Ch. 11

Office Life with Bangtan Boys
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Chapter song: HSM3- Right Here, Right Now

Your POV

I woke up with a huge headache but that wasn't what shocked me. It was the person sleeping next to me while facing me [1]. Whenever I'm in a really awkward situation, I start to hiccup. I don't know why, I just hiccup. I think it has something to do with my subconscious. But Mark being the light sleeper he always was, wakes up due to my hiccups. He looks at me and unconsciously, my eyes are drawn to his bed-head. Usually, most people look hideous with bed-head but Mark's bed-head makes him look 10x ier. It's a ruffled look, but it's ily ruffled. I don't know how to explain it, it's just y. He then cutely rubs his eyes. ing goodness, I don't usually use profanity and I think it's because of my hangover but Mark just seems....overly attractive today. Or was he always like this? I don't know but whatever he's doing, it's working on me. "I'm y, aren't I?" spoke Mark. Oh. My. ing. Gosh. His morning y. I pulled out of my trance when I saw a smirk grow on Mark's face. "Based on a scale of 1-10, how attractive am I? 100? No, 1000?" I gave him an obvious fake smile, "no. Negative 10." He shrugged, "hey, at least it's still a 10." I shook my head at his response and told him to get out of my bed. He got up and I did a double-take. He was wearing the same thing he was wearing last night - a black wife-beater and a gray cardigan, with a silver necklace [2], except it seems to look better on him now. It's that moment when the first thing you see when you open your eyes is someone's face, it literally makes you see them in a different light; but, Mark is forever Mark. I've seen him in this kind of light before, it went away after 5 minutes. I got up and I got up to walk to the bathroom but the moment I stood up, my legs felt wobbly and I fell to the floor with a loud *THUD!* I fell to the floor and I was so shocked because it happened way too quickly. Mark and I looked at each other with widened eyes but I started to laugh. It was just so stupid that it was funny. I saw Mark lightly shake his head but continue laughing. After a good few minutes of laughing, I stood up. This time, I managed to get to the bathroom safely after kicking Mark out of my room. I walked into the bathroom and the shower.

I came out and I realized I forgot to grab my clothes. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out into my bedroom and toward my closet. I grabbed the first pair of clothes I saw - white/blue striped off-shoulder sweater and white distressed shorts [3]. I bunned my hair into a quick messy bun even though it was wet [4]. I left my towel on the towel rack by the bathroom and left my bedroom. I walked out and I found Mark in the kitchen, cooking. A scenario suddenly popped into my head; waking up every morning and walking into the kitchen to see Mark cooking food for me, I walk toward him and backhug him, then our children run out and- wait. What the was that scenario!? I shook my head and approached him. I stood beside him and I saw him making my favorite food to

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Chapter 18: OMFGGG the feels are strong in this one. it's like i'm reading a freakin reverse harem fanfic >u< kyaaaaahhh
Chapter 18: By the way authornim, I just found your story today and finished it today. Hahahaha I'll be waiting for your next update! Hwaiting!
Chapter 18: Hahahaha, the gifs made my daaay.. Authornim I love your story! Its so cool! I don't know who likes who really... Hahahha
Chapter 17: Wah! I love the fic. Update soon authornim!
seonrynn #5
Chapter 17: I totally need an update omgggg author-nim plsss update! :D
Chapter 17: sjdbsnsishsv Omgomgomg idk what to even ship anymore
iamazngirl #7
Chapter 15: Tbh you don't have to be worried about nk/sk...
It happens all the time
Everyone online is like: omg I hope everyone stays safe #prayforsk
Everyone in korea: what are you talking about

Lol don't be too worried!!
Jazzy_305 #8
Chapter 14: Awe m feeling sad for mark... He shud hv told his feelings bfore *sobs* neway its bcomin more interesting n m diein for the next chapie... xoxo