chap 8. :)

Why don't you like me too?


she ran away..just like that? without scolding me, slapping me or hitting me? why? other girls would just call me a jerk, slap me and scold me. But why didn't she? 

Most importantly, why do i feel bad? I mean its not like its my first time rejecting a girl and giving her such embarrassment..


"so.. i ran away. i mean did i even expect a reply from him? why did i even get my expectations high anyway? There's no way he'd return my love so what did i expect? now you've embarrassed yourself infront of soo many students." i thought to myself.

" pabo pabo pabo!" i said as i slapped myself and cried.


" suzy-ah! quick! we have to go find minyoung now! palli!" I said.

" neh neh! Minyoung-ah! where are you?!" Suzy said.

i was getting more nervous. please minyoung ah, don't do anything stupid please.

"ah! there she is!" suzy said.

" minyoung-ah!" we said and ran towards minyoung. aish, god, please let this all be over as soon as possible.


news spread fast and by the next day , the whole school knows about the incident. Even the teachers and the cleaners.


A/N : b2utyally here. sorry! really really short update because i just came back from cca and i'm dead tired so i can't really think well now. so sorry! comment and subscribe please! :)

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kukicube #1
Chapter 16: Pls update!!!I want to read more
b2utyally #2
:) thanks for reading!
hehe they would be so cute together.
Great story and plz keep writing
I watched the taiwan version of this and it was funny, I didn't watch the korean one, but it's a really funny story and sorta romantic.......

according to the taiwanese version, i think Dujun is Jiro's character, the funny and dorky boy that likes the main girl XD

lol good match i reckon since Jiro and Dujun are both dorky and funny XD

b2utyally #5
thank you! :)
b2utyally #6
haha! yep it is! :) haha, thanks! :) i'll update again tomorrow if i can. :)
PlayerJoker #7
this story is just like 'Playful Kiss' right?! hehehe update soon... iLove it!!
b2utyally #8
thank you! :)
Darina #9
LOve it <3