Friends and enemies

Same Difference [HIATUS]

Friends and enemies

Author POV

After the five students got into the classroom where they would be in detention, Hyoyeon, Taeyeon and Minho sat by the desks in the front, while Jungkook and V sat by the desks in the back. Detention started off with a few minutes of silence, when all of them tried to process what had happened. Minho was glaring at V and Jungkook, sometimes a little at Hyoyeon aswell. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Hyoyeon, who are those two?" Minho asked, pointing a thumb towards the two guys on the other side of the classroom. "Are they your friends? Cause I didn't think you had any friends that I didn't atleast know about." V and Jungkook could hear the conversation, but didn't in.

"They are.... people I met.... today...." Hyoyeons answer was a little unsatisfying and made Minho a little more angry.

"What do you mean you met them today?! You just stopped a guy from punching him!" Minhos finger was now pointing at V.

"I know, I just-"

"And when did you meet them? You were with Taeyeon and I the whole d-" That's when he realized that Hyoyeon went to 'the nurses office' earlier."Kim Hyoyeon.... Who are these people and why did you go meet them and tell us you were going to the infirmary?" Taeyeon shot Minho a confused look.

*Dayum, he's fast.* Hyoyeon thought."Y' know what, I'm just going to accept that you're a ninja version of Sherlock Holmes and move on." Hyoyeon threw her hands in the air, surrendering."I might aswell tell you guys." Minho and Taeyeon looked at Hyoyeon, waiting for an explanation. "You remember the guy who I said didn't help me yesterday? Well, the one with black hair, him, that's the idiot." Jungkook shot a glare at Hyoyeon and scoffed.

"So you met him earlier? To scold him? Then why'd you save his friend?" Minho furrowed his eyebrows.

"Taehyung is Sooyoungs younger brother. So I decided to secretly look out for him, for Sooyoungs sake."

"Sooyoung?" V and Jungkook exclaimed in unison, as their eyes widened. "You know noona?" V added. Hyoyeon nodded as a response. "Oh, well, thanks for pushing that guy away earlier." V smiled, while scratching the back of his head. Hyoyeon thought it was cute and smiled back.

"Ugh, why do you always get in trouble, even when your trying to make friends or whatever." Minho shook his head. He had a low tolerance for troublemakers. Hyoyeon was an exception since they had been friends for so long, though."Because of these two, we're now in trouble with Mr. Park!" Jungkook got irritated at Minhos words.

"Yah, nobody told Hyoyeon to interrupt the fight!" Jungkook growled.

"Mwo? You do realize that you would've probably been beaten up right after uh.... Taehyung, if Hyoyeon didn't! You should thank her." Minho was even more irritated at this point and his eyes narrowed.

"Still wasn't our decision! So don't blame it on us!"

"Jung.... he's right." V carefully glanced at Jungkook.

"But it isn't our fault!" Jungkook stood up with his gaze locked on Minho. V, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon just sat on their chairs, not knowing what to do. Minho suddenly stood up aswell.

"It is however your fault that you didn't help her yesterday! If you would've, we wouldn't have been in this situation!" Minho spoke threw gritted teeth.

"Don't be so sure! Hyoyeon didn't save V because of me! She did it for Sooyoung!"

"But she probably wouldn't have been following you guys if it weren't for your meeting earlier, which FYI was because of yesterday! Y' know, she's hurt really badly!"

*He even caught me sneaking on them, huh? Unbelievable!* Hyoyeon looked at Minho, shaking her head at him for catching up to her so quickly. Yet, he still didn't know her feelings.

"Aish! Of course this annoying tomboy has to have a protective boyfriend like this!" Jungkook exclaimed in frustration. Hyoyeons eyes widened and she tilted her head down, trying to hide her blushed cheeks.

"I'm her best friend, not boyfriend, pabo! Never!" Minho clenched his fists, not realizing his words hurt Hyoyeon.

"Yah! What'd you call me??!!" Jungkook started walking towards minho, ready to fight and Minho didn't back up. Hyoyeon noticed that a physical fight could be going down in a few seconds and ran up to stand in between them. She held her hands up, the left in front of Minho and the right in front of Jungkook, signaling them to stop.

"Jungkook, don't!" She said, with a semi-loud voice. Her expression was sad, since she was still caught up on Minhos words.

"Your boyf... your friend called me an idiot!" Jungkook raised his shoulders.

"Ah, so this is the infamous Jungkook. No wonder you're such an idiot." Minho slowly nodded his head.

