09 Dreams and Hair

The Daily Lives of Seventeen

“Junghan Junghan!!”


“Your hair’s been cut!!”


“It’s short now!!”

“WHAT?!!” Junghan shot right up from his bed and clenched his fist around his sides immediately. He did not hear that right. Did Hong Jisoo just wake him up by telling him his hair was cut?

First thing he did of course was to check the alarm clock thrown on the floor that all the members had shared. 4:38 AM. No. He didn’t wake up late or anything. They didn’t have anything particular they had to do that day besides practice later in their second home for their comeback song. Nothing in particular, he was not late, so why did Jisoo wake him up in that way?

Second thing he did was to take a look and Hong Jisoo. The younger male looked at him with worried eyes like he does to all the rest of s, Junghan would constantly remind himself of that fact, and his pupils looked straight into his with full on concern. The eyes that he is looking into right now were definitely not ones that would lie to him.

So the third thing the socially-proclaimed angel did was to look at himself in the mirror where he liked to secretly hide under his pillow. Well, it’s not so much of a secret anymore since after he had dyed his hair blonde and kind of grey for the mv shooting, Seungcheol had randomly bought him a mirror, well, a mirror for everyone, so that they can look at themselves. A weird gift really, but Junghan liked it as it apparently somehow made him look really good. Because of this, he now keeps it under his pillow. No, it wasn’t to look at himself first thing in the morning to see how he looks but yes, it was to keep his hand cool because the face of the mirror “is cold” to Junghan.

And although he did not believe anyone would cut his beautiful long hair off that he has been known for by the fans, when he looked into the mirror, what he saw was that he had black dull fluffy short hair, the one he used to have during the pre-debut days. Jisoo wasn’t lying. Heck, Hong Jisoo almost never lies. And this fact broke his poor little heart.

“WHO THE HECK DID THIS TO MY FREAKING HAIR” Junghan yelled out with his full voice, which unfortunately cracked a little as it was still early in the morning.

“Junghan calm down!!” The younger male sat beside him now, doing calm down gestures with his still worried look on his cute face.

What? Junghan didn’t think it looked cute okay. It was just that it was too early in the morning, so everything looked smooth and pretty with the lighting.

Back to the situation, doing what everyone would do, he started sobbing and whining. Although he was the second oldest in the group, he never seized to take the opportunity to whine whenever he can. Either ways, he knew deep inside that the other members liked and thought it was cute for him to do that anyways.

“No way… Why the hell is my hair even cut? WHO THE FREAK DID THIS” The older continued to yell and complain, being careful not to use the full on swear word, especially not in front of Jisoo after Hansol had accidently said it because he had the need to look ‘cool’ and that it was necessary for his audition.

“Hyung… what the hell is with your shouting so early in the morning…?” The first, technically second one to witness it was Chan, who was known for being able to wake up easily if you shout loud enough randomly. Only randomly. At the sight of his hyung now in short black hair, the younger dropped the pillow he had carried to sleep and dropped it on the ground, placing both hands on his mouth in with a horror look at his face.

“AHHHH” Junghan screamed once again as he pulled a pillow in front of his face and turned the other way around. “DON’T LOOK AT ME!!”

The next one that came in was Seokmin, and being the one that likes to laugh at everything, the boy spotted just a tuff of his black hair at the corner of the pillow and burst out laughing.

A bit rude honestly but no one can really say that the look Junghan had right now, wasn’t funny.

Sooner or later, all eleven of them had gathered around Junghan and Jisoo, who began to tell the story of how he suddenly felt like God was speaking to him so he woke up to find that Junghan’s hair had been changed before waking him up as well.

Of course, more than half of them laughed. Even Seungcheol who normally would be comforting the other and Minghao, who really is blank whenever he wakes up, end up cracking up in laughter.

But since after all, they were members that were nice to him and they were all family, they had gathered around the now crying Junghan and comforted him. Wonwoo, being considerate also brought him a cup of cold water from the kitchen along with Seungkwan for him to drink first because he was beginning to lose his voice and no one wants that to happen, especially not when they’re having their comeback soon.

