, though."

"Hyung, I'm... I'm fine."

V noticed the pause in my sentence and narrowed his eyes.

"Why're you lying to your hyung?"

"I'm not lying."

"Yes you are. Don't try to trick me! I know you too well, Jung." V pouted. "Besides, you've been acting weird lately. Apologizing and spacing out and stuff. M-maybe you should..." He bit his lip, doubting to continue the sentence, which made me curious.

"Maybe I should what?"

"Maybe you should go on.... on a date!" V exclaimed, eyes closed, waiting to be hit or slapped. I scoffed.


"Jungkook. You have to understand that not everyone is like her! Not everyone is heartless enough to do that to someone! She was a , but not all girls are!" V pleaded with a serious voice.

"Hyung, no!" I snapped. "If I'll ever date a girl, that won't be anytime soon!"

Hyoyeon POV

I had planned on going out on the balcony, to hand V his phone since it kept ringing, but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard V telling Jungkook to go on a date. I heard their whole conversation and it made me curious. What had happened to Jungkook? Who was this '' who had hurt him. I wanted to know.


After dinner

We had all just finished eating and were just chilling around. Taeyeon was on Skype with Sunny, Minho was playing Dota 2 on his laptop, Jungkook was in their bedroom, doing lord-knows-what and V and I were sitting on the couch watching Cake Boss.

"Omo, we just ate, yet I'm still wanting to eat that entire cake! Who wouldn't want to shove their face in a cake that looks like that!" V drooled. I laughed at him.

"I agree. I've always loved cake and still do!" I smiled at him. He ruffled my hair with a smile. That's when I remembered. Their conversation that I overheard. This was my chance to ask him.

"So, uh..... earlier when you and J-Jungkook were on the balcony..." I started, making him tilt his head at me.


"....I accidentally overheard. It was an accident! I swear! But I just wondered..."

V looked a little surprised for a second, before he nodded his head signaling me to continue.

"Well.... what happened to him? Who was the girl you guys were talking about?"

V nodded his head making an 'o' form with his mouth.

"Hmm, you see, two years ago, Jungkook had a girlfriend. She was pretty and cute, but the relationship started off mostly because she made him be with her. Back then, Jungkook used to have a hard time saying 'no', so he just went with it, trying to please her. Yup, there was once a time when Jungkook was like that to girls. But he was always his true, goofy self around me and our other friends. After a while, though, he started to develop feelings for her. Actual feelings. After a month or so, of being in the relationship with mutual feelings, he found out about something that made him the cold person he is today. His girlfriend had cheated on him with one of his best friends. He immediately broke up with her, without demanding an explanation and she didn't really care that much. He was heartbroken for a very long time, considering wether he should forgive her or not. When he finally got over it, though, he still didn't change back to his normal, goofy self. He stayed cold and grumpy, until this day."

I had a huge gape between my bottom lip and my upper lip. At first, I felt really bad for Jungkook. It must've been horrible to go through something like that and I could never imagine the feeling. After sitting there in silence for a while, I rethought it.

"So.... he still assumes that all girls are like that?" I asked, narrowing one of my eyes. V nodded with a sigh. I suddenly turned a little annoyed and felt offended. How childish. Yes, it must be hard to go through something like that, but it's just ignorant to think that all girls are the same. I scoffed with a pout on my face, but then remembered. The punishment. I had yet to come up with a punishment for him. Well, maybe now I didn't have to come up with one anymore. A smirk spread across my lips.

"Thank you, chingu! You've helped me a lot!" I hugged Vs arm with a smile on my face. He chuckled.

"Omo! Is this Hyoyeon doing aegyo?" He smirked and I pulled away.

"Yah!" I slapped his arm as he laughed at me.

"You're welcome!" He smiled.


The next day

Author POV

All the students had gathered up outside of the hotel. Today was the day when there would be a dance competition and a lot of students were excited. Hyoyeon, Taeyeon, Minho, V and Jungkook were all standing together in the crowd, waiting for a teacher to them to the place where the dance competition would be held.

"By the way, are any of you going to participate?" V asked, looking at Minho, Taeyeon and Hyoyeon.

"Nah, it's not really our thing. We're all mainly singers." Taeyeon explained and V nodded. "But... don't you two dance?"

V and Jungkook looked at each other and then back at Taeyeon.

