Happily Ever After

Will I able to love you?


Donghae POV

I stirred from my deep slumber as my eyes flutter to an open and I was being welcomed by the dimmed lights in the room.

Hmm.. where am I?

I sat up from my bed as I glance at my surrounding which is so familiar to me.

I am back at home?

But how?

I scratch my head as I could vividly recall what had happened before.

I remembered I went out to the supermarket wanted to help Sungmin hyung grabbing some stock but I wasn’t able to do so because I met Hyukkie there.

I remembered I had run after him but I did not manage to catch him.

And then I don’t know how I’d manage to walk myself back to Sungmin’s hyung café, torn and depressed which Sungmin hyung had give me a day off.

I remembered I was on my way walking back home when I had run after by a car.


Run by a car?!

I glance to my body finding my scratches and scars immediately and found out that my scratches are being treated nicely.

Hmm… who did this?

And why am I in my home instead of in the hospital?

What happen?

Are those just a dream?

But it couldn’t be, right?

There are scratches over my body and..

I glance at the nightstand and found some medicine also a glass of water.

Hmm.. whoever sent me back and treated me must have been a very kind person.

And to send me home and take care of me, I must know who that person is.

I pull away the blankets before proceed in walking to the bathroom, refreshing myself.

I quietly open the door to get out of my room as an aromatic smell already welcomed me.

Hmm… who is cooking?

I scratch my head as I walk to the kitchen as I was once again being welcomed by the back view of a man.

Who is that?

I was stunned as I watch the person busy himself in the kitchen.

That backview.

That bodyline.

That hairstyle.

That person….

He looks familiar.

He- he... he looks like……

“Ah, you are awake already,” the person spoke upon spotted me.


My tears fall down immediately upon seeing that man who has turned around to greet me is none other than the person who I had been missing so much.

He holds a spatula as he gives me a warm smile.

H-Hyukkie is here…?

“How are you feeling? Better?” he ask while walking to me, still holding the spatula.

I couldn’t even know how to react at the moment.

Hyukkie is here.

Hyukkie is here.

I am not dreaming right?

Hyukkie is here.

Tears had not stopped falling down as I watch the man slowly approach me while cupping my face, wiping my tears away.

“Hey, don’t cry, why are you crying? Are you still hurt? Do you want to take a nap or something? Are you hungry?” he asks while showing me his warmest smile making my heart thumped even faster.


“H-Hyukkie..” I whispered not sure if it is a dream or not.

If it’s a dream, I wish I will never wake up.

I will rather stay in my dream than waking up to the world without Hyukkie.

“Neh,” he smiles while still cupping my face.

“H-Hyukkie,” I whisper again wanted to confirm.

“Neh,” he smiles again, my tears fall even more.

“Hyukkie…” I whisper even louder.

“Neh, Hae ah, I am here,” he spoke while continue wiping away my fresh tears.

My heart couldn’t contain my feelings anymore.

“Hyukkie… Hyukkie…Hyukkie…” I spoke even louder as this is the only word I could think at the moment.

His name.

“Neh, neh, neh.. I am here Hae… I am here, right in front of you,” he smiles even wider.

Hyukkie.. is here… just right in front of me.

Within a minute I had already crash myself into his embrace as my tears fall even more.

“HYUKKIE!!” I exclaimed while hugging him tightly, my tears pouring out like Niagara Falls.

He embraced me almost immediately as I pour my heart out wetting his shirt with my salty tears.

“Shhh… Hae… I am here, shhh…” he spoke again while patting my back.

We were both in the same position where I had continued sobbing in his arms which he had been soothing me all along.

I pull away slightly afterwards while watching his face.

My Hyukkie is back..

Hyukkie is back..

He is back..

I couldn’t help but admire his face which I had been missing so much.

I couldn’t help but trail my fingers against his face and slowly down to his lips as a strong urge overcomes me making me want to just kiss his lips.

Letting my feelings overcome myself, I slowly lean in, closing our gaps making our lips connected.

I love you Hyukkie.

I love you so much.

Thank you for appearing in front of me.

Our kiss is rather a salty one as I can even taste my tears for I had been crying just now.

The feeling of him rejecting me had appear in my heart as our lips connected where my heart had prayed that he will not push me away for I could not bear it.

However my thoughts were being pushed away when I felt him responded on my kiss.

He kissed me back.

I could feel his grip tightened around my waist as he pulls me closer while kissing me back, our lips engaged into a very passionate kiss as I had wrap my hands around his neck, my heart still afraid that all of these are just merely my dream.

We pull away shortly afterwards as both of us breathing hard catching our breathes, our lips didn’t move away very far from each other as I can still feel his hot breathe against my face.

Our eyes had never left each other after our lips parted and our bodies were practically pressing against each other, my hands still around his neck as his hands still wrap around my waist, the spatula which he was holding was long forgotten due to our reunion.

I was the one who broke the silence first when I realize that I had kissed him when I am not supposed to do so.

Hot tears had once again fall from my eyes as I realize that our kiss might not be real to him.

It might still be a one sided love.

I had immediately pushed his hand away, trying to release myself but I was being held tightly by him as he pull me back to him, once again our lips are only inches apart.

“H-Hyukkie.. I…I..” I spoke quietly as my tears continue falling down.

I-I am sorry, Hyukkie…

“Shh… Hae..” he whispered before brushing away my bangs from my forehead while his eyes still staring into mine.

“I am sorry Hae, I am sorry… I love you Hae, I love you..” he whispered softly and clearly to me.

His lips immediately came crashing to mine as both of us engaged into another kiss again; a kiss which brings our love lasts forever.

Well, two years later, Hyukkie had proposed to me, asking me to hand in marriage which I had happily accepted.

Hyukkie parents had accepted us after that of course which I couldn’t help but feeling grateful to them.

And just like that, I can finally say that I had found my happily ever after with Hyukkie by my side and I believe that our love will last, forever.

End of POV







The story is finally completed~~~ ^^ Thanks for patiently waiting and reading!!! ^^

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Aidenlee_24 #1
Chapter 16: Great writing, i hope Hae clear sica's isssue to hyukkie also. but great it is so much feels 💙 head starts going back to watch kingdom. 😊💙
Chapter 16: The feeling...
Baegoppahansam #3
Chapter 16: Good story :) thanks authornim!!
gogo15eoul #4
Chapter 16: Eunhae Drama reading it with listening to growing pains
Itls really suitable
Thanks author-nim
Chapter 16: aaaaak thats sweet /.\
Chapter 16: ahhhw cuuute :D Thanks for this!!! :D
Chapter 16: i am crying right now for the first time after reading a fic thank u so much
esmeberta #8
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD...that was one of the best stories ever <3 <3 <3
Chapter 16: i loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee this story and how u describe bout eunhae feelings towards ecah other..
glad finally they have a happy live together after so much time suffering ^^
Chapter 16: I love this fict^^ a really good one;;