“Dude… Why is your hair even that important? I know it is like your special point in the group, but you look brilliant without it. Don’t you know?” Junhui asked, raising an eyebrow all of a sudden and looked at the other. To the older Chinese member honestly, cutting his hair is a good thing as he once experienced the time when he had long hair and honestly, it looked a little weird to him. Junhui had thought that he looked more handsome with his hair now cut short.

Of course Junghan knew. Junghan learned since he was very young to be confident in your appearance no matter what happened anyway. It is simply not right to disregard your appearance. Really, he was thankful that god had given him such a beautiful face like an actual angel. It was part of the reason why he liked to stand in front of the mirror sometimes and just stare at himself for a long period of time.

But why he really cared about his long hair was because of one person in particular. Hong Jisoo. That guy had told him many many times that he liked him with long hair. That he thought his hair was absolutely beautiful and that it suited him well. He adored being complimented by Jisoo as to him, other than himself; Jisoo had a face of an angel as well.

Junghan doesn’t know, but his hair is really only an excuse and reason for Jisoo to maybe have fallen for him. It really wasn’t because of his hair, no way. It was because of how the other would always whine at him, how the other would always cling onto him whenever they were on trips, choosing to sit next him during fansigns, to talk to him and only him at midnight, dragging him out to eat tteokbeokki and how Jisoo would occasionally catch Junghan trying to hold hands with him on the streets, and take small glances at the other.

It was just an accident that occurred and had started one day in the hair salon where Jisoo had sat on the seat behind Junghan’s and had accidently stared at the face on the other mirror for so long that the older had to turn back to ask him why he was looking at him like that with such a ‘creepy’ face. Honestly, the face he was making wasn’t creepy at all. It was just that Jisoo looked a bit drunk, smiling to himself while his cat eyes glanced at the other for way too long. So of course, what every logical people would do to answer the question, when they were in the hair salon was: “I love your long hair”

No, it wasn’t because of his long hair that Jisoo had told him that he loves his hair. Heck, his hair was short during pre-debut period and Jisoo still chose to stick to him!  This, Junghan did not and might not every know.

“Guys… just go back to sleep okay?” Seungcheol spoke up after more than half of them had yawned either at the same time, or right after one another.

“Maybe when you wake up again, everything will go back to the same way” Minghao smiled at the older, still having a slight smirk on his face but it looked genuine.

Junghan simply nodded and watched as one by one, or well, all together at once really, the members crawled back to their beds to sleep for another few good hours or so. One person stayed behind though and that was Jisoo.

“So… what’s wrong? Don’t you think you look good with your hair just like that?” Jisoo began the conversation, turning back from the door to look the older in the eyes. The worried face was gone now, and his eyes were filled with curiosity.

“Yes but no…” Junghan sighed once, sniffing a little as he slowly placed the pillow back down to its original spot.


“It’s nothing, let me go to bed”

“No Junghan. Tell me.” Jisoo was serious now, placing a hand on Junghan’s hand and grasped it tightly.

“No!” Junghan struggled, trying to pull the older away as he looked at him. Honestly, it really did seem like the younger was the older one in situations like this, but it didn’t matter on the outside. They both took care of each other anyway.

“Tell me now.” Jisoo looked serious, staring deeply into the others eyes as he grasped both of Junghan’s hands with both of his own.

“It’s because…” Junghan hesitated to let out those words that were choking his throat right now. He felt sorry for having everyone wake up just to see him like that. He felt even sorrier that Jisoo stayed behind with eyes still filled with concern just to look after him.


“It’s because of you”

Silence filled the air as Junghan looked away slightly, looking at the clock and the mirror that was lying on the floor together and avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

“W-what?” It took some time for Jisoo to process it in his head, and when he did, he stuttered.

“You said once that you liked me with my long hair right? You said that when I swear I caught you staring at me in the hair salon” Junghan looked up more confidently at the younger now. He was the older one after all, he should be more brave and less shy.

“WHAT NO. WHEN DID I-” It took another while for Jisoo to process the elder’s words again and now, maybe it was just the tiny ray of light shining through from somewhere but the younger’s face was slightly red.

