Don't go

Will I able to love you?


Hyukjae POV

I glance at my watch as I glance at the room which was still bright.

It’s already past 1am and he is still awake.

I wonder why he isn’t asleep already.

I thought he need to get up early to work?


I slowly slipped the key into the keyhole as I unlock the door quietly not wanting to scare the person inside.

Well, I didn’t plan to show myself.

Not when he already wanted me out of his life.

But somehow it makes me concerned about him that makes me want to check if he is alright.

It started to get me worried that he is not asleep since it’s already 2am.

He’ll be tired for sure when he works tomorrow if he doesn’t sleep.

I slowly push open the door quietly without even want to surprise him.

I shouldn’t be here.

I shouldn’t be here when he is still awake.

When he might caught me.

When he might see me.

But my curiosity and concern over him makes me couldn’t just leave him alone.

I quietly removed my shoes as I could hear the sound of TV still running.

Ah, he is watching TV.

I wonder what show could make him stay up so late.

Hmm…luckily nothing happen to him.

Guessed I had been too worried over him.

I turn around to the door and was about to slipped back into my shoes when something strikes past my mind.

Just let me see him for once, up close when he is awake.

It’s been a long time since I’d see him up close.

Of course, all these time I am seeing him from afar.

Just once.

Give me just this once to see him up close.

Even though he might have already forgotten me.

Even though he might have already love someone else.

 Just let me see for once.

I slowly turn back and walk into the apartment.

My heart thumping fast as I know the consequences that he might see me.

But I really want to see him.

I slowly tiptoed to the living room which can save up from hiding since the couch is back facing the doorway.

I slowly tiptoe closer to the couch as soft snores welcomed me.


He is asleep?

Soon after I reached the couch and peek towards the figure who was lying on the couch with his eyes already closed.

Ah, he is asleep already.

My courage increase upon knowing he is already asleep.

But somehow I feel sad that I didn’t manage to see him again.

The conscious him.

I’d missed his eyes which will sparkle when he is happy.

I’d missed his brown eyes which I can always tells how he feels through his eyes.

Hae, why do you have to fall in love with me when I am in love with someone else?

And yet, why do I have to fall in love with you when you started to love someone else?

Does this means that we are not fated to each other?

Does this means that we are not destined to be each other?

Does this means that I will never be yours and you will never be mine?

A soft tear slipped out of my eyes as I quickly wipe it away with my palm.

Shush Hyukjae, you might wake him up with your sobs.



I cover his body with a nice warm blanket not wanting him to catch a cold.

I turns off the TV and turn off the lights leaving the lamp stand on.

I kneel down beside him as I brush his soft bangs off his forehead.

“Sleep tight Hae,” I whispered and press my lips onto his soft ones.

“I love you,”

I glance at the sleeping figure.

How I wish I could be yours.

How I wish you could be mine.

But you are already hers.

You have her already.

I felt my tears already threatened to fall when I remembered Hae no longer mine.

This is all your fault Hyukjae.

If I would have know..

If I would have realized earlier that I am in love with him, we wouldn’t ended up like this.

We could have a better life.

We might be cuddling now and enjoying each other presence instead of me sneaking in every night just to see him.

This is all my fault.

I stood up carefully not to knock down anything since Hae is asleep.

I don’t think I should stay for today since it’s already 2am and he is occupying the couch.

I might as well sleep in the car and most probably watch him going to work.

I turn my heels and was about to walk out of the apartment when I heard something which makes my heart stop.


I couldn’t believe my ears.

Is he calling out for me??

Did I wake him up?!

“Hyukkie…don’t go, Hyukkie…”


I was stunned.

My body went numb upon hearing him calling me.

H-He is calling me…


I turn around and practically dashed to him.

I can feel my heart flutter already.

Hae is thinking about me.

Hae calls me.

Hae wants me to stay.

Hae still love me.

Hae is…..


Hae is….

Sleep talking.

My heart dropped immediately when I realize that he is just sleep talking.

So much of thinking that Hae might want me to stay.

So much of thinking that Hae still loves me.

I am so pathetic to think that he still loves me.

I am so pathetic to think that he still wants me to stay with him.

“Hyukkie….Hyukkie…” he calls out which I swear tears had started to form in my eyes.

“Hyukkie..don’t…Hyukkie….” I couldn’t help but knelt beside him taking over his hands which were outstretched.

“Hyukkie…Don’t go…Hyukkie….Hyukkie…”

He is…having a nightmare.

“Shhh….Hae…shhh…I am here, shhh…I will stay, I will stay beside you to protect you,” I whispered while holding his hands.


I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting on the spot as he continue calling out for me. My eyelids had slowly become heavy and I couldn’t help feeling really sleepy as I doze off in a sitting position with our hands intertwining with each other.

End of POV






Cliffhanger!! so what will happen next?? 

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Aidenlee_24 #1
Chapter 16: Great writing, i hope Hae clear sica's isssue to hyukkie also. but great it is so much feels 💙 head starts going back to watch kingdom. 😊💙
Chapter 16: The feeling...
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 16: Good story :) thanks authornim!!
gogo15eoul #4
Chapter 16: Eunhae Drama reading it with listening to growing pains
Itls really suitable
Thanks author-nim
Chapter 16: aaaaak thats sweet /.\
Chapter 16: ahhhw cuuute :D Thanks for this!!! :D
Chapter 16: i am crying right now for the first time after reading a fic thank u so much
esmeberta #8
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD...that was one of the best stories ever <3 <3 <3
Chapter 16: i loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee this story and how u describe bout eunhae feelings towards ecah other..
glad finally they have a happy live together after so much time suffering ^^
Chapter 16: I love this fict^^ a really good one;;