"You little shi-"

"Minho!" Hyoyeon yelled. Everyones expression turned shocked from Hyoyeons sudden yelling at Minho.

"What? You don't agree, Hyo? This guy is your enemy." Minhos eyebrows furrowed. Hyoyeon nodded, making Jungkook scoff.

"You're right, but picking a fight won't help! You usually try to avoid trouble, so why would you wanna make the trouble bigger now?" Hyoyeon explained, still a bit sad from before. Minho noticed her expression and his became confused.

"Ne, arraso.... I was just pissed." He said and walked back to sit on his chair. Hyoyeon lowered her arms and sighed in relief. Jungkooks and Hyoyeons eyes met. They were staring at each other, with slightly annoyed expressions, but Hyoyeons was partially sad. Jungkook didn't know why she was sad, but for some reason it made him feel bad. He still strongly disliked her though, and she thought the same of him. But their gazes were locked for only a few seconds, until V came up behind Jungkook, grabbing onto his shoulders, gently. Jungkook and Hyoyeon, both averted their eyes from each others.

"Wah, Hyoyeon has stopped two fights from happening today! She's like an everyday-hero!" V slung his arm around Jungkooks shoulder, giving Hyoyeon a big, rectangular smile. It made her chuckle.

"I think I make more trouble than hinder it." Hyoyeon replied as she straightened her shirt. V walked up to her, ruffling her hair.

"Think we can be friends?" He asked. Hyoyeon thought for a second and then nodded her head. Minho and Jungkook scoffed in unison."....or maybe more...?" V leaned his head closer to Hyoyeon. She leaned hers back and took a step away. Taeyeon, who just sat observing the whole thing, got an idea. You see, Hyoyeon has never had a boyfriend, or even liked anyone (as far as Taeyeon knows), so Taeyeon would love for her BFF to finally have her first love.

"V..." Hyoyeon narrowed her eyes and V chuckled jokingly. Suddenly Taeyeon jumped out of her chair and hopped to Hyoyeon and V.

"Of course you two should be friends!" Taeyeon exclaimed with a big smile. Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at Taeyeons sudden action after sitting quietly, not having said a thing the entire time.

For the rest of detention, Hyoyeon, V and Taeyeon chatted, getting to know each other, with Minho sitting by them, annoyed. Jungkook just sat at the back, playing with his phone, glaring at them. Mostly Minho and Hyoyeon. Suddenly, two hours had gone by.

"Ah, it's time to go home, guys." Hyoyeon said, looking up at the clock. Everyone turned their heads towards the clock aswell and nodded with 'o' expressions. Mrs. Seong had only checked on them two times since detention started. The five teenagers started gathering their stuff and Taeyeon got an idea.

"Hey, you two should exchanged numbers!" Taeyeon pointed towards Hyoyeon and V. The two slightly narrowed their eyes at each other and then at Taeyeon.

"Sure, why not?" V took his phone out and so did Hyoyeon. Taeyeon slyly smirked. Minho raised an eyebrow and Jungkook sighed. When they were done, the five teens seperated and went home.


An hour later at the mall

Jungkook POV

V and I were at the mall, because he wanted to buy a new snapback. He pretty much forced me to join, but it turned out alright. Until:

"Taehyung! Jungkook!" A familiar voice shouted from behind us, as we were walking past a bunch of stores. Both of us turned around and became surprised at what we saw. Sooyoung... once again.

"Ah, noona!" V smiled and gave her sister a hug. After they finished hugging, Sooyoung turned to me, opening her arms. . She leaned in and hugged me. There it was. The butterflies in my stomach, the shivering in my knees. This happened every time Sooyoung touched me and everytime I had to be reminded that my feelings were still there. She stepped away and I tilted my head trying to hide my red cheeks.

"So what brings you two here?" She asked.

"I'm looking for a new snapback!" V answered, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Ah. Well, good luck! I've got to run! I'm meeting up with some friends who are also in town right now. See you two later!" With that, she walked away, as V waved after her. He then turned to me.

"Omo! Jung, you're so red! Do you have a fever?" He lifted his hand to feel my cheeks, but I slapped it away.

"Gwenchana! Let's go!" I said, nervously, starting to walk in the direction that we were headed in before. V caught up to me and started walking in my pace.

"So, we haven't really discussed what happened today." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"There's nothing to discuss though, is there? I got in trouble with some tomboy who has an annoying- friend! Acually two. I'll get out of it somehow." I sighed.

"Hey, you should try making friends with her, like I did! She'd probably forgive you then!" V smiled, stupidly.

