"Why are you even wearing a skirt? You look like a ." 


"Shut up and dance with me." Those words escaped so seductively I almost peed in my pants. I am dreaming, I have to be dreaming. No freaking way in hell would the most popular chick in our school asked me to dance the hell out of us with her. Not me, definitely not me, the ultimate loser of our school. She's the queen, and I'm the loser. We are at least heaven and hell distance apart. So there's no way the brunette haired hot chick would pull me by the collar of my usual old fashioned plaid shirt and smash those amazingly delicious lips on mine. There is no way she'll drag me to a secluded area and make out with me like never before. And there is no ing way she'll wrap those thin long creamy legs around my waist and messes with my already dishevelled hair while twirling her tongue with mine. 


"W-why?" I stutter lamely as soon as we broke the kiss. She smirks and it looks so seductive I almost leaned forward to claim those y lips again. Just almost.


"Because I want you, to be my slave." She whispers beside my ear before pecking my cheek and unwraps those legs of hers from my waist and walks away, swaying those hips as she does so. I stare at her retrieving form in amazement, my inside is exploding with excitement, desires and doubt. 


And the doubt I am having is indeed painfully true when I wake up the next morning by the annoying buzz of the alarm clock. I groan loudly before getting off the bed and wash my face. Damn, it is so realistic. Well, it's time to face reality. Krystal the Jung, will never in her living years even care to spare a glance at a loser like me, much less kiss the hell out of me. I don't even know why I'm even thinking of being with the hottest cheerleader in school, must've lose my mind from studying too much. She's not even my type. Besides, she likes bullying me... scratch that, she LOVES bullying me. 


Sighing, I put on my school uniform and hang my bag around my shoulder, before walking to the dining room. I pick up the paper that was on the dining table. It reads, "I'm taking your brothers out for today, look after the house and tell the teachers about your brothers." I sigh and crumple the paper into a ball before tossing it into the bin. I walk to school as usual and notice a bunch of arrogant kids at the school corridor. I try to avoid making eye contact with them as they approach me. 


"Hey loser, where's Jonghyun and Donghae?" One of the jocks hit me with his bag and I fell flat on the floor. The people in the hall laugh with them as I stand up and dust my school uniform.


"They're out for a day." I answer flatly while fixing my thick rimmed glasses.


"Why are you even wearing a skirt? You look like a ." One cheerleader says while snickering. "Right, Krystal?"


Krystal looks at me with the side of her lip tugged up and nods. Krystal pushes me back with her hands until my back touches the walls. She stands before me with her hands on her hips, looking at me with a smirk.


"Loser." She says before pouring a bottle of mango juice on my head. 


"You rock Krystal!" The jocks and cheerleaders cheer as she empties the contents of the bottle. She throws the empty bottle at me before walking away, swaying her hips as she does so. Her group of minions follow her as I stand still. See what I meant when I said she loves bullying me?


"Are you okay?" Chanyeol approaches me worriedly. Chanyeol is a bamboo stick kind of guy, with his and tall figure, and he wears a glasses as thick as mine. We aren't considerably friends, just nerds with similar hobbies and fate. 


"You don't have to ask the same question and over and over again you know." I pull out a handkerchief from my pocket and wipe me sticky face. 


"Well, I don't really know how to start a conversation so I'll stick with it for the mean time." He shrugs. "So, where are the jerks of your brothers?" I roll my eyes at him and stop in front of my locker to get my books. 


"With my dad at who knows where. Probably doing some fishing or golfing." 


"And as usual they left you out." Chanyeol says as he leaned his back against the lockers. I shrug as nonchalant as I could, but deep inside it hurts like hell. It hurts like hell that my dad doesn't really talk to me anymore. It hurts like hell I'm the one doing all the house chores while my brothers are enjoying their time. It certainly hurts having two s as my brothers. 


"What can I expect? I'm the only girl in the house, it's expected that my dad favours my twin older brothers more than me." I say bitterly. 


"You don't even look like a girl though." He laughs slightly as I shut my locker close and walk to my class. 


As soon as I step in the class, a paper ball hit straight at my face and roars of laughter break off. I see two jocks high fiving each other at the back and I roll my eyes walk to my seat, which is right behind the Krystal’s. I feel her eyes on me as I walk pass her, but trip on someone's stuck out foot.


"Oops, my bad." Krystal says innocently. I take a deep breath... keep calm Amber, keep you horse down... Chanyeol helps me up and we sit on our respective seats. 


"I heard we have a new student." Chanyeol whispers beside me. 


"Not that I care." I say with a shrug. "No wait, I do care. I hope he or she doesn't turns out to be one of those barbie face or muscle dude or I'm really done with this school." Chanyeol chuckles beside me and nods his head. Just then, our teacher walks in with someone trailing right behind him.


"Class, we have a new transfer student today. Please take care of her." The new student is a girl, and the type I really hates too. She looks like she's going to be one of the people who'll trip me and pour in my lunch.


