A series of interruptions

Same Difference [HIATUS]

A series of interruptions


Hyoyeon POV

My eyelids were pressed together harshly, after being pushed against the wall by someone, just when I was about to confront the idiot who didn't help me.

"Yah, why are you trying to approach Jun..... WAH... you're a girl??!" It was a males voice, which sounded familiar yet unknown. Since I couldn't figure out who it was, I opened my eyes to find Taehyung- oh sorry, V standing right in front of me, with his hands against my shoulders. He had a shocked look on his face. My eyes slowly rounded at the sight of him. I didn't know how to react. Suddenly a smile crept onto his face.

"Hehe, I thought you were a boy. Mian." He said as he let go of his grip. I straightened my posture, looking at him confused. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait.... so why are you trying to approach Jungkook?" He asked as he tilted his head.

"Ju-Jungkook?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah, the guy in the old computer lab. Him." He took a step to the side and pointed at the guy I was trying to confront.

"Ah, so that's Jungkook..." I said as my eyes narrowed. Jungkook was known at the school as an idiot who rejected all the girls. At first people thought he could be gay, but he was never looking at the guys either. I knew his name and what people said about him, but I'd never seen his face. V gave me a suspicious yet confused look.

"You're trying to talk to him, yet you don't know his name? Why?" V scratched his chin. I turned my attention back to him. I was about to open my mouth to explain the situation, but didn't get the chance to, because V snapped his fingers with a sly smirk on his face.

"Ah, I get it. You've seen him hanging out with me, so you were gonna ask him where I was, because I'm the one you're actually interested in." He explained as he took a step closer. I looked at him up and down, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You know actually, you're kinda cute in that haircut and outfit. I never knew I'd have a thing for tomboys." He added, taking another step closer. I finally realized what was going on in this playboys head and my eyes widened. I put my hand in front of his face, showing him the palm of my hand. His eyebrows lifted.

"You've got it wrong. I came here to talk to uh... Jungkook." I explained with haste, as I lowered my hand.

"Oh~" He scratched the back of his head, tilting it down. A few seconds of awkward silence occured before he decided to break it.

"Ugh...*clearing his throat*...So why did you want to talk to him?" He looked up. I realized that V and Jungkook were friends and debated if I should tell him the truth or not. Would he let me in if I did? Jungkook must have been the guy who usually tilted his head down in the corridors, beside V. I had sometimes seen them before, but I only gave attention to V. That's why I didn't recognize Jungkook.

"Err.... I just have to talk about something." I said looking at the floor. He tried analyzing my expression.

"Well, at first I thought it would be to confess your feelings, but; 1. girls don't really do that anymore because of his reputation and 2. you didn't even know his name. And he doesn't have any friends that I don't know, so..." He said, trying to figure the situation out. I choked on my spit a little because of his words.

"Confess??!! No!! No way!! Never!!" I said with a 'NOPE' look on my face, waving my hands in front of me and laughed a little at it.

"Then why do you want to talk to him?" He guestioned.

"It's about something he did..... or rather didn't do.." I explained as my expression turned angry.

"What? He did something bad?" He tilted his head closer. "Oh, I'm Kim Taehyung, by the way, but call me V. Nice to meet you." He said with a cheerful smile on his face as he took his right hand up, waiting for me to shake it. So I did.

"Hi. I'm Kim Hyoyeon." I said as we let go of each others hands.

"Well, if my bro did something to upset a pretty lady, I can't stop her from punishing him. Because it's not right to make someone like you mad." He said, slightly flirting. I scoffed at the comment.

*Aish, this guy.* I thought. "So may I talk to him?" He nodded while gesturing my hand as if he wanted me to go inside. I wasn't sure if he was letting me do it because he figured Jungkook must have done something wrong, or if he did it to flirt with me. But I didn't care. This guy..... Jungkook or whatever.... was going to get it!

I marched in with confident steps and no hesitation. V followed behind me. He seemed curious. I stopped walking when I got next to Jungkook, sitting on his chair. But he didn't look up.

