Chapter 5

Wake Me Up When I'm Back to Normal

             For the most part of the day Yoongi tries to avoid not only Na Rim but everyone else, afraid that they might ask for him to apologize. The thing he hates the absolute most is his pride being struck down others. He'll do anything he possibly can to save himself from embarrassment. The members know that, so maybe they won't say anything, but then again. . . They are really unpredictable depending on their mood. They might speak to him, then he'll have to apologize because he can't let his friends down.

             Yoongi remembers when he was little, in middle school he was really stubborn around new people. Worse than now, so when this girl confessed to him he spoke to her like she was a dog. Telling her she was ugly and he hated girls like her. She ran away crying. Jin walked up to him and smacked his head, telling him to say sorry to her. He did. Four days later. It took him all that time to round up all of his courage and dignity to just say two words, "I'm sorry." He really hates it. 

             Yoongi's been working on his motorcycle all day long. Dinner rolls around and he's reluctant to go inside. But he's so hungry. The poor lad didn't even eat all of his breakfast. He ran away while his stomach ordered him to stay. If only he didn't have that stupid fight. Sometimes he wishes he could act a little less stiffer in front of people, that's always been a habit of his. He really can't help it.

             He walks inside and silently gallops towards the stairs. He makes his way up and to his door. He grabs the nob and hears the door behind him open. Yoongi turns his head slightly to get a glimpse of who's behind him. Speak of the Devil. Na Rim is there. 

              Yoongi's back straightens. She can tell there's tension there so she ignores him and heads downstairs. She soon hears his door open and quickly close behind him. What is his problem anyway? What did she ever do to him to deserve his awful temper tantrums? She hasn't said anything or done anything mean to him or his friends. So why does he always treat her like that? The other day when he backed her up to the wall and looked her straight in the eyes, her heart was pounding. She kind of liked it. But now she was just annoyed, how could she like a mean grumpy douche bag like him? The minute he turned back into his human self she didn't even know why she picked him to be her right hand man. No way in hell is she ever including him in anything ever again. Not with his attitude. Na Rim hates everything about him. The way he walks, and talks, and the way he bites his lip and furies his eyebrows while thinking. She also hates the way he jokes around with his friends when he thinks she's not looking. She's over heard him in his room with Tae Hyung and Hoseok laughing and playing card games. It's kind of cute. I hate it!

              Na Rim grabs a glass and runs it under the faucet. She takes a long drink. She's been talking to Jin a lot. He's her ideal type. Someone warm hearted and sweet, knows what words to say. She likes him way better than Grouchy Pants.

             She walks back up the stairs. Na Rim bumps into something, her glass goes flying. She slips, screams, and shuts her eyes as she falls backwards. Her back becomes supported, someone's big hand grabs her. She wraps her arms around who ever caught her. She doesn't hear the water glass fall on the ground. Na Rim slowly opens her eyes. Who would've thought that Yoongi, the man who doesn't care caught her.

              His eyes are wild. The adrenaline pumping through his veins was probably activated due to his fast reflexes. Na Rim stares at him in shock, then clears . She lets go of her hands trying to make distance between them. Yoongi awkwardly looks away and pulls her body so she can regain her balance.

              "Sorry," Yoongi says.

             "Thank you," Na Rim says.

             They both say those words at the same time.

              "Why are you apologizing? I was the one who bumped into you," she confesses.

              He awkwardly hands her her glass. He caught it while he grabbed her small back, "that isn't what I'm apologizing for," he stammers out of him angrily, avoiding eye contact.

               "Oh," she breaths.

               Yoongi grunts and awkwardly walks back upstairs without giving her a second glance. That was by far the most embarrassing thing he's ever done! He'll never get over it. It's going to haunt his dreams and kill him like Freddy Krueger.

              He shuts the door behind his and cringes. Yoongi smacks his forehead and then rubs his palms into his eyes. He's going crazy! Na Rim probably thinks he's a softy now. Great. What if she interacts with him? Oh God. He'll kill himself. She might say hi and think that they're all buddy buddy. That won't do. He'll have to really avoid her now. Climb out his window instead of down the stairs. If only he had a window in his room! 

              Yoongi grabs his rubiks cube and turns on the TV, hoping to get his mind off of Na Rim. He mixes the colors up while listening faintly to the TV. He quickly moves the sides left and right, and up and down until he finishes solving the cube. That took thirty seconds. It's no fun anymore. Yoongi throws the rubiks and lays down on his couch. The news is on. He'll have to watch that because they don't have cable anymore.

              "I'm here with Mr. Park with the forensics team with more updates on the incident in the upstairs room of Java Extreme," the news woman announces to the camera.

              Yoongi gains interest, he sits up and turns the volume level higher.

              "My team took several DNA tests on our victim. Her name ran up as Han Jee Kyo. The owner of the coffee shop's name is Song Yong Soo. The person found in that shop isn't the owner but someone else," the scientist confirms.

              Yoongi's heart skips. She's not dead. She's still alive! He was happy and angry at the same time. Happy because he'll catch her this time, angry because she isn't dead. He shuts the TV off and hops over the couch. He swing's open his door and shouts down the hall. Everyone peek's their heads out to see what's up. Yoongi runs down the stairs like a mad man, screaming for them to follow him. They do, all the way to the basement. Everyone takes a seat on the furniture down there curious on what's gotten into him.

