Sneak in

Will I able to love you?


Hyukjae POV

I tiptoed along the corridor as quiet as possible.

I glance around checking if the coast is clear before I tiptoed to the particular door which is so familiar to me.

I flipped the doormat as I found the extra key as usual lying under the door mat.

I took the key and unlock the door in front of me before stepping into the dark apartment quietly.

Hmm…I bet he is already asleep.

I close the door quietly as I remove my shoes and place it neatly at the doorway before walking in the familiar place.

Aww…it’s good to be back here again.

I place the key on the table as I tiptoed to his room quietly push open the door.

The room is slightly dimmed as the nightstand is still on as I glance at the sleeping figure on the bed.

I quietly push a chair to the bed not wanting to wake the sleeping figure since I am trespassing.

I sat on the chair while glancing at the sleeping figure.

“Hey, how are you today?” I asked his smooth cheeks.

Well, you’ve been wondering where I am right.

The truth is I am in Donghae’s apartment.

Or specifically should I say I am in the place where we once shared.

Well, I had been sneaking into the apartment every midnight for the past three months already.

Yeah, you heard me right, three months.

Well, for the past three months, I can’t say that I am not affected by Hae throwing me out because I feel my heart is breaking whenever I thought back of the scene where Hae kiss the girl.

Ever since that day, I don’t know what I’ve been feeling except dying to see Hae everytime when I am free of work.

Which means I had went to the café he works in every lunch time.

Of course, I had always hid in my car while watching him serve his customers.

And also after work, I’ll be heading to his apartment while sitting in my car waiting for him to get home.

And when it is midnight already, I will be sneaking into the apartment while using the extra key to went into the apartment while enjoy the peacefulness when he sleeps.

I sound like a creeper huh?

Well, I can’t help it.

For the past three months I had develop this habit of just looking Hae from afar.

I couldn’t help myself to stop doing it knowingly it is wrong to spy on him.

But I couldn’t help for my heart wanted to see him.

To know his presence.

Not seeing him a day already enough to make me feel suffocated.

Not able to feel his presence around me already makes me annoyed.

Seeing him flashing a smile already able to make my heart race.

Hearing his giggles are just like the music in my ears.

I think I might want to admit that I had..


Fall for Hae..


Maybe not that crazily..but..

I think I can admit that…



I love Hae.

I love Lee Donghae.

Not brotherly love.

Not friendship love.


More than that..

The love which two lovers shared.

The love where the bond is too strong to be brokened.

I see Hae, as the man, who I love, who I wanted to protect for the rest of my life.

I see Hae, as the man, who I care for, who I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

“How is work today? Fun? Did any customers give you a hard time?” I ask the sleeping figure.

I knew you might think that I am insane to talk to a sleeping figure when I could just wake him up and talk to him.

But no.

I don’t have the courage to do that.

Not when he has a girlfriend and I am just a nobody to him.

Well, I know I had fallen for him somehow and wanted to get back to him again.

But somehow I can’t make myself to get to him, not when he has a girlfriend.

Not when he is already so happy with his girlfriend.

Guessed I had been late for declaring my love to him.

Guessed I had been too foolish to realize it sooner.

Now I had just missed my opportunity to have my happily ever after with him.

Regret or not, it is me to be blame.

I should have known my feelings long time ago.

I should have.

I gently his bangs which was covering his eyes.

He looks so angelic and so peaceful when he sleeps.

“Get some rest Hae, I’ll be around to look after you,” I whispered softly while caressing his cheek.

“Goodnight Hae,” I whispered and press my lips onto his slightly parted one.

“I love you,”




“Hmmm..” I moaned at the buzzing of my phone.

I stirred from my slumber as I stretched my hands feeling the cramps over my back.

I took a glance on my watch which shows 4am in the morning.


Time to get up!

I rolled myself off the couch as I walked to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water, carefully gulping up the drink.

I rinse the glass once I finish so Hae wouldn’t suspect that anyone had trespass into his apartment.

Well, I had been really careful not to leave any trace that I had been here every night.

Of course, you might be wondering why I didn’t get caught yet.

The truth is, I had knew Hae for so long which I had practically knew when will he fall asleep and also when will he wake up which gives me no trouble in sneaking in and out without being realize by him.

Aside from that I should be happy that Hae is a deep sleeper which he might not even able to realize what happen at night when he sleeps.

Which this also makes me worry about him the most since he is living alone now and what if there is a fire? Or maybe burglars?

Surely you know what I am worrying about right?

I push open the door to his bedroom again as I walk to the sleeping figure.

I sat on the chair again as I lean in capturing his lips.

“Good morning Hae,” I whispered and caress his cheeks.

“Have fun in work later okay? And don’t stress yourself too much when you work! I’ll be back later night okay?” I smile at him.

“I love you,”


I slipped into my shoes as I push open the door getting out of the apartment.

I locked the door as I slipped the key under the doormat.

“I’ll be back tonight,” I whispered staring at the door.

I’ll be back tonight.

I stuff my hands onto my pants pocket as I walk out of the building.

Time to get ready for work.

End of POV 





*pops out* UPDATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! creeper Hyuk!! anyone like this side of Hyuk? "I love you but I want your happiness, I love you but I have no courage," kekeke

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Aidenlee_24 #1
Chapter 16: Great writing, i hope Hae clear sica's isssue to hyukkie also. but great it is so much feels 💙 head starts going back to watch kingdom. 😊💙
Chapter 16: The feeling...
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 16: Good story :) thanks authornim!!
gogo15eoul #4
Chapter 16: Eunhae Drama reading it with listening to growing pains
Itls really suitable
Thanks author-nim
Chapter 16: aaaaak thats sweet /.\
Chapter 16: ahhhw cuuute :D Thanks for this!!! :D
Chapter 16: i am crying right now for the first time after reading a fic thank u so much
esmeberta #8
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD...that was one of the best stories ever <3 <3 <3
Chapter 16: i loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee this story and how u describe bout eunhae feelings towards ecah other..
glad finally they have a happy live together after so much time suffering ^^
Chapter 16: I love this fict^^ a really good one;;