"Hey V. Did you get the snacks I asked for? Or did you hook up with some girl on the way and forgot?" Jungkook sounded slightly annoyed, but he still didn't look up. 

*Do I look that much like a boy from the corner of the eye?* I slightly scoffed and heard V chucklee nervously behind me, probably because of the 'hooking up' part in Jungkooks sentence.

I furrowed my eyebrows and stood steadily in my spot, waiting for that jerk to look up.

"Not gonna answer? So I was right, wasn't I? You can go and get it now, I don't mi-" He was talking but I cut him off by slamming my hand on the table in front of him.

Jungkook POV

I was interrupted in the middle of my sentence when V slammed his hand on the table. I flinched and quickly turned my head to look up at him, only to find out that it wasn't him. It was another bo.... no, girl?! She looked angr- no, pissed?! My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but then I suddenly recognized the messy light brown, almost dirty blond, short hair, and that face, She had bruises and a bandaid on her lip. Was it that girl from yesterday? My eyes widened.

"Yah! Are you just gonna stare at me like that for the rest of the day, huh?!!" She yelled at me. That's when I saw V standing, in shock, behind her."And I'm not V, for your information." She took her hand off of the table. "I'm KIM HYO YEON! The girl that your going to regret you didn't help!" Her arms crossed over her chest. Her death glare was boring into my soul. I quickly stood up. I wasn't stupid, I knew what this was about. My eyes started glaring back at her. I was going to help her! That other guy just got there first. I was just about to speak up when;

"Didn't help? With what?" Suddenly V interrupted our glaring competition and both of us turned to him.

"Hyung, yeste-" I was about to explain but the girl... Hyoyeon didn't let me.

"Your friend here, witnessed me getting beat up by Suzys' snob gang yesterday, but he didn't help! He could easily have stopped those exhausted es, yet he didn't. He just walked away like a coward!" She spoke loudly and clearly. I started getting really annoyed at this point.

"Yah, I was-" I made a second attempt, trying to explain myself, but yet again V interrupted.

"Suzy? You walked away because of Suzy? Wah, that's not right dude, even if Suzy's after us. Hyoyeon's right, that was wrong! So that explains her lip and bruises and such." V shook his head at me.

*Seriously?! My best friend's not even gonna hear me out?!* I was getting more and more irritated by the second.

"Listen, I did bu-" Yet again I was interrupted.

"You guys are in trouble with Suzy too? Ugh, even so you should have helped, like V said! And now you're gonna pay back for what you did!" She looked at me with narrowed eyes and talked through gritted teeth. I could feel my blood starting to boil.

"Can you guys let me ta-" What was this, my fourth attempt? It was still unsuccessful though, when V once again started talking.

"Yah, Jungkook, I would have expected more from you than this! You better apologize. So that's what happened when Sooyoung saw-"

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE UP!!!" I straight up screamed. The room was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop. I now had two pairs of wide eyes stairing at me. "Let me atleast tell you what happened!" I could see Hyoyeon opening to talk, as her expression turned angry, but she didn't. She just started glaring at me again.

"You better have a good reason!" She finally said. I scoffed at the comment.

"Okay, so yes, at first I walked away because I didn't want Suzy to get more troublesome on me and hyung. But right as I turned the corner I stopped and decided that I was gonna turn back and help, because I felt guilty, but then I heard a guy that came to help you, so I decided to walk away" I explained. Hyoyeon scoffed.

"I'm sure!" She said, rolling her eyes.

"Yah, it's true!!" I furrowed my eyebrows. She simply shook her head. "Hyung, tell her! I'm not a freaking devil, am I?" Both me Hyoyeon turned to V.

"Well, it could be true. It doesn't sound like him to just leave someone like that." V admitted and a small smirk covered my lips. Hyoyeon turned to me, still looking angry.