“I want you to still be able to stare at me like that kinda… you know… when you can, but you can’t anymore because my hair is short and plain now” Junghan sighed a second time and he looked at their hands and slowly, rubbed his thumb against the others. 

“Jisoo?” He decided to look up as the other hadn’t said anything for the past what seemed like forever.


“Is it okay for you to say God?”

“Yes oh gosh!”

“So… Jisoo?”

Silence filled the air once again, and now, they were just in a competition where Junghan was trying to make eye contact while the younger was flustered and not.

 “Stupid Junghan. I’ll stare at you whenever you want even if your hair is like that okay?” It was just a simple mutter, but Junghan could hear everything. “Jesus Christ, you’re so beautiful even without that long hair of yours. I love you okay?”

Now, it was Junghan’s turn to have to process whatever the younger had said into his mind. Man, his poor little heart was already shocked from his new hairstyle and now, he needs to take in the younger’s feeling? 

“Is it okay for you to say Jesus Christ”

“Junghan! I’m saying I like you right now geez!”


Wow, so Jisoo really had feelings for me, was all Junghan could think about as he stared into the others face which he could feel was very heated and looking down shyly.

“I like you! Not because of your hair, but because you’re Yoon Junghan!”


“Don’t you like me too?”

“Yes. I do” Junghan spoke sincerely now, smiling widely, almost grinning at the other.

“I really like you Junghan” Jisoo looked up and took a quick glance before pulling him into a tight hug.

“I really like you too Jisoo” He placed his hand behind the others back and held onto him tightly.

And Junghan swear he could stay in that moment forever.

“Junghan Junghan!!”

“What?” It all seemed too familiar to him as he woke up. Did he fall asleep in Jisoo’s arm already? Was it the next day already?

“Wake up!!” Jisoo’s voice became a little louder as he tried to wake the other up by shaking him.

“OH MY GOD IS IT MY HAIR” Junghan shot right up from his bed.

“Don’t say that!! Your hair is exactly the same, long and greyish like yesterday!!” Jisoo stopped shaking and is not frowning at him with his arms crossed.


“You overslept! Hurry and wake up!”

Junghan looked at the younger male who had the same worried eyes at before as he saw him grab some of Junghan’s clothes and threw it to him before walking out and shutting the door closed.

That was when it snapped.

“Dammit.” Junghan lay back down on his bed and placed on hand on top of his face, the other holding onto his clothes.

 “It was just a dream”


Minghao: Did you really dream of that?

Junghan: No… what… hahaha…

Jisoo: I can’t believe you said that.

Junghan: WHAT DID I DO

Jisoo: Geez- your hair is perfectly fine

Junghan: Why are you changing the topic?

Jisoo: Go to sleep or something

Junghan: Wait. Jisoo… WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME?!!

Minghao: You guys are weird what the…

Hansol: pfft—Ignore them. 



See! I promised a better update! JIHAN. Or is it worse--- this is so long, i apologize 



okay;; exam week is next week and i won't be updating i dont think so, im sorry uwu 

Comments will be very much appreciated! 

I love you


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Chapter 13: omgeeeee~~~ i need more of this kind if situation!!!!!! so cuuute btw author nim i hope u update fast!!! i really like this story!!
Chapter 4: this chapter gave me so many feels addfgf ;; author-nim, you're a MEANIE LMAO <3
seventeentrashhh #5
SeventeenCarrot #6
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 13: Oh god, lol. Cleanse these kids, Jihoon :))
2minho #8
Chapter 13: So.. what does you take me to the top and straight down like a gyro drop mean?? /copying junhui/
yangyoungjaee #9
Chapter 13: OMG YOU HV NO IDEA HOW I ALWAYS THINKING OF HOW THE H*LL (in case hong jisoo saw this) DID THEY MAKE THAT SONG LOLOLOLOLOL thanks for writing this its really funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
yangyoungjaee #10
Chapter 13: OMG YOU HV NO IDEA HOW I ALWAYS THINKING OF HOW THE H*LL (in case hong jisoo saw this) DID THEY MAKE THAT SONG LOLOLOLOLOL thanks for writing this its really funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