
Love at first sight?

          Even after that kiss,they still did the recording of the song.They finished it in less than an hour.After that they head down to the dance studio to meet up with the other members.The other members were just lying on the studio floor feeling bored."Hey,are you guys done?" asked U-Kwon when he sees Zico and Kimmy walk into the studio."yeah,we're done..." he answered."wow that was faster than i thought...atleast we can finally leave this place" said U-Kwon.He said that because they never left the dance studio.Wow they actually listened to me... "Let's go home then" he suggested as he heads his way to the lift."Hey,wait us hyung" said P.O as he catches up with Zico.The others folowed them to the lift.


          They then got inside their van and was on their way home."So Kimmy,how did the recording session went?" Kyung asked Kimmy who was quiet.Kimmy didn't expect he would ask her instead of Zico "it went ok,i guess" she replied.She was reminded about that kiss and her face was turning a little bit red.Worst part is that Zico was sitting next to her."hmmm...did something happened?" Kyung said as he was really curious on what happend there."n-nothing...really" she said as she looked away.There was an awkward silence between her and Zico throughout the ride home.Once they arrived at their dorm,Kyung suggested that she should stay for awhile."we never got the chance to show her our rooms,let's show her now" He said that as he makes his way into their dorm.


          They went to the 5th floor where their room is located.After entering the house they immidietly showed her the rooms.After showing her their rooms it's time for them to say goodbye.."it was fun hanging out with you guys,i hope we can do this again some day" she said as she makes her way to the door."yea,we're gonna miss you noona" P.O said that.He then gave her a big hug.He lets go of her and she left their room."huh,we didn't even got her phone number" Kyung said that as he let's out a sigh.He then notices her bag of groceries on the kitchen counter."hey,she forgot those" Kyung points at the bag of groceries."wait here" Zico grabs the bag and rushed out of the room.He went outside the building and saw her walking home.


            "Kimmy-ah,wait!" he yelled as he runs to her.Kimmy turns her head and saw Zico running to her.He stops infront of her,"you forgot these" he then gave her the bag."Oh,thanks".Kimmy gave an awkward smile as she takes the bag of groceries from him.There was an awkward silence."i guess i should go" said Kimmy."see you soon" as she was leaving,Zico grabs her arm.They both looked at each other and soon their lips touch.Kimmy closes her eyes as Zico hugs her tightly.

(A/N:something like this...I know,the pic is too big -_- )

         They then parted their lips.They looked at each othe "Kimmy,i love you.."Zico said that as he hugs her tightly."i love you too" Kimmy replied.They then parted from each other and Kimmy starts to walk home..."bye Zico" she said with a smile and a wave as she walks away..."bye" Zico said as he walks back to their dorm.Until now,Zico still watches her videos but he no longer have those feelings for her.That day was actually the last time Block B saw her....until,3 months later....

                                                                                 -To be continued-

A/N:I know,what a cliff hanger right,you guys probably want to kill me right now...I'm thinking about a sequel..sorry if this story/chapter was not good,like i said this was my first time and i'm bad at writting...anyways,i'm not sure when i will start writting the sequel but i know it will be better than this because (spoiler)other members from Block B will have heir own love interest in the story...well,thx for reading

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Chapter 9: this was really good :D
im off to the sequel nooooooooow!
your not bad at's nice actually..i like the way it was short and simple..yet you can understand everything at it's very............what's the term?...................................................................................................exciting and nice..! :)
Oh my gosh!!!! I loved this story and can't wait to read more of your stories!!!!!!
Touche! love it! aja2 fighting and take care ^^
@Bazlaa_h don't worry i already wrote down chapters 1 and 2...just need some improvements :)
Bazlaa_h #6
Ahhhhh... why did u leave it hangin like that... huhuhuhu... don't forget to inform me the sequel.... >_<
@daydreamergirl11 i'm glad you like it :)
I really like your story!!!
@the_amazing1 oh i see :)
the_amazing1 #10
cool storyline. I like the title also but one thing, "site" is actually spelt as "sight" ^ ^