"Krystal and you what?!"


"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She paced around her room frantically, her fingers buried deep into the scalp of her head.
She never thought that she would witness a scene like that. She never thought that The Krystal Jung would cheat on Kris, not in the public place like the toilet at least.
She tightened her hand around the phone she was holding, looking intently at the screen. Two people kissing was displayed clearly on the phone, one of them being no other than the girl she had always hated.
"This will ruin you." A wicked smile was spread across her face. But it faltered when she thought deeply about it.
People aren't gonna hate Krystal for cheating, be it if she were to cheat on the hottest guy in school. This wasn't enough to make people turn their backs on Krystal.
She slammed her desk with her fist and groaned in frustration. Suddenly, something caught her attention and she immediately brought the phone closer and looked at the screen intently.
An evil smirk was plastered on her face before she broke out into fits of evil laugh. 
"Now this will definitely ruin your life, Krystal Jung. " she spat venomly.
"Park Jiyeon! Come down and eat your dinner!"

"Ugh, yes mom!!" She looked at her phone one more time before standing up.

.     .     .      .     .      .      .    .


It was a peaceful morning for me, as I strolled out of bed and stretched away my tiredness. The image of us making out in the toilet yesterday came crushing into my head and I unconsciously smiled slyly at the thought.

Even when I see the huge bunch of dishes were left on the sink by no other than my brother and my father, the huge smile did not falter a bit.
I literally skip to school, my mind constantly on cloud nine. As I walk across the coridor, ignoring the names and insults given to me, I was suddenly pulled by someone into an empty classroom.
"J-jiyeon?" What does she wants from me?
"I know your secret." I am hella confused. She fishes out her phone and scroll through it before handing it to me with a mischievious smirk. I am not liking that smirk of hers.
Carefully, I take the phone from her hand and what is displayed on the screen frightened me to death. It is a picture of me and Krystal kissing!

What the hell?

How did she get this? But in that picture, my back was facing the camera, so my face wasn't taken. Take a deep breath Amber. I don't know why she's showing this to me, she probably doesn't know that person Krystal was kissing is me.
"Why are you showing me this?" I pretend to not know . chill, Amber, you got this.
"Don't try to fool me with your innocent act Amber Liu. You've been sitting in front of me for a whole year during junior year, you think I don't recognize the scar on the back of your neck?"

"W-what do you want?"
"Oh, it's simple." She smiles wickedly while tapping her chin. "You just have to inform me the next time you go out with Krystal." I am confused. What does she gets from doing that?

As if on cue, my phone rings, indicating a message was received. I gasp when jiyeon snatches my phone and unlock it to read the new message.
"no one is around my house tonight. Wanna come?" Jiyeons reads the message out loud and snorts. I try to get my phone back but she starts running around the classroom while typing something on my phone. I try catching her but she is running circles. When I finally get my phone back, she has already sent the message she typed.
"How about we go on a date? How about you meet me at the park just beside our school at 6?" Was what she just sent to Krystal.
"Don't try to delete the message or say anything about this or I will tell your beloved cousin about how intimate you were with his girlfriend yesterday." I froze and guiltiness is filling up my inside. Kris. What would he do when he finds out about this? He'll get hurt. He won't trust me anymore. Jiyeon's chuckles snap me out of my thoughts. "Make your decision.


.      .      .       .      .       .         .


"Yoohoooo. Amber? Amber!" I jolt in surprise when someone suddenly slaps my arm. Chanyeol is standing, with his bag hanging loose behind his back and he  is looking directly at me strangely. 

"What was that for?" I say, referring to the slap he just gave me. 

"You were on Mars. I'm trying to bring you back to earth Am." I roll my eyes at his crap talk.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, noticing we are the only ones in the class right now. 

"Class ended like five minutes ago. Are you okay?" He pulls the chair beside me, where Nicole'a seat is. That Nicole didn't even wake me up from daydreaming. "Hey, don't space out on me again. Answer me." I sigh. Should I tell him the thing with Jiyeon. I probably should. He is the only one I trust in this school.

"Krystal and I made out in the toilet of a mall yesterday." 

"Krystal and you what?!" He exclaims, his eyes are wide as saucer.

"That's a long story. Leave that behind and listen to this first." I raise a hand to stop him from asking any questions regarding me and Krystal.  I have to tell him about Jiyeon. "Jiyeon-"

"Krystal's best friend?" He cuts me off right when I'm about to say the most important thing.

"Yes, let me finish." I glare and him and he clamps his mouth shut. "Jiyeon somehow took a picture of it and now she's threatening me. She made me go on a date with Krystal tonight. Or else she'll tell Kris about Krystal and I." 

"That girl, what's her motive?" Chanyeol asks, rubbing his chin. 

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders defeatedly. 

"Whatever she's planning it doesn't sounds good." I nod my head. Hell yeah, look at that evil smirk she gave me just now. It still gives me chills. "So what are you gonna do? Still going tonight?"

"I have to, i can't risk her telling Kris about us." 

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GEoRuth #1
2074 streak #2
Chapter 5: This is so funny
2074 streak #3
Chapter 5: Uh uh, passing out while you're dating is strictly prohibited
2074 streak #4
Chapter 17: And cliff hanger...
Chapter 17: Add Jessica jung in the list... Make krystal jeles
fhatzz #6
Chapter 17: Update please!!!
Chapter 17: ahhh .. i keep finish reading this and it still not been update yet!
DustyKimChi #8
Woah.. It's Amberella and 4 princesses. Amber has literally tons of girls falling under her feet. The story has a potential tho, just need a Lil' fixing.