
Same Difference [HIATUS]



Jungkook POV

I got a feel, I got a feel~

Nan jom jeorreo~

I was staring at the stage and my jaw basically hit the floor with a bang when I saw that Hyoyeon was dancing. The exact steps. The actual choreography. Since I loved the group and the song so much, I knew the dance myself and she was performing it on point. My eyes widened. People in the crowd started cheering for her by yelling 'woooh' and 'yeah'. Suddenly some guy yelled 'tomboy, tomboy, tomboy' to the beat of the music and the rest of the crowd joined him. V was also cheering for her by jumping up and down with an arm in the air. I found myself standing there, frozen, looking up at Hyoyeon as she performed so well. The chorus of the song was about to start playing and as it started, she danced that perfectly aswell. Without noticing, a smile crept onto my face. I wide smile, that made my eyes disappear. I didn't start jumping and cheering though, since I was just not the type to do that. But I was watching her every move with an intense stare, as my smile just got wider and wider. Soon, the whole song had played and the crowd was jumping up and down, screaming their heads of while clapping. Hyoyeon bowed several times and then went to get a microphone that was laying beside the speaker.

"By the way; it's not 'tomboy', it's Hyoyeon. Kim Hyoyeon." She said and put the mic back. As she bowed one last time, the crowd started yelling 'Kim Hyoyeon, Kim Hyoyeon' over and over. The smile was still glued to my lips. That girl could dance.

Hyoyeon POV

I started walking off the stage and as I was walking, my eyes locked with Suzys. was wide open. I walked up to her.

"So, as our deal said, now you'll leave me, V, Jungkook and my friends alone, since I nailed that choreography. You didn't say anything about me having to win, so you don't even have to try that."

I could see that she was about to say something, but she stopped herself. She didn't know what to do or say, so she just groaned loudly in frusration, while stomping one of her feet and walked away. Jia and Min followed her. I smirked and scoffed at her. She really didn't expect that I would know the dance. Well, too bad for her. Taeyeon and Minho suddenly ran up to me and both of them hugged me. My stomach started tingling a little when Minhos arm wrapped around me, but I quickly shook it off. It wasn't as bad as it used to be. I wondered why.

"OH MY GAWD!! Hyo you were amaaaaazing!!" Taeyeon was screaming with an overly excited look on her face. I chuckled at her. "How come I'm your best friend and I had no clue you could dance like that!"

"Yeah. When did you learn to dance? And if you can dance so well, why didn't you choose dance class in school?" Minho smiled widely, with an unbelieving look on his face. Was I really that good?

"Well... I just like to teach myself Kpop dances..." I scratched the back of my head, awkwardly. Taeyeon was jumping up and down with the biggest smile on her face. Minho ruffled my hair, showing a 'thumbs up' with his other hand.

"Omo!! Hyooo~" I could hear behind me and when I just turned around, V flew towards me and hugged me tightly. I almost suffocated. "Omomomomo!! Hyo!! I didn't know you could dance!!"

"Neither did we!" Taeyeon pouted and I giggled. Finally V let go of the hug and smiled widely at me, making me smile back. Someone was standing behind him, so I leaned a little to see who it was. Jungkook. But I saw something that caught me off-guard. I slightly froze as I saw it. He was smiling. Widely. I just stared at him. I had never seen him smiling before, ever. It was nice. He seemed a little spaced himself, but suddenly shook his head and the smile faded slowly as he turned away.

"Ugh. G-good job. I really like BTS." He said as he was still looking away. Were his cheeks flushing? No. It couldn't be.

"Oh t-thanks. I love them too!" I said, smiling, trying to make the atmosphere a little less awkward. I didn't understand why it felt awkward, though. It also felt like the other three didn't feel that at all. Why were we the only ones so awkward? Oh right, probably because my enemy just complimented me. That's why, right?

Then, the reality finally hit me. I was free!

"Aaaah! I'm freee! Dobby is freee!" I exclaimed and through my hands up in the air. The others furrowed their eyebrows at me and I realized that they didn't know why I actually performed, knowing that I have a stage-fright, since I told them earlier.

"Huh?" V questioned.

"Oh, right. The reason I was in the dance competition was because Suzy told me that if I nail it she'll free me. She was expecting me to lose, I guess. Hehe. Oh and I also said that if I nail it, you'll be free too! So Dobby isn't the only one who's free!"

They all chuckled at my explanation before V hugged me tightly again. As V was hugging me, I glanced over at Jungkook who for some reason had an annoyed expression on his face. V pulled away.

"Wah, Hyo! Kamsahamnida!" He smiled widely at me. "We're now officially besties!"

