Chapter 5

Love at first sight?

          It took them 30 minutes before they arrived at the building.The moment kimmy got off the van,U-Kwon grabbed her hand and pulled her into the building.They then went into the lift leaving the other members behind."WTH,Where on earth is he taking her to"said Zico with his hands on his waist."I think i know where he's taking her"said B-Bomb as he makes his way to the lift.The lift then stopped at the 7th floor.The 7th floor is where their dance studio is located.When they entered the dance studio,they saw U-Kwon and Kimmy together."I was right weren't i"said B-Bomb with a slight smirk of his."There you are,how could you just leave the rest of us like that"said Jaehyo as he rushed off to them."Sorry,i  just really wanna see her dance"said U-Kwon."hmmm,it's still 12 noon,we still have time i don't mind dancing for a while"Kimmy said as she looks at the wall clock."Sweet,what do you think Zico?"U-Kwon asked Zico who was still standing at the entrance of the dance studio."Sure,why not"he lets out a sigh as he entered the dance studio.


            U-Kwon then some music and they start dancing.They were later joined by B-Bomb who got interested seeing them dance.Eventually,the three of them dance as a trio together.The other members just watch with amazement."Wow,Kimmy is an amazing dancer"said P.O."you're right" said Kyung as he nodded in agreement.After the three of them finished their routine everyone applaused at them.Literally -_-



Zico just sat there not giving them a single clap.Suddenly,U-Kwon gave Kimmy a big hug."Wow you were awesome"he said while hugging her tightly.That's when Zico stood up and said "how much longer are you guys going to dance!"."he's right"said Jaehyo."Finally someone agrees with me"said Zico as he hung his head down."We should see how good she is at singing"said Jaehyo as he looks for a mic."That's not what i -"Zico's sentence was cut off by Jaehyo."It's still 1 30 pm,they got their chance to see her dance now it's me and Taeil's turn to hear her sing,right?".."I AGREE!!!"said Taeil "Fine,but just for awhile because i really want to finish recording the song"said Zico as he sat down.The other members also sat down eager to hear her sing.


A/N:My story is getting better right...RIGHT?

If you're having a hard time imagining about their dance watch this video...i know that the dancers in the video are girls but i couldn't find any videos of three guys just enjoy it okay :) 

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Chapter 9: this was really good :D
im off to the sequel nooooooooow!
your not bad at's nice actually..i like the way it was short and simple..yet you can understand everything at it's very............what's the term?...................................................................................................exciting and nice..! :)
Oh my gosh!!!! I loved this story and can't wait to read more of your stories!!!!!!
Touche! love it! aja2 fighting and take care ^^
@Bazlaa_h don't worry i already wrote down chapters 1 and 2...just need some improvements :)
Bazlaa_h #6
Ahhhhh... why did u leave it hangin like that... huhuhuhu... don't forget to inform me the sequel.... >_<
@daydreamergirl11 i'm glad you like it :)
I really like your story!!!
@the_amazing1 oh i see :)
the_amazing1 #10
cool storyline. I like the title also but one thing, "site" is actually spelt as "sight" ^ ^