               "Hyung, are you okay?" Jung Kook asks.

               "I'm not actually sure right now, just listen. Were any of you watching the news?"

              "No," they all reply in unison, jinxing each other.

              "Oh dear," he starts pacing, "they said the Witch is still alive. That person found wasn't her. Probably another one of her victims."

              "Seriously? You're not joking with us right?" Nam Joon asks.

              "When have I ever joked with you?"

              "Good point," he remarks.

              "Wait," Tae Hyung cuts in, "isn't this a bad thing?"

              Yoongi runs his fingers through his red hair, "this is a very bad thing, but at least I get another shot at catching her again. I won't lose her this time guys, and we won't get turned into stuffed dogs."

              "What if we do?" Hoseok asks, "and we have to wait twelve years to turn back?"

              "Why was it twelve years anyway?" Jimin clicks his tongue, "the Witch said thirty six years at least. Why did we get twelve?"

              "Because of Na Rim," Yoongi says obviously. How could the members not put two and two together?

              "Me?" Na Rim asks.

              "Her?" Jin wonders too.

             The rest of the members look confused as well.

              "Seriously guys? Yoongi laughs hysterically, "remember when she wished on that star when she was six? I'm pretty sure that took twenty four years off of us."

             "But that was a shooting star. Wishes on them don't come true, that's make believe. Impossible," she restates.

             "So was us being your stuffed dogs and turning into human," he smirks. 

              "Mother fu-" Nam Joon starts but Jung Kook covers his mouth with his hand.

              "So it's because of me that you turned back faster?" Na Rim tries not to lose her head again.

              "Yup, and now we need to get working," Yoongi claps his hands but no one moves, "what?"

              "Dude, you're going to put us through hell again?" Hoseok asks, "we didn't go outside for three months last time. Why would we want to go through that again?"

             "So, you're not going to help?" Yoongi scoffs.

              "No, I never said that, but if we're going to work it can't be every minute of everyday. We're going to need a little free time."

              "Okay," Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair again, "How about we work three days a week? The rest you can do whatever you want?"

              "Damn! Since when have you been so negotiable?" Tae Hyung jumps on his and gives his a big hug.

              Yoongi laughs and throws his on the ground, they start wrestling.

              Na Rim think's it's cute. He must've forgot she's there. He never acts that way in front of her. Only around s. She rarely gets to see this side of him. The side that doesn't look like a total douche bag. If only she could  mess around with him too. 

              Yoongi quits wrestling an stands up, all serious, "okay, now. Lets get to business."

              Everyone gets back to their seats and pays attention to him, like they don't really have a choice.

              "I'll be the one asking around town, Nam Joon will be on the computer as last time, hacking into evidence, examining it, blah blah blah. Hoseok, you and Tae Hyung will be looking in the building for stuff. Jin and Jimin, you'll be looking at tape footage from the pass three months. Everyone got it?" Yoongi gives a thumbs up.

              Na Rim speaks up, "what about me?"

              "What about you?" Yoongi does that thing with his voice again, sounding annoyed.

              "You said I helped put you back to normal. Shouldn't I be able to help?"

              "She's got a point," Jin cuts in.

              Yoongi looks at her then at Jin, they totally planned this, he sighs, "fine, you'll be with me on the streets. But please try to keep up, will ya?"

              Na Rim glares at him in frustration, he winks, then smirks, turning away and talks to the guys again.

              "Okay, lets get working!"

              They all charge out of the room and grab all of Yoongi's new equipment and start hooking it up. Nam Joon just watches.

              "What are you doing? Come help us," Yoongi orders.

              "Why? It's ten o'clock. I don't want to work at this hour. You guys can but I can't."

              Jimin looks at his wrist watch, "hey, yeah, it is."

              Hoseok giggles, "This is deja vu right here!"

              "Yeah, didn't this happen last time?" Tae Hyung asks, raising his eyebrows when he remembers, "it did!"

              "So you all know what I'm going to say next," Nam Joon reminds them, "let's get working tomorrow, get some sleep. We'll work tomorrow, arresseo?"

              "Yeh!" they all say in unison.

              Jin walks Na Rim home, she needs to do some more packing before college. Yoongi's a little jealous. Jin's always doing stuff with her and no one else has time to. But it's not like Yoongi is complaining. He doesn't care if he has no time to spend with her. He has more important matters to be worrying about. He just wishes that he doesn't get this weird feeling in him whenever he sees her.  It's not like she's anything special, just another college chick that will be too busy with school to even give any of them a second thought. That's what he gets for being too stubborn. Can't even make another friend. He was barely able to make his current friends fourteen years ago. Well, twenty six now, including the twelve years added to that. Yoongi keeps forgetting, probably because he isn't even older than twenty six. 

              He'll get some sleep tonight and go crazy tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe he'll actually get to spend some time with Na Rim, not like he really cares for her though. He never said he cares. 

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CaelumSky #1
Chapter 5: This chapter made me laugh. Aww, Suga is as sweet as his name!