"Oh, yes yes, of course!" Taeyeon suddenly got really excited.

"Yah, Jungie! Thank her, you fool!" V grabbed Jungkook shoulder. Jungkook suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, I could see, carefully proceeding to look at me.

"G-gomawo." He said, quietly.

"Yah, what was that?! She just freed you from being bothered by Suzy!" Vs expression turned angry. I wrinkled my nose at how ungrateful he was. What kind of a 'thank you' was that?

"It's fine, V. Whatever." I shrugged. "Oh and by the way, I've decided what I'll have you do to repay me for everything." I looked up at Jungkook. His eyes widened. "I'll tell you after the competition." I walked away with confident steps and grabbed a cup of water before chugging it down. Such a jerk. He couldn't even thank someone properly. Such a freaking jerk.


At the end of the competition

Author POV

The judges had just finished deliberating and were now going to announce the results. The five friends stood together, Hyoyeon to the far left and Jungkook to the far right.

"Okay, everyone, we're going to be announcing the top 10 contestants now. For the people who placed lower, you can see your results on the tables outside the main door." The MC started. He went through the results until it was time to announce the top 3 and Hyoyeons name hadn't been called yet.

"Omo Hyo, you've totally got this!" Taeyeon clinged tightly to Hyoyeons arm in excitement.

"Second runner-up goes to...... Park Hana!" The MC announced and everyone clapped. People in the audience could be heard whispering things like; 'Remember that girl Hyoyeon? I think she'll win. She was best by far!' or 'That cute tomboy, she's got this in the bag!'. The group of five could hear some of it and smiled while poking at Hyoyeon. She blushed.

"Great job, Hana ssi! Now, for our first runner-up...... Jung Jeohyun!" The MC said and hands calpping together was heard once again. Hyoyeons eyes widened as she noticed that Mins name hadn't been called yet. Min didn't even place in the top 10... or-

"And finally, first place goes to....... Lee Minyoung!" A big round of applause, please!" A little bit of clapping could be heard, but there was mostly silence. The five teens' jaws dropped to the floor. Min won?

"Mwo?!" Taeyeon and V exclaimed in unison. Min walked up on stage and accepted her small trophy, which was the reward.

"Yah! Kim Hyoyeon should have won!" Some male from the audience shouted towards the stage.

"Yeah! Hyoyeon was way better than her!" A girl shouted from the back. Soon, almost everyone in the crowd started shouting things like that towards the stage.

"Everyone. Everyone calm down!" The MC started and it slowly went silent. "Contestant, Kim Hyoyeon, unfortunately performed a dance on a level that was too high for this competition. She had to be disqualified." 


"Whaaaat??!!" People started shouting towards the stage again and some even threw empty soda cans in their direction. The five friends stood there speechless.

"Yah, those weren't the rules!" A girl could be heard, screaming louder than everyone else.

"T-the rules had to be changed..." The Mc gulped. Hyoyeons eyebrows furrowed. She looked around a bit, only to lock eyes with Suzy. This time, Suzy was the one smirking. Hyoyeon quickly understood that Suzy and her gang must be thw ones in charge of the rules 'changing'.

*That ing .* Suddenly, Hyoyeon started walking and the four other teenagers snapped out of their shock.

"Yah, Hyoyeon ah! Where are you going?!" V yelled after her, but she just kept walking in the direction of Suzy. But just before she got close enough to have a conversation with Suzy, she turned and walked towards the stage instead. Hyoyeon grabbed the MCs mic and held up towards .

"Hey, everyone. Please calm down." She started, with a smile on her face and everyone shut up. Her four friends looked up to her in confusion. "I just wanted to thank you, because a lot of people complimented me and rooted for me. I've never had something like that happen to me before so... jeongmal gamsahamnida! I love you and thanks for the support!" Hyoyeon bowed, gave the mic back to the MC and walked off the stage as the audience burst into applause, cheers and whistles. Everyone started shouting 'Kim Hyoyeon, Kim Hyoyeon' once again. As she walked off the stage, she passed Suzy.

"Thank you too. Since I didn't win and you gave me the opportunity to say that just now, people are gonna like me even more." Hyoyeon smirked at Suzy and walked back to her friends. Hyoyeon didn't really care if she was popular or not, or if people liked her or not, but she really enjoyed playing smart with Suzy. They all looked at her and V put his hand on her shoulder.

"I truly, deeply admire you, Hyoyeon ah." He said with a wide smile and proceeded to hug her. At the sight of the two friends hugging, Jungkook could feel his stomach turn a bit.

*What the hell. Am I hungry already?* Jungkook thought and furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back at V and Hyoyeon.