"Well, yeah, but we rather perform with our other friends. Neither of us really like to dance alone on stage." V bit his lip, slightly embarassed. Hyoyeon took a hold of his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I'm the same. I hate to perform solo on stage in anything."

V suddenly hugged Hyoyeon playfully while chuckling at her cuteness.

"Aww so adorable!" He exclaimed. Hyoyeon rolled her eyes at him. None of them noticed Jungkook beside them, looking at V with wide eyes. Suddenly Jungkook took a hold of Vs shirt, pulling him off of Hyoyeon.

"Yah! Waeyo?!" V looked at Jungkook curiously and so did the others. Jungkook finally realized what he had unconsiously done and scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Err.... I-I saw a w- a wasp!" He stuttered.

"Aaah! Where?!" Taeyeon shrieked and Hyoyeon hid behind Minho.

"I-it flew away..." Jungkook gulped. The two girls stepped forward again, with a sigh of relief.

"Haha, not so badass anymore, huh Hyo~" V smiled and patted Hyoyeons head. She slapped his hand away while chuckling.

"I guess not..." She bit her lip.

"Yah! Hyoyeon-ah!" An annoyed voice screamed from behind them. They all turned around to meet eyes with Suzy. As their eyes widened, Suzy stepped in front of Hyoyeon. "Ok. Let's go. Chop chop." Suzy gave Hyoyeon her bag.

"But the teacher hasn't arrived yet. Can't I just stay with my fri-"

"Are you talking back to your master?" Suzy said with an angry tone, before she smirked and glanced at Minho. Hyoyeon noticed and quickly bowed.

"No, of course not. Let's go, sunbaenim-ssi!" Hyoyeon exclaimed and followed Suzy. Jungkook scoffed with a deadly glare at Suzy as he watched them walk away.

As Suzy and Hyoyeon arrived by the rest of Suzys' gang, Hyoyeon was attacked with carrying even more bags.

"Oh yeah. I've thought about ways that you can possibly get out of slavery." Suzy said while turning to face Hyoyeon. Hyoyeons eyes glittered with hope.

"Omo! Have you decided?!" Hyoyeon looked at Suzy with big eyes and Suzy laughed.

"Ne. There'll be a way."

"Omo omo! What is it?"

Just as Suzy was about to answer, the teacher, that had apparently arrived, started talking. All of the students turned to look at him instead.


At the competition

The competition had just started. In the competition, you had to go on stage alone and they would play a random Kpop song, which you would then have to dance the correct choreography to.

Suzy, her gang and Hyoyeon were standing right by the stage, since Min, a girl in the gang, was going to participate in the competition. Taeyeon and Minho were standing not to far away, since Taeyeon was going to cheer for her friend Tiffany, who was also participating. Jungkook and V were standing in the audience, in a pretty good spot, close to the stage. All of the teams watched as Min was performing CRAZY by 4minute.

"Oh yes, she's totally going to win!" Jia said while pumping her fist up and down to the beat of the music. Hyoyeon suddenly remembered that Suzy had decided what she would have to do to free herself from slavery.

"Oh, Suzy sunbaenim-ssi. What do I have to do to become free again?" Hyoyeon asked when Min had stopped dancing. The audience started clapping. Well, except for Jungkook and V, since they knew that Min was a part Suzys' gang.

"You'll find out soon enough." Suzy replied, not looking at the younger, while smirking. Hyoyeon furrowed her eyebrows and Min ran up to her friends and hugged them.

"Did I do well? I killed it, right?" She asked confidently. Hyoyeon scoffed and the others just nodded.

"Well, that was a great performance! Thank you, Min! Another round of applause, please!" The MC started and the audience clapped their hands together again. "Now, for our next contestant....." 

"What do you mean?" Hyoyeon finally asked Suzy, who just gave her a wicked smile as a reply.

"..... whos' name is..... Kim Hyoyeon!" The MCs voice echoed through the speakers. Hyoyeons eyes widened and even though they weren't with each other, so did Minhos, Taeyeons, Vs and Jungkooks.

"Mwo?!" Hyoyeon exclaimed, only to turn to a smirking Suzy.