"I still have a hard time believing it. But that doesn't matter, cause even if it is true, you still did wrong by leaving me in the first place! Look here!" She said and proceeded to lift her shirt to show her stomach. Quite a large area of her stomach was blue, purple and a little red. My jaw slightly dropped. I didn't realize that she was beaten so badly in such a short period of time. The guilty feeling was back. I averted my eyes from the bruise towards V. He looked at me with a horrified look on his face. I could hear him mentally saying 'How could you?' I looked back at Hyoyeon and she was still showing her stomach. What was she doing, trying to kill me with guilt? Showing off her abs? (A/N: She doesn't actually have abs :3) She kept standing there, holding her shirt up which made me irritated. I looked back at V, who was biting his lips staring at her stomach. But his stare didn't look innocent or sad. It was a very intense stare. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked back at Hyoyeons bruise. That's when I realized that the very bottom edge of her bra was visible.

*Aish, V this and Hyoyeon this careless girl!* I quickly grabbed her shirt and pulled it down. I could see V snapping out of his iness and then I felt a hard slap on my arm. "Ow!"

"Yah, don't touch me! Just because you realized that you were wrong and now you feel guilty! That doesn't give you the permission to touch me!" She shouted at me, aggressively.

"That's not why, it's beca-"

"I don't wanna hear your excuses! Apologize! For yesterday and just now!"

I glared at V, who was standing there looking at me, cluelessly. He probably didn't understand why I pulled her shirt down, either. Aish. At first I was going to tell her why, but she would probably just interrupt me again.

"Fine. Mianhae. But I really was going to turn back around." I tried convincing her. Yet again, she didn't believe me.

"Aish, this guy! I guess I should tell you now, instead of later. I'm still going to get my revenge on you, even though you apologize." 

"Mwo?!" My eyes widened. She looked at me like 'What did you think, pabo?'.

"Then what's the point with apologizing?!" I could feel my hands turning into fists.

"That's to show that you have a heart and that you do feel bad about what you've done." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you gonna make me do?!"

"I'll think about it. Carefully. My bruises really hurt y'know!"

"Bull! Just accept my apology and move on!"

"No, you deserve to-"

"What is going on in here?!" A deep, manly voice yelled from the direction of the door. All three of us turned around to find an upset teacher by the door, glaring at us. It was Mr. Park. "Students, your classes start soon! I suggest you go to your lockers and get your books." We all did what Mr. Park said, but me and Hyoyeon gave each other a last glare, before our paths seperated.



After school

Author POV

V and Jungkook were walking through the schools front yard, on their way to the gates to go home. A few meters behind them were Hyoyeon, Taeyeon and Minho. Hyoyeon was secretly following V and Jungkook, whithout letting Taeyeon and Minho know. She wanted to know more about Jungkook, so she could come up with the best revenge possible.

"So, about Hyoyeon, you sho-" V tried to talk but was quickly interrupted.

"Yah, don't talk about that! It makes me angry! Aish, chincha! Why'd Suzy have to pick an annoying tomboy like Hyojin to beat up?! If it were any other girl, they would have just hated me and glared at me in the hallway. They wouldn't bother trying to get stupid revenge!" Jungkook complained.

"Bro, it's Hyoyeon. HyoYEON!" V corrected.

"Hyung, do you think I giva a f.... do you think I care?" Jungkook started shouting, but quickly lowered his tone when he saw people looking at him. V shrugged at his comment.

"But what you did still wouldn't be right, even if it was another girl!"

"But almost any other girl would accept my apology. Not demand an apology and then still get revenge!" Jungkook started squeezing his backpack straps.

Hyoyeon, Taeyeon and Minho were a bit behind V and Jungkook, but they couldn't here what they were saying.

"Yah, Hyo! You never told me what the nurse said! Are you better?" Taeyeon tried asking Hyoyeon, but she was spaced out. "Hyo?" Taeyeon and Minho exchanged wondering looks and Minho waved his hand in front of Hyoyeons face. Hyoyeon noticed and redirected her focus from V and Jungkook to Minho.

"Huh, wae?" She looked at Minho confused.

