A Miscellany of BTS Short Stories
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Light Day

ft. Kim Seokjin (Jin), Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster), Kim Taehyung (V)


♦ "Choi Mina" is your name here! 


Taehyung glanced nervously towards Namjoon after he noticed the time on his watch, which then made Namjoon look at Jin with the exact same expression Taehyung had. Jin held back his laughter and tried his best to remain a straight face before nudging Mina.

It was finally the second Sunday of June; the day which the four of them both crave and dread for. 

Mina looked over towards Taehyung and Namjoon who were breaking out in cold sweat. "You guys obviously have something big to confess this year," Mina grinned.

"Uh, yeah. You can put it that way," Taehyung took at least ten seconds to answer after Mina spoke. "How about you Namjoon?" 

"Yeah, really big," Namjoon couldn't look up from his feet. This made Mina even more excited. 

Jin laughed and shifted on the sofa to get into a comfortable position. "Is it going to be really big that you'll make us regret the creation of Light Day?" He smirked, but Namjoon and Taehyung didn't answer.

What is "Light Day" you ask? You might be assuming that it's a day when the four best friends sit in a circle whilst joining hands and appreciating the existance of light but no, it isn't (to their despair sometimes, though they were the ones who created it).

It is actually a day which occurs on the second Sunday of June every year, where the four friends who created the day gather in Jin's house to tell each other something they have been longing to such as a confession, a lie, a secret they have been hiding for years, or simply just something important they never got a chance to say.

The name was chosen as whenever they finish pouring out their confessions, they will feel as if they have a weight or burden lifted off their shoulders. Therefore, Light Day.

Mina was the one who decided to create it when the four of them got into a huge fight during the year 2003 when Namjoon and Mina were in forth grade, Taehyung was in third, and Jin was in sixth. They were competing to see who could hold their breath underwater for the longest time but the game didn't seem to end because actually, the four of them sneakily lifted their heads out of the water whenever they couldn't stay in the water any longer. 

Taehyung and Jin coincidentally lifted their heads out of the water at the same time and when they were ready to submerge their heads back into the water, Taehyung screamed, accusing Jin of cheating. Jin made Taehyung cry when he accused him back and when Jin was on the verge of drowning him, Mina and Namjoon admitted that they cheated, too. 

The four of them fought for a while but stopped when they realised that all of them actually cheated. Mina came up with the idea of Light Day when she told them that they shouldn't lie or keep any secrets from each other. It got quite cheesy after, with all the hugging and tears, which was why they didn't like talking about how the day was formed. 

In five minutes, it was going to be the twelfth Light Day since 2003 and Taehyung and Namjoon were going to confess something big. 

Namjoon leaned in close to Taehyung and whispered,"Are you sure you're going to confess it today?" 

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed. "I have been bottling up my feelings ever since I was ten. It's now or never, dude," He sighed. "Anyway, why are you so giddy? You're not the one confessing it. It seems as if I've passed my giddiness to you."

"Hello, Mr. Stupid, it's Light Day. Everyone has to confess something, right?" Namjoon smacked the back of Taehyung's head and stood up to sit next to Mina on the floor.

"Are you going to confess something shocking today?" Namjoon asked Mina, who placed her index finger on her lip.

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I requested!^^ I hope my scenario isn't too confusing or something
choden #2
Chapter 16: Haha that's ok ^_^ it was worth the wait hehe. The oneshot was awesome haha. I loved tea in it. A lot haha. He was so cute and shy and everything XD thank you!!!! *Dreamy sigh* I wish I had someone as cute as tae to like me. Omy!!!! XD
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #3
HELLOOOO I REQUESTED AGAIN!! lol this time for a story with Jin, jimin and Jungkook! but can I change it to just Jungkook and Jimin please? also, im sorry if I made my story long description Its so hard for me to make a summary in a few sentences hehehehe! HOPE U HAVE FUN WRITING!! <333 im excited now!!! :D
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #4
Chapter 15: omo eeeeek I loved it!!! JIN IS SO CLEVER DOING SUCH A TRICK TO ASK ME OUT! *blushes like crazy* ahahahahaha!!! Thank you so much for my story, I loved it!!! :D *fangirls & squeals* would I be able to make another request?!?!?! :D
choden #5
Requested :3
Chapter 13: thank you for writing this! it's really cute and i'm pleased by it. thank you again xx
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #7
Yay I have subscribed and requested!! Looking forward to it and I hope u like my idea!!! :) xoxo
Just notifying that I've requested!
Chapter 11: I actually read this earlier but didn't get the time to drop a comment, yet now that I'm here... let me just say this made me laugh a lot more than I expected XD I was loling aloud from the start!
You pulled off the prompt so well I'm seriously STUNNED. Thank you so much for writing such an amazing one shot aaaah ; 7 ; this was so, so lovely.