chapter 13

Why don't you like me too?

DuJun's Pov

minyoung, minyoung, where are you? i have to find you now.

I ran to the park and found her sitting on the bench alone looking dejected, lonely and sad. I went up to her and said

" minyoung-ah, are you okay?"

she looked shocked to see me.. i guess its normal?

"ah, dujun-oppa, i'm fine, just relaxing here. Yoseob-oppa didn't come with you did he?"

"nope. he didn't.. he's still in school."

"ah, i see."

and just like this, it got super awkward. i really didn't know how to open my mouth and say something to her. I'm always nervous around her.

" Minyoung-ah, how would you feel if someone else confessed to you just after you know.. your incident with junhyung?"

" i..i don't think anyone would do that. Anyway, who would? After all, they must know that i have a crush on Junhyung-oppa." she replied.

" aniya, i... i... i think i like you......" omg, really dujun? that's all you can say? argh, so disappointed in you.


"aniya, i... i... i think i like you......" ohhmygawddd, did he really just say that?! omg omg omg, what should i say? how can he do this to me? to us? our friendship?

" oppa... i.."   was all i managed to say.

"aniya, you don't have to reply me now, you can take your time to think about this." he smiled. 

How can he still smile at a time like this?? how how how?

But.. dujun oppa's a really really nice guy.. what should i do? maybe i should just give him a try. i mean.. no harm trying right?


aish.. pabo confessed to me again. when will she just stop? i hate hurting her feelings like that. i feel so bad...

But maybe i should also give her a chance right? i mean, i have never had a girlfriend before, but this girl seems decent.. although her dressing is horrible and she isn't exactly pretty too...

" aniya, i... i... i think i like you......"

hmm, that voice sounds familiar.. dujun hyung? is that him? who is he confessing to? 


"" oppa... i.."   minyoung replied.

"aniya, you don't have to reply me now, you can take your time to think about this." dujun smiled.

omg, that dujun hyung is sooooooooo unbelievable! minyoung just got rejected by me and he still has the guts to confess to her? bravo.. daebak..

after some awkward silence between them, dujun said " i guess i have to go now, think about what i said ok? no stress." dujun said and smiled.

As he walked away, i heaved a sigh of relief only to be shocked once again by the "incredible" Yang Min Young. 

"dujun-oppa! nado saranghae!" was what she said. 

dujun turned back and looked totally shocked. "mwoh?"

" nado saranghae.. " minyoung said and looked down.

what a flirt? is she doing this only to get back at me? to make me jealous? will she really stoop that low?

and that dujun just had to turn around and hug minyoung. ohmygawdddd. 

i felt totally numb, just standing there. i was filled with jealousy, hatred and anger. Did i.. really fall for that dumb person, Yang Min Young? was i really really jealous of Yoon DuJun-hyung?



AUTHORS NOTE : heya ppl! :) how have you all been? i know i have not been updating recently but then its because i have tons of homework to be done and i've extremely tight deadlines to meet so i seek your understanding. Also, i won't be updating until maybe november? because i have 'o' and 'n' levels this year too. sorry! :( But i'll update lots when i've finished my major exams which is during the november-december period. i might sneak in some chapters every now and then but please don't get your hopes too high. Thank you for your understanding and please continue subscribing and reading my fic! :) Love ya all! :)

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kukicube #1
Chapter 16: Pls update!!!I want to read more
b2utyally #2
:) thanks for reading!
hehe they would be so cute together.
Great story and plz keep writing
I watched the taiwan version of this and it was funny, I didn't watch the korean one, but it's a really funny story and sorta romantic.......

according to the taiwanese version, i think Dujun is Jiro's character, the funny and dorky boy that likes the main girl XD

lol good match i reckon since Jiro and Dujun are both dorky and funny XD

b2utyally #5
thank you! :)
b2utyally #6
haha! yep it is! :) haha, thanks! :) i'll update again tomorrow if i can. :)
PlayerJoker #7
this story is just like 'Playful Kiss' right?! hehehe update soon... iLove it!!
b2utyally #8
thank you! :)
Darina #9
LOve it <3