Ch. 4

Office Life with Bangtan Boys
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Chapter song: BASTARZ- Nobody But You

Your POV

I have to find an excuse to get out of this mess. I have the 10 seconds it takes to go down to the dance floor to think of an excuse. Ahhhh, um....Suzen unnie!! I looked at her with pleading eyes but she was talking to Namjoon. I happened to make eye contact with Jin who was still sitting on couch but he just cocked his head and shrugged with a smirk. That ....Jin, I will totally blackmail you with my newfound information of your crush on Suzen unnie. I allowed myself to be dragged when I saw no way out.

I saw the packed dancefloor and I knew that this would be the reason of my death. I'm gonna be squished to death and- I felt a hand snake around my waist and pull me closer to him. I looked up at the owner of the hand and saw it was Jimin. He looked at the dancefloor for about a few more seconds before looking down at me and giving me that bone-melting smile of his. He leaned close and whispered in my ear, "relax, love. I'm here." My heart skipped a beat when he called me "love." What can happen to me when Jimin's here? Nothing. We entered the mob of people grinding and sweating against the other yet Jimin still held me close. He turned me around so my back was against his chest and he gently put his hands on my hips. I was flustered at the close proximity but he whispered an apology in my ear and moved his hand up toward my stomach and left it there. He started to sway his body to the music and soon enough, I loosened up and started to move too. After what seemed like an hour of dancing and drinking the glasses the waiters brought, I went back to the VIP room, drunk. Jin was making out with some girl on the couch and I didn't see Suzen unnie or anybody else so I just grabbed my stuff and left after muttering a quick "bye" to Jin. I'm not sure if he heard but at least I said it.

I walked back down to the entrance door and left the club. I realized that I didn't bring my car and the taxi drivers were no where to be found so I just decided to walk on foot. Since it took about 20 minutes driving, if I cut through some alleyways, I should get home soon. Obviously, no sober person would do that at 10 at night, but I'm not sober. I'm drunk. When I was about 10 minutes away from the club, I started to notice the footsteps. Footsteps that weren't mine. This time, my brain was fully alert. I didn't have a bag to wack the creeper with and I didn't have my phone to call the cops or the guys. I began to think of all the possible items I could use to run away from this creeper without having him follow me. When I started to lose hope, I heard another noise. "Clack clack clack." MY HEELS! How am I going to take it off!? I'll take my shoes off when I'm in a brighter spot with many people. I began to walk a bit faster but the stranger started to pick up his pace too. I was walking so fast in killer heels that I twisted my ankle and plummeted to the floor. Is this how I'll end? I know it is. Tears started to form in my eyes. I'm going to be and kidnapped and then murdered without anyone ever knowing what happened to me. The tears began to fall. Damn my sweaty eyes. I'm sorry Jin, Suga, Namjoon, Hopie, Jimin, Alien, and Ju

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Chapter 18: OMFGGG the feels are strong in this one. it's like i'm reading a freakin reverse harem fanfic >u< kyaaaaahhh
Chapter 18: By the way authornim, I just found your story today and finished it today. Hahahaha I'll be waiting for your next update! Hwaiting!
Chapter 18: Hahahaha, the gifs made my daaay.. Authornim I love your story! Its so cool! I don't know who likes who really... Hahahha
Chapter 17: Wah! I love the fic. Update soon authornim!
seonrynn #5
Chapter 17: I totally need an update omgggg author-nim plsss update! :D
Chapter 17: sjdbsnsishsv Omgomgomg idk what to even ship anymore
iamazngirl #7
Chapter 15: Tbh you don't have to be worried about nk/sk...
It happens all the time
Everyone online is like: omg I hope everyone stays safe #prayforsk
Everyone in korea: what are you talking about

Lol don't be too worried!!
Jazzy_305 #8
Chapter 14: Awe m feeling sad for mark... He shud hv told his feelings bfore *sobs* neway its bcomin more interesting n m diein for the next chapie... xoxo