
Like The First Time


Donghae's P.O.V


I stared into Hyukkie's seductive eyes with much hopes . I tried my best to look pathetic in front of him as much as i can . I made puppy eyes and puffed my cheeks to look cuter . He'll fall with my aegyo somehow ... Hehe~


Ahhh boya why is his expression remain the same ? Don't you feel pity towards me , Hyuk ? Tsk how dare you .

I was about to give up . I sighed and turned back , making my ways to leave the place with sorrow heart . But suddenly , i felt a hand that was grabbing mine and stopped me .

"Where are you going ?" . He asked me while pulled my hand so i would turn around and face him . OHYEAHH MY ACTING IS WORKING ! !

"Somewhere ..." . I woefully replied , and pretended to look depressed .

"Mianhae .. Let's go in . You can stay here" .

"Really ???" . I opened both of my eyes widen and gasped . Well i wasn't that shock . I already knew he'll allowed me eventually . Whahaa i got you ~

"Mhm" . He slightly smiled and brought me inside . "I wouldn't let you stay at the underground passage anymore" .

Wwwhat ? Hold a second . . . a rich guy like me ? lives at the underground passage ? O-kay . . that was the worst lie i've ever made . And he actually , believed it ?

Wow .

Know what , Hyuk ? you're the cutest foolish ever in the world . But i still love you .



I helped him cooking at the kitchen with some ingredients i just bought . Well since i'm now staying here , of course i have to do some of the chores . Like cooking , washing , cleaning , blablabla . Although actually i never did those things for my entire life before .

I have a lot of maids to wash my clothes , clean my room , my house , get rid of the dust . Also , i have Mr. Kang to arrange and look after me . Omg speak about him , now i miss him . I wonder what is he up to right now ?

Indeed , i was only helping though . But it turned to be that i was like the real host and cooked for the whole dishes . Hyukkie couldn't even concentrate on his works , seeing my cooking skills was just so incredible .

I secretly smirked and showing-off my skills on purpose while he was so impressed with me .

I've learnt cooking for years and i can say that it's one of my skills to be proud of rather than fighting . I'm expert in everything :] Hyukkie is lucky to have someone like me .

Hyukjae's looking at me . . He's currently staring at me . . How i miss that stares . It's good to know that i'll be living here with him . Forever <3 Aummmm~


For about half an hour later , we've finally done cooking . Both of us grinned in pleased and satisfied . We served the food on the dining table and got ready to eat .

While i was washing my hands at the sink and Hyukkie put the rice into the bowls , we heard the main door was unlocked by someone . Lights came in through the door and she got inside immediately when she sensed delicious smells from the kitchen .

It was Hyukkie's mom . Right timing . My mother in-law is back ^^

"Omma" . Hyukkie quickly guide his mom to the dining table and served another bowl of rice for her .

"Annyeonghaseyo" . I politely greeted and bowed with a grin .

"Ahh Donghae-shi , you're also here ? Hyukjae-ah , what happened to our house ? Where did those new furnitures come from ?" .

Hyukkie and i exchanged gaze . I don't really get it why'd he look nervous by sudden .

"I'm the one who bought it" . I calmly answered , sitting at the table next to Hyuk .

"Ahh r-right" . He chuckled awkwardly when the situation became silent and nobody was talking . His expression showed that he was obviously uncomfortable for nothing .

"What seriously ? Omo Donghae-shi i'm apologize for the bothersome . We don't really need them . Maybe you can take it back with you" .

I paused . No , there was something i wanted to say and explain why i did that exactly . But it wasn't coming out from my mouth . There , it became silent again until Hyukjae spoke out and broke off the silence .

"Omma , actually Donghae .. he'll stay with us . I was disagree at first , but he was having a hard time . He helps me almost everytime , and i shouldn't just keep giving burden to him . He was living at the under-" .

"Aniyo !" . With a quick reaction , i grabbed his hand tightly to stop what was he about to say . "Hyukjae's trial exam is just so close . So i've decided to stay in this house , and willing to tutor him so he'll get better result . Don't you want that to happen , Omma ?" .

Hyukkie was looking at me in confused , when suddenly i spoke something that's out of expectation . I only replied him with a big smile and wink .

"Ahh so it's like that . Are you sure you wanna do this , Donghae-shi ? I'm afraid it's kind of a burden to you" .