"Are you alright, Hyo? You seem a little out of it? Do you need a drink?" Minho took a sip from his water bottle and then held it in front of Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was going to reject it but felt that was a little dry and took a hold of the bottle. She took a sip, but right when she put the bottle on her lips again and filled with water, she realized it. She had just indirectly kissed Minho. Water spewed from Hyoyeons mouth onto the ground. Minho and Taeyeon flinched.

"Hyoyeon-ah, are you alright?!" Minho said patting Hyoyeons back, trying to stop her from coughing and choking.

"Hyo, what's wrong??" Taeyeon investigated Hyoyeons face.

"Gwenchana. I just got water... stuck in my uh... throat." Hyoyeon said after regaining her composure. She quickly screwed the lid back on the bottle and handed it to Minho.

"Aish chincha, Hyo. You're acting weird! Did they hit your head that hard?" Minho joked and chuckled a bit. Ah, and there it was. That beautiful smile. The one that made Hyoyeons stomach churn, once again.

V and Jungkook just went throught the front gates when someone suddenly yelled:

"Yah!! Are you V??" It was a males voice. A young adult perhaps. V and Jungkook turned their heads in unison, to see five angry guys walking towards them.

"Yeah, it's him alright!" another one of the guys said looking up from his phone at the two high school students. The first guy quickly went to stand in front of V and held his phone up to show him something.

"Did you perhaps hook up with this girl last night?!" The guy growled at V. V looked at the picture and his eyes widened. Jungkooks eyes widened at Vs eyes widening. It was obvious that the answer was'Yes'. 

*V, what the hell have you done now?!* Jungkook thought to himself and groaned. The angry guy didn't need an answer and quickly took a hold of Vs collar. That's when Hyoyeon spotted the situation and remembered her promise; to protect V, for Sooyoungs sake. Hyoyeon quickly left her friends and ran up to V. Just when the guy was about to punch V, Hyoyeon pushed him off. V and Jungkook saw Hyoyeon and were shocked. The guy got up off the ground and walked towards Hyoyeon, pushing her against the brick wall. But before he could do anything Minho came and grabbed him, punching him in the face. Taeyeon was right behind.

"Hy-Hyoyeon?!" V looked at Hyoyeon, still in shock.

"Hyo, who are these guys?! Do you know them??!" Minho looked at Hyoyeon, also a little shocked, but mostly angry.

The guy was just about to get up again, to maybe try to punch Minho, but before he could, a deep manly voice shouted;

"Yah!! What are you kids doing?!" Can you guess who interrupted them? Yup. Mr. Park. He walked up to the students and the gang of five guys ran away. Mr. Park didn't care about them, since they weren't students at the school, so he let them go and glared at this gang of two girls and three guys. He must've seen the punch or something, because he didn't even hesitate to punish them.

"You five! Detention! NOW!"




Hey guys! Did you enjoy chapter 3? If you did, please leave a comment down below! I appreciated it! And subscribe! Where do you think the story will go next. Will the survive detention together?

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minyul24 #1
Chapter 10: Update please
junedtwofourthree #2
Chapter 10: Rereading this for the third time around. :) You're a good writer :) Hope you can update soon
leekimchoding #3
Chapter 10: Hey i don't really understand about hyo revenge
can u tell me the detail?
zoewaders #4
Chapter 10: As expected of our humble Dancing Queen!!! update soon.....
sunshine234 #5
I don't usually ship 95 liner and above with hyo but you made me smiling and my heart beating loudly reading your story
Evalia #6
Chapter 9: Of course our dancing queen can do that. But really i want to see Hyo unnie dancing to dope...
khyoyeon262 #7
Chapter 9: waaaw waaw can't wait the next chapter >,<
KimHyeJoo #8
Chapter 9: Oh my, cliffhanger!!
zoewaders #9
Chapter 9: Aaww...Cliff hanger! Fingers crossed, hoping Hyo would OWN that stage!!!Show them who's the boss, Hyo! Dancing Queen, fighting!
Kim_MinYeon #10
Chapter 9: I hope Hyoyeon nails it, but then again we're talking about Dancing Queen here! V and Hyoyeon are such cute friends and can't wait for HyoKook moments! And also somehow you made me a BTS fan, so thank you!