Chapter 2

Love at first sight?

2 Weeks Later 

   "Ok boys,today is your day off,so get some rest because tomorrow will be a very busy day for you"said Cho PD.He then leaves Block B's dorm."WOOOHOOOO,finally a day off"said P.O as he stretched his arms."i'm going to sleep all day long"said Kyung as he goes into his room.


     Few hours later,Zico was about to leave the dorm."Hyung,where are you going?"asked P.O."i'm going to a nearby store to buy some groceries"said Zico.P.O then replied "ooooh,can you buy me some chocolate,lollipops and a-" his sentence was cut off by Zico who slammed the door when he was leaving."meanie.."said P.O with a pouting face.


     Zico then arrives at a nearby store after 10 minutes of walking.He then went to the cereal isle to buy some cereal.While he was looking around,a girl tapped his shoulder and said"Excuse me,can you please pass me a box of cheerios from up there" while pointing at the box of cheerios..."sure,here you go-ughh"as he was giving it to the girl,his eyes widened when he realises who that girl was..


i know this is short,like i said I AM BAD AT WRITING >.<...i wrote two chapters in 2 hours and it's midnight,i will update this tomorrow.

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Chapter 9: this was really good :D
im off to the sequel nooooooooow!
your not bad at's nice actually..i like the way it was short and simple..yet you can understand everything at it's very............what's the term?...................................................................................................exciting and nice..! :)
Oh my gosh!!!! I loved this story and can't wait to read more of your stories!!!!!!
Touche! love it! aja2 fighting and take care ^^
@Bazlaa_h don't worry i already wrote down chapters 1 and 2...just need some improvements :)
Bazlaa_h #6
Ahhhhh... why did u leave it hangin like that... huhuhuhu... don't forget to inform me the sequel.... >_<
@daydreamergirl11 i'm glad you like it :)
I really like your story!!!
@the_amazing1 oh i see :)
the_amazing1 #10
cool storyline. I like the title also but one thing, "site" is actually spelt as "sight" ^ ^