"Not at all . No need to pay me anything . Free of charge . Is that okay ?" .



Waiting for Hyukkie taking shower in the bathroom , i observed everything in his room to fill up my wasted time . This room looks cute after been renovated ^^

There's not that much stuffs , but it attracted me a lot since the things are all his . Everything is special and unique for me . I took a look at those things carefully to prevent any damage . Until i found a big frame that was hanging on the wall .  Hey , who is this ?

The guy in this photo really looks like Hyukjae , well except for that mustache . According to my sixth sense , he's not just somebody . The photo has turned yellowish and the quality quite bad . In what century this photo had been taken ?

As i was busy investigating and fighting with my own mind sense about the mysterious-somebody guy , the door was opened by Hyukkie who have done taking a bath .

"Hae , what are you doing ?" .

"Me ? Just wondering , who is this person and why it's hanging in your room ?" .

"Oh that guy. He's my dad . My hero" .

"Your dad ??" . I looked at the photo again , then turned to Hyukjae . Looked at the photo , turned to Hyukjae . They got the same face !! No wonder .

"Hae ? Are you .. okay ?" .

"Yeah ! Fine ! Waaa , look how handsome your dad is . Just like you . And Me . Heee~ So... where's he ? I should've greet him" .

"In the heaven . But he's always there for me . Whenever i'm facing problems and troubles . He's a good listener . He always calm me , though he does nothing . When i was just a kid , i was closer to Appa rather than with Omma actually . When i got punished by Omma , Appa will take care of me and brought me to the playground . It has been 16 years already and i .. i miss him so much" .

My heart broken to pieces . Truthfully i really didn't know that his dad has passed away and i just .. broke his feelings !

I felt sudden weak after listening to his story and i bet he supposedly feel the same . But .. why is he smiling ? Why is he trying to pretend as he's alright in front of me ? Don't lie to me , Hyuk . I know you're crying inside . It's my fault .

"Hyukjae , i'm very very sorry . I didn't mean .. I mean , honestly . Please don't hate me" .

"Hey , relax . No need to beg for a forgiveness . You did nothing wrong" .

Tears just fell down from my eyes before i ever realized it . I felt like i've made a really big sin to him .

"Donghae .." . Just before he looked at my face , i pulled his waist first and huggles with him with my chin rested on his shoulder , closer to his ear .

Silently crying without making noises and the tears just keep dropping to my cheeks , i hugged him even tighter to calm his lonely heart closer to mine . Just as he knows .

"You silly . If you want to cry , just cry in my embrace . Don't hides it . It hurts" . I told to him while his back . 16 years .. How can he lives without his father for 16 years ? How can he became so tough for this whole times ?


"Hyukjae , if you need somebody to listen to you , you have me . If you need somebody to take care of you , that would be me . You're not alone , you got me . I'll replace your dad's position for you . I'll love you as much as your dad" .




I was pushed hard from the embrace by himself and fell down in front of him on the floor . What was this all about ?

"You cannot" . He was frowning towards me , as he definitely hates with what i just said .



        "Hyukkie . . ."



OMG i'm sorry for the late update . sorry for the lame chapter . sorry for the boring story T-T these days just stressed me out since i'll taking final exam soon . My brain frozen ! I couldn't think anything . Like everything ! thank you so much if you're still supporting me. i am very grateful . thanks ! i love my subscribers <3 comment and sub are loved ~

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hello!! i'm currently in my village for now and i'll be updating this story sooner or later. stay tuned!


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Chapter 16: I can't help myself but pity hae.. He's annoying, but it doesn't give hyukkie right to treat him like that.. Sigh.. I hope that hae will realize that hyukkie doesn't love him and move on..
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 16: interesting...looking forward
asianvanilla #3
Aww poor hae
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 16: hyukkie please considering hae feelling poor hae he really love hyukie ,,,,,,^^
Chapter 3: l love this story keep going and make alot of your stories
and l will read it
oh l was surprised when you mention me thnx and l will read it
Tamara230206 #7
i'm shock that you mentioned me in your foreword hehehe.....i will surely be glad to read this story even though i'm going to be busy in college.....
reena132 #8
Chapter 16: I like kyuhyuk Moments
more kyuhyuk moments please auther-nim
257471 #9
Chapter 16: ahahaha looks fun...
Chapter 16: i don't really remember this story... :(