Chapter 3

Love at first sight?

        After realising who the girl was he froze for a while."umm,are you okay?" asked the girl.Zico blinks"ohh,umm i'm's you"he said."ummm,do you know me?"the girl asked curiously."I do,well not personally,i saw your videos on the were singing and dancing"he says to her."ooohhh,those videos...i guess you're a fan....wait a minute aren't you that guy from Block B?"she said while tapping her chin."Yes i am,i'm Zico"he said while pointing at himself."whats your name?"he asked.."oooh,Zico i couldn't recognize you without those dreads,i'm Kimmy by the way,Choi Kimmy,nice to meet you"she said with a smile."nice to meet you too"Zico replied..


          They then continued their coversation while buying groceries.On their way out of the store,Zico popped the question"do you wanna,ya know work on a song together?"...hmmm,i don't know because im only free for today today"she said in a dissapointed voice.."don't worry,we're only free for today too,that's enough time for one song"Zico said to her."that's great but where should we do it?"she asked him."we can do it in my recording studio at BNS building,it's not so far from here"he said to her while pointing at the direction of the company."sweet,let' go"she said eagerly wanting to go there.."but you must meet the others members first back at the dorm,it's only 10-15 minutes away,come on i'll show you the way"he said as he walks to the direction of his dorm."wait for me"she said as she follows Zico to his dorm..


A/N:Wow i finished the 3rd chapter,i'm not good at writting long chapters sorry.....hmmm,i wonder how the members would react when they see Zico coming home with this girl...(:....ok now i'm really going to sleep,i'm so tired...i'll update as soon as possible ok ^_^

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Chapter 9: this was really good :D
im off to the sequel nooooooooow!
your not bad at's nice actually..i like the way it was short and simple..yet you can understand everything at it's very............what's the term?...................................................................................................exciting and nice..! :)
Oh my gosh!!!! I loved this story and can't wait to read more of your stories!!!!!!
Touche! love it! aja2 fighting and take care ^^
@Bazlaa_h don't worry i already wrote down chapters 1 and 2...just need some improvements :)
Bazlaa_h #6
Ahhhhh... why did u leave it hangin like that... huhuhuhu... don't forget to inform me the sequel.... >_<
@daydreamergirl11 i'm glad you like it :)
I really like your story!!!
@the_amazing1 oh i see :)
the_amazing1 #10
cool storyline. I like the title also but one thing, "site" is actually spelt as "sight" ^ ^