Grrrrrr....... -________-

Thirteen Months

Eunnhhh. Where’s the dorm building? I wondered, after spending the rest of the happy day (which was now nighttime) exploring the city by myself. Then I realized I was staring up at it. Typical me, I laughed. I didn’t know what to feel: excited about my unfolding training, spending hours every day with Shinee, and living in the artists’ dorm or scared of the wrath-and-jealousy-of-the-fangirl which would likely come someday no matter how hard I tried to keep this secret. And a little part of me felt guilty for stretching my parents’ wishes and choosing a program in Korea instead of USC and Northwestern where I’d been accepted. Theywouldn’t want you to worry, I reassured myself. I’ll call them when I get settled in tomorrow.

I punched the building entry code into the keypad at the front door. The building itself was amazing. Despite others who find it ugly, I loved the modern, glass-and-steel architecture. The door clicked open and I went in, humming to Hello as I walked into the elevator. I took out my room key and information sheet, counting the doors: 807, 809, 811 – here, 813. I waved the keycard over the sensor and opened the door as the green light flashed.

Wow, I gasped. It’s really big for a city dorm, especially one for a trainee. I wonder why Director Kim likes and trusts me so much? I pondered over that as I put down my bags and explored the kitchen. Heck, the fridge is even stocked with stuff and there’s ramen in the pantry. I looked for my two staples, the water boiler and the rice cooker, and found they were both there. This isn’t even a dorm, it’s more like a hotel suite, I thought. I looked at the clock. It was 11, and I began to realize just how dead tired I was, even though I slept on the plane. I went to the other room, which was essentially just a full-size bed with sliding door closet and bathroom to the side. Yawning, I brushed my teeth and plopped on the bed to go to sleep, changing from my blouse and skirt to a cami and sweats.

I was entering the happy world of dreamland when BANG BOOM BANG. Someone was hitting and thumping the wall behind the bed. I grumbled. The one thing they’d obviously overlooked in making these great dorms was SOUNDPROOFING the walls. I decided to let it go; maybe my neighbor ran into the wall. Sometimes I do that :P

So just as I was about to fall asleep again, the noise started again. Random banging on the wall. What exactly do these artists do on Friday nights? I wondered. I banged back on my side of the wall, but I was pretty sure the neighbors hadn’t heard. I tied up my hair quickly and rubbed my eyes to go talk to whoever they were. Maybe they just didn’t know someone else had moved in.

I rang the bell to room 811. No one came, so I pressed it a few more times. Finally I heard footsteps coming, and the door opened.

“Excuse me, but I’ve been trying to get some sleep here, I just spent the day out and got here from a ten-hour flight from California this morning, not including the connecting flight that got me there, so if you wouldn’t mind showing a little consideration and keeping it down after hours, I would really appreciate—” I blinked, realizing I was talking to none other than the famous Kim Jonghyun. What a great first impression. I honestly wanted a little hole in the ground to open right now so I could just slide in and never face this again. Alas, no such luck. I felt my cheeks turn warm. Great, now I was blushing too. Why should I care so much what Jonghyun and Shinee thought of me anyway?

“And you are...?” Jonghyun raised his eyebrow.


ehhhhh it's short. sorry D: I'll try to get one more up tonight but I'm tired :P

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hey hey nice story! pls update soon!
hope you update soon!:P cant wait!(:
ahhhh i'm glad! omg, i've gotten WAY more into the other one i'm writing and this one might go on hiatus for a little bit, cuz I dont' want to just churn out crappy chapters for the sake of continuing both stories at once.<br />
I'm really glad you like it though! <3 so glad it's friday, updates pretty much triple over weekends :D
Joanne0725 #4
cool~! ^^ update soon~! ^^
bluecheese #5
I'm extremely excited for school. :D LOLJK XD<br />
lol i'm glad you like it! hope i can keep making it better! :O
bluecheese #7
AH IT JUST GOT BETTER. :D -totalfangirlmoment-<br />
LOVING this fanfic. :3<br />
I feel really bad for her too, leaving her keycard. ;[ lol so sad<br />
I wonder what will happen. oooh, I'm excited!<br />
Its okay, I'll wait, I have school tomorrow as well. TT_TT FML But, update ASAP. <3
bluecheese #8
LOL She lives next door to SHINee. XD I hope they don't turn out to be asses. hahah Update soon please!