"If I let you go this time, I'm a fool."


Why the hell did I chose to go to this mall? Why couldn't I have gone to some other mall to buy a freaking eraser? Why didn't I just go to a mart near my house? Why the hell did I go out in the first place? I could've just borrowed or stole one from Chanyeol anyway... And why the hell do I have to bump into Krystal and Kris as I walk out of the book shop.

Krystal is clinging onto Kris, seemingly oblivious of me being right in front of them. Kris who was laughing at something Krystal said notices me and calls out, "Hey!"

Oh ! Most of all, why didn't I wear my ing glasses? I'm wearing one of those clothes Nicole forced me to buy yesterday on our weekly date. So that means I'm on my 'Joseph mode'. When Krystal's eyes landed on mine, she immediately releases her arms around Kris and looks at me stoicly.

"H-hi K-Kris..." I force a smile on my twitching face. I have so many emotions going on inside me. Nervous, jealousy, anger, paranoid...

"What are you doing here Am-" before Kris could even continue his sentence, I slap my hand against his mouth, clamping it shut before dragging him with me.

"I'll have to borrow him for a while!" I practically shout while pulling Kris's heavy built into the toilet. Men's toilet. Whatever, I am too busy to care about that at this moment.

"What the hell Amber? This is the men's t-"

"Please don't tell Krystal I am Amber!" I cut off his sentence with a frantic yell.

"What?" He looks at me as if I had grown a second head. "What do you mean? .. What do I mean? I can't possibly tell him about Krystal and I's history. Come up with a story Amber.. Come up with one...

"W-w-well I-I am c-conducting an ex-experiment." What the Amber? What lame excuse is that? Kris raises his brow and gestures me to explain further. "Well I am trying to see if she can recognize me with my new look!" I squeeze my eyes shut and just blurt whatever that was in my head. Now that was . I clench both my fists at my side, ready for him to bust my obvious bull crap...

"Oh, that's cool couz!" My eyes snap open and my jaw drop to the ground when he exclaims excitedly. "But I don't think she would, cause you look so different with this appearance." Kris, you're too naive and innocent...


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .


"Sorry." Kris apologises as we approach his girlfriend, who is leaning against the wall looking kind of pissed. "A- Joseph and I were catching up since we haven't been seeing each other for so long." Kris turns his head over to give me a sheepish smile. Yes, I told him to call me that when we are in front of Krystal. Smart right?

"In the toilet?" Krystal looks at me weirdly, as if giving me the 'did you seriously just went into the men's toilet' look. I break our eye contact and stare at anywhere but her.

"Hey Amber, we are about to watch a movie. Wanna come along?" I was about to refuse when a voice sounded from God knows where.

"Yes!" Turning my head over my shoulder, I see a girl in pink crop top and denim shorts skipping her way to us. Oh great. Can this day get any worse?

"Uhm, who are you?" Kris looks at her with furrowed brows.

"I'm Suzy, the new student in our school. I've heard a lot about you senior Kris!"

"Oh!" Kris snaps his fingers in realization. "Right, I've heard about you too! But I was busy about the upcoming basketball match I didn't even get the chance to catch a glimpse of you." Suzy giggles before snapping her head at me.

"Can I join you guys to the cinema?" She looks at me with those cute puppy-like eyes. Too bad, it doesn't work on me. I was about to refuse when she pouts. "Please Am-" I muffle with my hand before she can continue her talk and drag her to walk by placing my other free hand at her waist.

"To the cinema it is!" I exclaim pulling the girl to the direction of the cinema. Screw my life.

Kris is seated at the furthest left seat. At his right side seat sat Krystal, while I'm seated right on Krystal's other side. Suzy is sitting on my right side looking as hyper as ever. Great. Really great.

The movie playing on screen is called 'The Wife'. It is about a wife cheating on her husband. Oh gosh. I can feel awkwardness starting to fill the air around me and Krystal. Why in all choices of movies you have to choose this, Kris?

"Please." The cheating wife hugs the pizza deliver, the man she is cheating with on her husband. "I will leave him. Please stay with me." Kissing scenes start displaying on the screen, and in no time clothes are taken off, and touching is involved.

I gulp down the huge lump formed in my throat and try my best to not look at the person sitting beside me. I in a lungful of breath when I feel hand on top of my left thigh. I look at Krystal through my peripheral eyesight and notice her focussing on the screen.

Her hand starts trailing up my thigh and I hold my breath, my eyes bulging as I try not to make a sound. Her hand was on my upper thigh when I quickly snatch it with mine and hold it tightly.

It has been so long since I touched her soft delicate hands. It angers me to see her and Kris holding hands everyday...

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel her hands intertwining with mine. Butterflies formed and I felt my them doing summersaults in my stomach. My heart is beating at an inhumane rate.

The movie ended with the wife killing her husband. Turns out the wife has some serious mental problems and all this while she has been imagining things. So the cheating part isn't real, it is part of her delusion. What-the- plot twist, I know right?

I sigh as I flush the toilet after using it. What did it mean when Krystal did that in the cinema? Did that meant anything to her? Well, it did, to me at least. Unlocking the door, I am shocked when I felt myself being pushed back and my falls on top of the toilet seat. The figure quickly locked the door, and I gasp when the figure turns around.


"I've been missing you since that day you left my house." She whispers, her voice sounds incredibly seductive.

"Don't." I manage to croak out as I avoid eye contact with her. I can't do this. I'm not going to let her hurt me anymore. Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me. Remember that saying, Amber!

"No." She says sternly as she approaches me and sits on my lap. "I've let you leave once, and it kills me. If I let you go this time, I'm a fool." She says, before crashing her lips against mine. I tried to pry her off me, but my heart keeps screaming at me not to.

I give up and let my arms just fall around her back, pulling her closer before deepening the long awaited kiss...


  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .


"Why are there two pairs of shoes in this cubical?" An anonymous person mumbles to herself while looking aat the gap bellow between the cubicles.  "Are they..." the person smirks, before putting the cap of the toilet seat down slowly. She climbs up the seat, and peeks over to the cubical right beside her. "Oh my God.






Hey guys, sorry I took a long time to update this story. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The next chap will be up shortly. 

Comment, comment, and comment. Tell me what you think. ; )



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GEoRuth #1
2074 streak #2
Chapter 5: This is so funny
2074 streak #3
Chapter 5: Uh uh, passing out while you're dating is strictly prohibited
2074 streak #4
Chapter 17: And cliff hanger...
Chapter 17: Add Jessica jung in the list... Make krystal jeles
fhatzz #6
Chapter 17: Update please!!!
Chapter 17: ahhh .. i keep finish reading this and it still not been update yet!
DustyKimChi #8
Woah.. It's Amberella and 4 princesses. Amber has literally tons of girls falling under her feet. The story has a potential tho, just need a Lil' fixing.