"Oh my, you're wild today."


“The one you’re talking about is the girl?” Victoria turns and raises a brow at me. “A smoking hot girl like her?” I roll my eyes at her and nod hesitantly. “My gosh, how could you?” She stands hastily and crosses her arms.

“What?” I look at her innocently. What did I do wrong?

“How could you do that to a girl?” She shakes her head in disapproval. “You’ve hurt that poor gorgeous girl’s heart. Go.” She points at the door. I look at her incredulously.

“You are kicking me out just because of this?”

“I’m demanding you to chase after her, now!” I stand without uttering another word and run out of the restaurant. Damn, that woman can be scary. I run around the street, looking desperately for the person I wish to see now. Where is she?

 I stop on my track when I notice Kris a few feet away from me. Without thinking, I approach him and tap on his shoulder. He turns around and looks at me with a brow raised.

"Do I know you? You look familiar..." I chuckle nervously and scratch my back.


"I know!" His eyes widen and he snaps his fingers in recognition. "Is that you Couz?" 

"Y-you can tell?" I ask nervously. 

"I almost didn't! Man, you look different!" He gasps as he circles me and eyes me all around. "Is this how you usually dress outside school and your house?" He asks incredulously.

"Not really." I rub the back of my neck. "Erm, why are you here by the way?" I ask as nonchalant as possible.

"Oh, I'm on a date!" Oh, so he and Krystal are really dating then... "And you can never guess who's my date." He says excitingly.

"Is it Krystal Jung?" I say in a soft voice.

"How did you know?!"

"W-well, I overheard my classmate about you having a crush on her." My heart twisting as I say so. I force a smile on my face.

"I-is it that obvious?" He grins shyly. I can't help myself but frown slightly. Kris catches me frowning and pats by back. "I know you don't like her that much because of the things she does to you everyday." He thinks I'm upset because he is dating my bully. "Don't worry couz, I'll talk to her someday, when she's more comfortable around me." 

"T-thanks Kris." I say sincerely. He's like my brother and he's always kind to me. He is serious about Krystal, I am sure about that. Krystal is the first girl Kris ever courted. He is always serious about getting a girlfriend. I can't take her away from him. Not that she'll ever like me anyway. But still, I have to stay away from Krystal... Because I owe Kris a lot. He’s the only one who talked to me during my elementary school years. He helped me a lot during those years when I got bullied a lot. He still helps me though, but not as much because he is one year older and we don’t have lunch together. 




"Amber!" Chanyeol shocks me by appearing right beside me all of a sudden. "Do you know?!"

"Know what?" I ask while walking my way to the class. "Krystal Jung and your cousin Kris is officially dating." I stop dead on my track and look at him. My heart shatters and my whole world stops spinning. I clench my fist and force a smile.

"Good for them." I say, while trying my hardest to sound happy.

"What's with your reaction?" Chanyeol frowns. "What happened?"


"Nothing? From what I've heard, you and Krystal Jung hit it off almost instantly. Why is she dating your cousin now?" 

"Chanyeol." I sigh. I need him to stop talking about Krystal. I can't take it anymore. "She's just messing around with me. Besides, Kris is one of the best guys out there. It’s only natural if she takes a liking in him." It’s probably true.

Of course she’ll rather be with a guy like him than a girl like me. She doesn’t even know I’m a girl…We walk to the class quietly after that. I feel as though my heart has stopped functioning. I force myself into the class and avoid looking at Krystal while walking to my seat. 

"Did you guys go all the way?" Jiyeon asks excitedly and I try not to tune in the conversation. I know my heart will break into pieces yet again when I hear what she says next. Nicole comes in the class just before Krystal could answer Jiyeon's question. Nicole skips and smirks at Krystal before making her way to my direction.

"I'm so sorry I can't come for the date Amber." She apologizes and sits next to me. "I promise to make it up to you. How about we go on a date today after school?" She suggests.

"Sure." Nicole looks surprised for a moment. She probably thought I was gonna refuse for sure.

"That'll be wonderful." She cheers and hugs my arm. I met her be and stare blankly at Krystal's back. I feel like I don't care what happens after this anymore...

I walk my way to my locker after school finishes. My heart clenches when I see Kris back hugging Krystal why she is taking something from her locker. Kris sees me passing by so he waves his hand and smiles at me. Krystal glances to my direction with a bored expression before turning her head back to her locker. I force a smile and wave back at Kris before walking away,

“They look so good together.”  I hear some of the students say while looking at Kris and Krystal.

After dressing myself up to fulfil Nicole's expectation, I lock my house door and walk to the place Nicole said to meet up. She eyes me from head to toe and grins in satisfaction. 

"You are getting better at this." She complements and pats my head. 

"Well thank you." I roll my eyes at her.

"Let’s get going then." She hooks her arm with mine and we walk to the night club we visited on her first day in school. 

"You're not going to run away again are you?" Nicole looks at me skeptically. 

"No." I say firmly and sit on one of the stools at the bar. "Give me whatever you have." 

"Wow, what's up with you today?" Nicole eyes me in disbelief. "You're completely different from your usual nerdy self. So you've finally gone bad." She smirks and sits next to me.

"I guess." I say with a shrug. 

"Just give us a dozen of beer." Nicole says to the bartender. "Here." Nicole hands me a bottle I chug down every last bit of its content before asking for more. "Oh my, you're wild today." I ignore her and take a few more bottles of beer. 

My throat and my stomach are burning and my head feels like they're spinning constantly. I need to stop this stupid feeling I’m having. I need to stop myself from thinking about Krystal. I can feel myself losing consciousness as swallow the last bottle of beer.

My eyes flutter open and I groan when my head hurts like hell. I touch my head and feel the dizziness while I struggle to sit up. What happened? I remember chugging down a few bottle of beer with Nicole at the night club. What happened after that? I look around and jolt in shock when I find myself . Oh, no no no no no no... it can't be!

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear movement beside me. I turn slowly and my heart drop when I see a bump covered in blanket beside me. That's it. I'm going to kill myself. I gave my first to Nicole!! A girl I don't even love!! Closing my eyes, I burry my face into my palms and groan. I hear Nicole for a bit, before she sit up straight and pats my bare shoulder.

"Joseph?" I freeze on the spot and widen my eyes in surprise. That voice... that name... I turn over slowly and almost fall off the bed when I catch Krystal's eyes looking back at me!

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GEoRuth #1
2074 streak #2
Chapter 5: This is so funny
2074 streak #3
Chapter 5: Uh uh, passing out while you're dating is strictly prohibited
2074 streak #4
Chapter 17: And cliff hanger...
Chapter 17: Add Jessica jung in the list... Make krystal jeles
fhatzz #6
Chapter 17: Update please!!!
Chapter 17: ahhh .. i keep finish reading this and it still not been update yet!
DustyKimChi #8
Woah.. It's Amberella and 4 princesses. Amber has literally tons of girls falling under her feet. The story has a potential tho, just need a Lil' fixing.