"You heard him? It's your turn to take the stage." Suzy acted cute and nice, but smirked right after. Hyoyeon finally understood. This was what Hyoyeon had to do to get out of this slavery. Instead of punching Suzy in the face, as much as she wanted to since she had a stage-fright, Hyoyeon just clenched fists and narrowed her eyes at Suzy.

"If I do this, you have to stop bothering V and Jungkook and any of my friends. Got it?"

Suzy scoffed into a smile.

"Arraseo. But only if you nail it."

Hyoyeon walked on stage, hesitating wether it was worth it or not. What if she didn't know the song? What if she did the wrong step? Would people laugh? She gulped as she slowly took one step after the other. Taeyeon and Minho were staring at her in confusion as she walked out on stage. V and Jungkook were looking up at her from the crowd with mouths wide open. Was this really happening?

"You know what to do, right?" Suzy nudged Feis elbow with her own. Fei chuckled and looked at her.

"Of course." She said as she started walking towards the back of the crowd, where the people in control of the music were.

"Ah, she's gonna be so humiliated. She'll do this all for nothing. Well.... for my amusement." Suzy said to herself, chuckling evily.

Hyoyeon finally reached the middle of the stage and looked towards the people behind the crowd, nodding slightly to tell them that she was ready. She then suddenly spotted Fei, who was fiddling with her phone which was plugged into the computer that played the music. The other people, who were supposed to be in charge of the music, scratched their napes, nervously looking at Fei. As Fei put her phone down and smirked at Hyoyeon, she knew something wasn't right. What was Suzy planning to do? Hyoyeons eyes widened and she gulped again, as the music started.

Ayo ladies & gentlemen~

Junbiga dwaettdamyeon bureulge yeah!~

Loud gasps were heard from the crowd, as they knew what song it was...... and that the choreography for it was very difficult. To know this dance flawlessly, you had to have trained a lot. Jungkooks jaw dropped as he recognized one of his favorite songs, 'DOPE', playing, loudly from the speakers.

"Fei-ssi, this song is actually too difficult for the competition." They guy by the computer told her. She smirked and looked at him.

"Shut up, or you'll regret your existence." She said and turned back to look at the stage, amused.

The music kept playing and in only a couple of beats the choreography would start. Hyoyeon who was in shock turned her head towards Suzy. Suzy was just standing beside the stage giggling at Hyoyeon. She clenched her fists, looking at the crowd while standing in the middle of the stage with all eyes on her. In only a few beats it was time. Hyoyeons fists suddenly loosened and she looked back at Suzy. Suzys' eyes widened at her expression. It was a smirk. Hyoyeon chuckled at Suzys' reaction before turning her head back to the crowd and-

I got a feel, I got a feel~

Nan jom jjeoreo~




Annyeonghaseyo~ So what'd you think? Jungkooks past is finally revealed. Yaaay.... or nay :( Who'd wanna hurt someone like him, chincha? >:( And Hyo finally knows how to get her revenge! What will she do exactly? Why is Hyo smirking at Suzy? What will she do? kekeke~ Saranghamnida <3 Please comment and subscribe! I luv reading the comments! U guys so sweet :3 Thanks for reading :D

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minyul24 #1
Chapter 10: Update please
junedtwofourthree #2
Chapter 10: Rereading this for the third time around. :) You're a good writer :) Hope you can update soon
leekimchoding #3
Chapter 10: Hey i don't really understand about hyo revenge
can u tell me the detail?
zoewaders #4
Chapter 10: As expected of our humble Dancing Queen!!! update soon.....
sunshine234 #5
I don't usually ship 95 liner and above with hyo but you made me smiling and my heart beating loudly reading your story
Evalia #6
Chapter 9: Of course our dancing queen can do that. But really i want to see Hyo unnie dancing to dope...
khyoyeon262 #7
Chapter 9: waaaw waaw can't wait the next chapter >,<
KimHyeJoo #8
Chapter 9: Oh my, cliffhanger!!
zoewaders #9
Chapter 9: Aaww...Cliff hanger! Fingers crossed, hoping Hyo would OWN that stage!!!Show them who's the boss, Hyo! Dancing Queen, fighting!
Kim_MinYeon #10
Chapter 9: I hope Hyoyeon nails it, but then again we're talking about Dancing Queen here! V and Hyoyeon are such cute friends and can't wait for HyoKook moments! And also somehow you made me a BTS fan, so thank you!