""Well stop wasting my time and follow me back home." 


Can things get any more weirder? I am, or was, her servant when I am Joseph, and now I have to be her servant as Amber the dorky nerd too?

Great, now I'll have more interaction with the girl I am trying hard to avoid. Does this girl has some weird servant or something? So much for moving on soon...

"Amber!" I snap out of my thoughts and blink in surprise when I see Chanyeol's face a few inches before mine.  I grimace at our close proximity and push his face away. "Yah, you're spacing out. School ended a while ago." He says while frowning.

"Oh, is it?" I scratch my the back of my head before clearing my stuff and shove my things into my bag. I notice Suzy approaching me through my peripheral vision.


"Bye Amber." Suzy was about to kiss my cheek but Nicole slaps her face away before her lips can touch my face. She pouts and shoots Nicole a look before giving me a blowing kiss and skips out of the class. I mentally gag.



"You!" Nicole snaps her head at me and throws me a threatening look. "Don't you dare cheat on me."

"We'are not even dating." I roll my eyes at her while swinging my bag over my shoulder, getting ready to leave the class.

"Whatever." She flips her hair before walking out of the class, purposely swaying her hips hard. I roll my eyes again at that.

"Man, what a tough day." Chanyeol says while wiping his imaginary sweat. 

"I should be saying that." I sigh as he chuckles and places his arms over my shoulder.

"See ya tomorrow." He says before patting my back. "Don't miss me too much pal." He waves while walking out of the class. I wave until he is out of sight.

I walk down the nearly empty corridor to my locker. What surprises me is that Krystal Jung is there, leaning against my locker with her arms crossed. I approach her, my locker to be exact and clear my throat. 

"Em, excuse me." I say as polite as I can, while trying my best to avoid looking at her. Heck, who knows I might just kiss her right here and now. 'Kris', I mentally reminded myself.

"Ugh, finally you're here you slowpoke." She rolls her eyes and gets off my locker. I look at her puzzled. She is waiting for me the whole time? For what? "You're my servant now remember?" She reminds while twirling a strand of hair with her finger. 

"Uhm, yeah Krystal." I say quietly while looking at the floor. So she is totally serious about the servant thing.... 

"Who give you the permission to call me by my name?" She scowls while lifting my head with her finger under my chin. OMG, she's touching me! My heart is beating a under an inhumane rate. "You are to call me princess, and treat me like one too, understand?" I nod vigorously as I feel my cheek tinting red from her touching my chin. Geez, I am supposed to move on already...."Well stop wasting my time and follow me back home." My head snap to her direction and I stare at her incredulously.

"What?" I ask wwith my mouth ajar, looking especially dumb than I alread am.

"I want you to clean my house, do the house chores." She crosses her arms and hold her head up high with pride. "Unnie and my parents aren't home and I have to do the house chore. I want you to do all of it for me." She glances at me and quirks a brow at my dumbfounded face. "What? You have no right to refuse my orders." 

"O-okay, Krystal." Her eyebrows rose at the mention of her name and I quickly correct myself nervously. "I-I mean p-princess." Damn, this is nerve wrecking. 

I watch as she click on her tongue and rolls her eyes before turning on her heels and walks away. I follow suit behind her like a lost puppy as the remaining students left In the corridor eye us in amusement.





"Are you done cleaning the bathroom?" I hear the princess yells lazily as I wipe the sweat on my brow with my shoulder. This damn girl is no joke, she really has me doing all her house chores. 


Bossy, but hot... I slap myself.  What the am I thinking? Move o

n. Move on.


"In a minute!" I yell back as I begin cleaning up the tools used to clean the toilet, before my eyes come across with the toothbrush in the glass cup on the sink. I glance around before picking up the toothbrush and sniff it.




Wait, what the fudge? What am I? A creep? Adrenaline pumps through my whole system as the door to the bathroom slide open, and I heave out a deep relieving sigh when I manage to toss the toothbrush back to it's original spot on time.


"You've been wasting too much time in the bathroom." She says menacingly as she glares at me while leaning against the door. "You still have the living room, kitchen, and the other rooms to clean." 

"I-I'm done." I say stepping aside and presenting her her new cleaned sparkling bathroom. 

"Whatever." She says curtly before slamming the door shut. I let out a bitter sigh as I listen her heavy footsteps fading away. Why does she treats me so differently when I am Amber? 



After I finished cleaning the bathroom, I exit to her bedroom and glace around. I guess she is in the living room watching the TV? I decide to check her room out queitly while she's still downstairs. 


It is a simple room with walls painted in Tiffany blue colour. There are several posters and picture frames. There is one that catches my eyes immediately and I pick it up and stare at it for a moment.

In the picture stood a 7 to 8 year old Krystal smiling to the camera. In don't know why but this picture gives me some sort of deja vu feels. I shrug the feeling off and put the picture back on its original spot.


My God, look at this messy piles stacking here in her cupboard.I am standing in front of her huge cupboard. It looks incredibly messy, should I clean it for her? Well, I am supposed to clean up her house anyway... I shrug to myself and begin tidying up her cupboard. 


I stack the books which were scattered around and place them neatly acording to the sizes into the cupboard. While c

leaning up the bunch of papers, I come across with two shoe box hidden at the bottom layer of the cupbord.


I blow off the dust on top of each boxes and 

was about to put them back into their original spots when my hands slipped, causing both boxes to fall onto the floor. The shoes inside both boxes have fallen out and lay scattered on the floor. 


I quickly crouch down to pick up the shoes when I notice one of the shoes belongs to me. Isn't this the shoe I left that night when I was at the park with Krystal? I feel a little touched that she is still keeping it... I place the single shoe back into the box and place it into the cupboard before picking up the other shoe from the other box.


Strange, there is only one shoe, just like the one from the first box. And the shoe looks tiny which I guess it must've been for kids around the age of 

8 to 10. 



I squint my eyes to see a faded writing on the edge of the shoe layer and see what seems to be a  capital 'J'.  J? Or is it a symbol?

"What are you doing?" I jolt up a little when I hear a panicked and upset voice from behind. I stand hastily with the shoe in hand and look the Krystal who is standing by the door looking at me with a deep frown. Her eyes then  dart to the shoe in my hand and she stomps her way to me and snatches the shoe from me roughly. "Why are you touching my things?!" She yells angrily while I just stare at her speechless. 

She bent down to pick the shoe box before stuffing the small shoe into the box hastily. 

"Uhm, I-I was cleaning your cupboard and I accidentaly dropped that." I say cautiously, afraid to upset her even more while observing her movement. She seems to have calmed down a bit as she stares at me for a moment. "Y-yes?" I croak nervously.

"Ugh, nevermind." She groans while clutching her head looking as though she is having a mental breakdown. "Go clean the living room." She orders without looking at me. 


I nod and murmured a soft 'yes' before descending down the stairs to the living room. What the hell was that? Why was she so upset over that?


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GEoRuth #1
2073 streak #2
Chapter 5: This is so funny
2073 streak #3
Chapter 5: Uh uh, passing out while you're dating is strictly prohibited
2073 streak #4
Chapter 17: And cliff hanger...
Chapter 17: Add Jessica jung in the list... Make krystal jeles
fhatzz #6
Chapter 17: Update please!!!
Chapter 17: ahhh .. i keep finish reading this and it still not been update yet!
DustyKimChi #8
Woah.. It's Amberella and 4 princesses. Amber has literally tons of girls falling under her feet. The story has a potential tho, just need a Lil' fixing.