"Uhh..... nope." I said, raising an eyebrow. He pouted.

"Fine. But I have her number and I can give it to you if you change your mind." He said waving his phone in the air. I pushed his hand down.

"Don't worry, I won't."


The next morning

Author POV

Hyoyeon, Minho and Taeyeon walked through the front doors into the school. Taeyeon and Hyoyeon were discussing some viral video on the internet, with Minho in between them. Hyoyeon, as her clumsy self, wasn't looking forward but at Taeyeon and was about to bump into someone. Minho, as his ninja self, noticed, grabbed Hyoyeons arm and pulled her towards him, successfuly stopping Hyoyeon from bumping into the guy walking by.

"Yah!" Hyoyeon shreaked and then realized how close they were again. Her nose was almost touching his neck. A deep red color covered her cheeks as she staired at him. His gaze was fixed on the guy who had walked by.

"You've been so clumsy these past few days, Hyo. It's quite nerve wracking." Minho explained. Taeyeon walked closer to Hyoyeon to ruffle her hair but then felt that her cheeks were very hot.

"Wah. Hyo, do you have a fever?" Taeyeon asked and Minho looked down at Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon quickly turned around and covered her face by holding her wrists up.

"G-gwenchana!" Hyoyeon exclaimed. Minhos and Taeyeons eyes narrowed.

"You sure?" Minho asked.

"Of course!" Hyoyeon raised her voice and continued her path down the corridor, waiting for her cheeks to cool off. What she didn't know was that someone was watching them. Someone she dreaded.

Later, after lunch

Suzy POV

Me and my girls were sitting by a table in the cafeteria, while all the boys passing by drooled at the sight of us. Of course. We were discussing the last few guys we had hooked up with.

"Ah, Suzy, it's no fair! You always have so many boys after you! I'm hot two!" Min pouted.

"Not as hot as me." I said with a 'duh' face.

"Omo! Suzy, look! The girl who you declared your slave, a few days ago, transfered to another school!" Jia exclaimed, holding her phone in front of my face.

"Mwo?!" I shouted. People staired at me, but I didn't give a .

"Aish. You're gonna have to find a new slave." Jia put her phone away.

"Is there noone you have in mind?" Fei asked. I took a second to think, but there were so many girls I had bullied in this school so I couldn't set my mind on just one.

"Argh! I need to go look for one. You over there, in the green sweater, take our trays away." I ordered, waving at some random guy. Without checking if he followed my orders, I walked away with my gang behind me. I opened the doors out of the cafeteria, to see that Hyoyeon girl with her two friends. She was staring at the guy beside her, dreamingly, as he was smiling. Her cheeks were red. That reminded me of that I saw practically the exact same event go down this morning. She blushed at the guy. M-Minho? Yeah, that was it. Could it be.... she liked him. Of course she did, considering how she reacted when they asked if she was alright. A smirk crept onto my lips.

"Girls, I think I've found my new slave."

"Omo, chincha? Already? Who? And how are you going to make them? Threaten to beat them?" Min exclaimed.

"Nah, I have a feeling that she would just try to fight back." I explained.

"Then... how?" Fei tilted her head.

"Easy. Blackmail."




Hey~! Did you enjoy chapter 4? Please post a comment below telling me what you think! :D Hyokook is coming, don't worry.

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minyul24 #1
Chapter 10: Update please
junedtwofourthree #2
Chapter 10: Rereading this for the third time around. :) You're a good writer :) Hope you can update soon
leekimchoding #3
Chapter 10: Hey i don't really understand about hyo revenge
can u tell me the detail?
zoewaders #4
Chapter 10: As expected of our humble Dancing Queen!!! update soon.....
sunshine234 #5
I don't usually ship 95 liner and above with hyo but you made me smiling and my heart beating loudly reading your story
Evalia #6
Chapter 9: Of course our dancing queen can do that. But really i want to see Hyo unnie dancing to dope...
khyoyeon262 #7
Chapter 9: waaaw waaw can't wait the next chapter >,<
KimHyeJoo #8
Chapter 9: Oh my, cliffhanger!!
zoewaders #9
Chapter 9: Aaww...Cliff hanger! Fingers crossed, hoping Hyo would OWN that stage!!!Show them who's the boss, Hyo! Dancing Queen, fighting!
Kim_MinYeon #10
Chapter 9: I hope Hyoyeon nails it, but then again we're talking about Dancing Queen here! V and Hyoyeon are such cute friends and can't wait for HyoKook moments! And also somehow you made me a BTS fan, so thank you!