Chapter 7

Love at first sight?

           Now,they decided to listen to her rap."ok,we will take turns just like before starting with Kyung,then P.O then me"Kimmy suggested but Kyung and P.O shook their heads."P.O and i will rap together,you will rap alone"."huh,why?"Kimmy asked "because P.O has a hard time rapping alone for some reason" Kyung answered.."fine"Kimmy said that as she sat down.Kyung and P.O begin to rap to "Turn around".Kimmy watched them rap with their swag and stuff...Zico was just looking blankly at them...Pssh,i can do better...i knew it,they're useless withou me...He then let out a slight smirk.


              They ended their rap and it was finally Kimmy's turn.Everyone anticipates her performance.She decided to rap to "here I Come" by Fergie...She then starts to rap like a pro.The other members couldn't believe that she can rap this good."She raps beter than you two"Jaehyo said as he looked at Kyung and P.O who had their eyes locked on Kimmy.Zico didn't expect she could rap like that.She's better than i thought...she's better than those two *looks at Kyung and PO*He thought with he jaws opened.Once she ended her rap P.O ran and gave her a hug."You're so cool,you can do anything!" he said while hugging her.Then,their manager came in.."hey,we need to be home before 5 pm ok?" he said."ok" B-Bomb replied.Their manager then leaves the studio.Zico stood up grabbed Kimmy's hand and pulled her out of the studio."WE're doing that song now!"he said as he was leaving the room with Kimmy."Hey,we're coming with-" P.O's sentence was cut off by Zico "STAY HERE,i don't want any distractions.because of you guys we only have at least 2 hours STAY HERE!" he then gave a death glare as he walks out of the room leaving the other members speechless.

A/N:his glare...i can't this...

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Chapter 9: this was really good :D
im off to the sequel nooooooooow!
your not bad at's nice actually..i like the way it was short and simple..yet you can understand everything at it's very............what's the term?...................................................................................................exciting and nice..! :)
Oh my gosh!!!! I loved this story and can't wait to read more of your stories!!!!!!
Touche! love it! aja2 fighting and take care ^^
@Bazlaa_h don't worry i already wrote down chapters 1 and 2...just need some improvements :)
Bazlaa_h #6
Ahhhhh... why did u leave it hangin like that... huhuhuhu... don't forget to inform me the sequel.... >_<
@daydreamergirl11 i'm glad you like it :)
I really like your story!!!
@the_amazing1 oh i see :)
the_amazing1 #10
cool storyline. I like the title also but one thing, "site" is actually spelt as "sight" ^ ^