"Please to meet you guys, my name is Nicole. Please take care of me. “She says while bowing her head. When she looks back up, her gaze meets mine. She surprises everyone when she starts walking to my direction, ignoring the teacher who's calling out for her. 


"Do you know her? I think she's looking at you." Chanyeol whispers beside me. I shook my head and look at the pretty girl with short hair. She stops right in front of my desk, a smile crept on her face as she stretches out a hand, her gaze still not leaving me.


"Hi, I fell in love with you at first sight. Would you go out with me?" Everyone in the classroom is gasping in shock, even my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.


"Excuse me? I'm a girl." I say incredulously. I can't believe it, is this girl for real? 


"I'm aware of that." She says, her hand still up in front of me. "So, would you be my girlfriend?" I glance at her hand with a brow raised.


"I barely even know you, so nope." She pouts cutely before pointing at Chanyeol.


"Mr. Kim," She turns her head over her shoulder and looks at the teacher pleadingly. “May I take this gentleman's seat? Please."


"Gentleman?" Chanyeol whispers to himself. 


"S-sure, if you insist." Mr. Kim says after clearing his throat. "Chanyeol, you heard the lady." 


Chanyeol stands up and grabs his things hesitantly, before moving to the empty seat right at the back of the class. Nicole plops herself down next to me excitedly, while I look at her weirdly. She is weird, definitely weird. She, a pretty girl, confessed to an ugly nerd like me? Something is wrong, terribly wrong. 


"Looks like we've gotten another dyke." I hear Krystal says loudly, and turn my head a little to see Nicole's reaction. Surprisingly she seems like she doesn't care, as she is busy staring at me. I blink a couple of times before ignoring her and taking down notes.


"What's wrong with that chick? Confessing to you like that all of a sudden." Chanyeol says, while we walk to our usual table carrying a tray of food. "Now, the whole school is talking about it."


"I don't know, but she certainly is weird. It cannot be love at first sight right?" I say, my eyebrows twitching as I set the tray on the table.


"No way, love at first sight just won't ever happen on people like us okay? I bet she's trolling in you." Chanyeol says as he plops himself on the seat in front of me. "She does seem like that kind of girl anyway."


"Trolling someone on the first day of school?" I mutter to myself. Maybe she's that kind of attention seeker who wants all attention on her on the first day of school by confessing to a nerd like me.


"Hey, speak of the devil." Chanyeol points behind me. I turn over my shoulder and see Nicole approaching our table, with a tray in her hands.


"Can I join you guys?" She asks while sitting beside me.


"You're already siting on the chair." Chanyeol says while rolling his eyes. 


"So your name is Amber isn't it?" She asks again, completely ignoring the other guy's presence. I nod my head lightly while stuffing a spoonful of rice in my mouth. "So Amber, let's go to a date tonight.” I choke on my food. "Oh my, are you okay?" Nicole quickly pats my back. I look at Chanyeol, he is blinking hard, before he looks at me with a brow raised.


"W-what did you just said?" I ask Nicole in a high pitch voice.


"Oh my are you okay?"


"Not that, before that.”


"Let’s go to a date tonight?" I look at her dumbfounded. Is this girl seriously asking me, a nerd, out on a date? 


"Well, well, what do we have here?" A voice startles us from behind. "Some new girl just added in our list of freaks." Krystal and her gang stand proudly behind us, looking at us with smirks on their faces. 


"Do you need anything?" Nicole looks at Krystal with a smirk, as if challenging her. It looks like they've known each other for quite a while, or is it my imagination?


"Barbie face, so you're going for a loser now?"


"Look who's talking." Nicole's smirk grew wider when Krystal scrunches up her face to a scowl.


"You! Come with me!" Krystal points at Nicole threateningly. Nicole flips her hair at her, before turning her attention back to me.


"Amber, let’s get out of here." Without waiting for me to say anything, she grabs my wrist and drags me somewhere.


"Hey!" I hear Chanyeol and Krystal calling out for us but Nicole doesn't stop dragging me until we're out of the school.


"Wait, where are we going?" I ask her when we finally stop in front of a bus stop to take a breath.


"We're going on a date." She says with a wink before dragging me into the bus that just arrived.


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GEoRuth #1
2074 streak #2
Chapter 5: This is so funny
2074 streak #3
Chapter 5: Uh uh, passing out while you're dating is strictly prohibited
2074 streak #4
Chapter 17: And cliff hanger...
Chapter 17: Add Jessica jung in the list... Make krystal jeles
fhatzz #6
Chapter 17: Update please!!!
Chapter 17: ahhh .. i keep finish reading this and it still not been update yet!
DustyKimChi #8
Woah.. It's Amberella and 4 princesses. Amber has literally tons of girls falling under her feet. The story has a potential tho, just need a Lil' fixing.