
Will I able to love you?


Donghae POV

I sat on the couch eyeing the Barbie who was standing in front of me.

“Are you serious? You are asking me to do that?” she frowns crossing her arms.

“Sica, it’s the only way I could chase him away from my life,”

“You are crazy,” she scoffs which I pretty sure she doesn’t agree with my idea.


I heard the sound of the door being unlocked as a voice rang closely behind the sound.

“I am home,”

I am going to do it today.

As fast as lightning, I had dragged Sica who is sitting beside me on the couch to my laps.

It’s now or never.

I forcefully grab Sica face as I practically crash my lips onto hers.

Mianhe Hyukkie.


This is the only way I could think of to let go of you.


I forcefully pressed Sica lips onto mine even though I have no feelings or whatsoever on her neither does she has a thing on me.

“Hae, what are you doing?” asked the voice which I broke the emotionless kiss.

Here we go.

“Kissing of course,” I gives him a smirk which deep down in my heart it is breaking into pieces.

“Yah! What are you doing!” he exclaimed and practically dragged Sica off me.

I quickly grab hold on Sica’s wrist.

I need to be tough.

I need to act accordingly.

I need to free you Hyukkie.

“Get your hands off my girl!” I exclaimed pulling Sica to my side which Hyukkie stunned at me.

Mianhe Hyukkie.

“Y-Your girl?” he asked widened his eyes.

Hyukkie…I am sorry.

“Yes, and you are interrupting us,” I spat while my tears already threatened to fall.

Hyukkie, I am terribly sorry.

“B-but you…you are in love with me!” he exclaimed which I had suspected he will do that.

Here we go.

Donghae be strong.

“Not anymore, Hyukjae, not anymore,”

Silence formed between us as our conversation grows even more awkward since it has been months we haven’t spoke to each other.

“Why Hae, why? Why don’t you love me anymore?” he asked grabbing my shoulder while pushing Sica away.

Hyukkie ah, I don’t mean to do this.

But this is for your own good.

I can’t see you not being happy.

That’s why I am doing this.

To let you go.

And be with her.

I am sorry for taking up your 3 years.

You could have already married and live a happy life with her.

You could have already have a baby with her.

My tears slowly pool around my eyes as I tried my best to hold up.

“YOU ASK ME WHY? YOU ASK ME WHY?! I am fed up Hyukjae! I am fed up that you are not going to love me! Three years Hyukjae! I’ve been waiting for three years! But what did you give me? A cold shoulder! I thought we were going to work out, but I guess I was wrong, you will never love me and guess what, I decided to move on, to leave you, and thanks to you, I’ve found her,” I smirk at him but deep down in my heart, it is shattering into pieces.

“Hae, Donghae, you are not thinking, you are..”

“Stop, I don’t want to hear any from you, I am fed up with you, as a matter of fact, I hate you, I hate you because you play on my feelings, you give me hopes which you are not going to return it, I hate you!”

“Donghae ah, I did not play…”

“Yes you did! And you know what? Just freaking get back with your Gina and stop pestering me! And by the way, why don’t you just get your things and get out of my house, I’ll be more thrilled for you to leave me alone!”

I felt my tears are going to fall anytime.


“Hae oppa,” Sica pouts at me which I knew it was her act to get me away from Hyukkie before I break down in front of him.

I glance at her giving her a smile.

“Come, let’s go to your room, I want to see Hae oppa’s muscular chest,” she smile and pressed her lips on my neck.

“Sure baby,” I smiled while glaring back at Hyukkie.

I am sorry Hyukkie.

I hold her slim waist as we tumbled to my room leaving Hyukkie dumbfounded at the spot.


I sat on the bed where Sica was peeking outside.

My tears had been falling down ever since my encounter in confronting Hyukkie.

“Coast clear, I am leaving now,” she said and grab her purse.

“Sica, thanks for the help,” I said.

“Don’t worry, I am just helping a friend,” she smile and wave at me.

“Don’t forget to close the door and be quiet,” I said as she turn around and smile.

“I know what to do, and I am just gonna slip out of your house while you deal with the rest,” she say and tiptoed out of my room before closing the door quietly.

I hugged my knees and let my tears fall.

Hyukkie, what have I done?

I had told you things that I had never meant it.

I heard scurrying sounds outside which I presume it is Hyukkie.

As quickly as I could I press the play button of the recorder which Sica and I previously recorded.

“Uhhh…Hae….harder…” comes Sica’s voice from the recorder.

“Ahhh…baby, you are so tight,” comes my voice from the recorder.

Well, we had previously recorded it down to fake it in front of Hyukkie.

We didn’t do anything beside that act where we did on the couch to make Hyukkie fall into my plan.

I silently cries while hugging my knees.

Goodbye Hyukkie.


I am sorry.

I don’t mean this.

But I need to do this.

To set you free.

Because I know you care about me a lot.

Until you are able to give up your wedding and waste your 3 years with me.

I am sorry.

But this is the only way to get rid of you from my life.

For you to find her again.

I know this is the only way that you will left me completely, when you thinks that I no longer love you.

I am sorry.

End of POV





Dont hate Sica, she is a good character in this story. She is here to help her friend even though she disagree with him.

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Aidenlee_24 #1
Chapter 16: Great writing, i hope Hae clear sica's isssue to hyukkie also. but great it is so much feels 💙 head starts going back to watch kingdom. 😊💙
Chapter 16: The feeling...
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 16: Good story :) thanks authornim!!
gogo15eoul #4
Chapter 16: Eunhae Drama reading it with listening to growing pains
Itls really suitable
Thanks author-nim
Chapter 16: aaaaak thats sweet /.\
Chapter 16: ahhhw cuuute :D Thanks for this!!! :D
Chapter 16: i am crying right now for the first time after reading a fic thank u so much
esmeberta #8
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD...that was one of the best stories ever <3 <3 <3
Chapter 16: i loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee this story and how u describe bout eunhae feelings towards ecah other..
glad finally they have a happy live together after so much time suffering ^^
Chapter 16: I love this fict^^ a really good one;;