"Ah~ This is why we love you!" Taeyeon jumped forward to wrap her arms around Hyoyeon, breaking Vs grip of her. Jungkook finally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Suddenly Minho jumped in and hugged Hyoyeon while acting all 'aegyo' with her, which made her cheeks slightly flush. Jungkook scoffed a little.

"Aish, Minho, don't act so goofy." Hyoyeon tried to release herself from his tight, over exaggerated hug. Minho released his grip and laughed at his own goofiness, having V join him.

"Yah, Kookie-Kookie, your turn!" V exclaimed and they all turned to look at Jungkook. He didn't exactly realize that V just told him to hug Hyoyeon and just glared annoyingly at Minho. "Yah, Jungkook! You've already done it before, when you both were asleep!" Jungkook finally realized the situation. Both his and Hyoyeons eyes widened and turned to V.

"Mwo?!" Hyoyeons mouth was wide open.

"Hyung!" Jungkook growled.

"Wait, what the hell are you talking about?" Minhos left eye narrowed.

"Keke. Just kidding!" V smiled widely, yet slyly at his friends. Hyoyeon and Jungkooks gazes locked for a split second, but both of them averted their eyes in embarassment from Vs comment.

"Well, let's go then. People have already started to leave." Minho said and the rest agreed, starting to walk towards the door.


At the apartment

The five teens were about to get ready for bed. V, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon were watching TV, Minho was in the boys' room and Jungkook was in the bathroom. Suddenly V slung an arm around Hyoyeons shoulder.

"Huh?" Hyoyeon questioned and V smirked.

"I've heard that there are rumors around school that we are a couple. Some of my other girls are getting jealous." V wiggled his eyebrows and Taeyeon bit her lip, trying not to smile. Hyoyeon quickly slapped his hand away and glared at him.

"Well rumors can be very different from reality, can't they?" She stated. V chuckled a bit.

"But we already kissed, Hyo~" He pouted. Hyoyeons eyes widened.

"Yah! That was an accident! It doesn't count!"

V was laughing as Hyoyeon was lightly slapping him his arm a few times.

"Hey, could you quiet down? I'm tired and I want to sleep." Minho suddenly walked into the lounge, shutting V and Hyoyeon up. He was followed by Jungkook who started walking towards the couch to sit down, but right at that moment Hyoyeon remembered something. She stood up and before Jungkook could sit down, she grabbed a hold of his arm dragging him into the guys' room for the second time.

"What the hell?" He questioned in confusion and surprise.

"How come you haven't asked me about my revenge? Thought I'd forget, huh?" Hyoyeon scoffed. Jungkook released a heavy sigh.

"Of course not. I just thought I'd stay happy for as long as I can, not knowing what I have to do."

"Well, just remember, you brought it upon yourself." She said and he scoffed. "Well, I think it's time you know.... and you won't like it."

"What is it?"

Hyoyeon could see his expression turning curious and she smirked proudly at that.

"You, Jeon Jungkook, are going to have me as your coach...... in dating."

Jungkooks eyes widened and his lips parted.


"You're gonna let me watch you in amusement as you date someone!" Hyoyeon exclaimed again, a little annoyed and Jungkook finally realized what she was saying.





Anyeonghaseyo~ How did you guys like the chapter? Yes or no? I know this chapter might have been a little boring, but the better stuff is about to start ;) Please don't forget to leave a comment down below and subscribe! <3 Thanks for reading :D

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minyul24 #1
Chapter 10: Update please
junedtwofourthree #2
Chapter 10: Rereading this for the third time around. :) You're a good writer :) Hope you can update soon
leekimchoding #3
Chapter 10: Hey i don't really understand about hyo revenge
can u tell me the detail?
zoewaders #4
Chapter 10: As expected of our humble Dancing Queen!!! update soon.....
sunshine234 #5
I don't usually ship 95 liner and above with hyo but you made me smiling and my heart beating loudly reading your story
Evalia #6
Chapter 9: Of course our dancing queen can do that. But really i want to see Hyo unnie dancing to dope...
khyoyeon262 #7
Chapter 9: waaaw waaw can't wait the next chapter >,<
KimHyeJoo #8
Chapter 9: Oh my, cliffhanger!!
zoewaders #9
Chapter 9: Aaww...Cliff hanger! Fingers crossed, hoping Hyo would OWN that stage!!!Show them who's the boss, Hyo! Dancing Queen, fighting!
Kim_MinYeon #10
Chapter 9: I hope Hyoyeon nails it, but then again we're talking about Dancing Queen here! V and Hyoyeon are such cute friends and can't wait for HyoKook moments! And also somehow you made me a BTS fan, so thank you!