Cooking? Cooking!

Dinner Surprise


“So, what kind of dinner do you have in mind?” Ryeowook asked me.

“A simple one. Nothing really fancy, but I want it to be special, you know?” I said.

“Hmm, yup, like what we did for Teukie hyung’s birthday this year?”

“Exactly.” I snapped my fingers for emphasis.

It really was a simple dinner that we had for hyung. All his favourites that we changed up just a little. And one big cake just for him. Of course he had to compete with Eunhyuk when it came to the cake. We all know how that monkey loves sweets.

So here’s what we were going to cook. We were going to make a salad, a meat dish, a seafood dish and her favourite dessert: cheesecake. I was slightly nervous with the dessert, though. I may be a whiz with measurements but I am clueless with the whole cooking thing itself. Ryeowook opened the fridge and the cupboards to see if we had enough ingredients. It seems that it would take a few tries for me to master the dishes I planned to make. I was helping him by getting some cookbooks from the shelves in the living room. When I came back to the kitchen, he was already singing Cooking? Cooking! to himself.

“I’m gonna have to disturb you two for a second.” Yesung said. “Siwon, Donghae and I are going out to get the decorations for the dinner. Can you give us a list of what you plan to use?”

I looked up from one of the books I was holding. I huffed and tore out a sheet from the notepad that we use for reminders. I wrote down ribbons (lots of ribbons), lights, candles and flowers. And then I remembered that her favourite flowers were not in season, so I wrote down her second favourite. I guess that will have to do. I handed it to the waiting hands of Yesung and buried my face in the book again.

“Oh wait Yesung! I’ll make a list for groceries as well. Seems like we might need a lot of extra for the dessert.” Ryeowook said. I looked up at him. Well that’s an encouraging thought, isn’t it?

And then the three walked out, but not without throwing me pleading looks not to burn down the kitchen. How can they be so helpful and then so demeaning the next minute? Even Pastor Siwon! Aish!

After a few hours, different aromas filled the dorm. I was busy chopping up vegetables for the meat dish. If there’s one thing she loves about her favourite meat dish, there had to be a balance with the meat and the vegetables. So I was chopping up garlic, onions, carrots and some cabbage. Ryeowook handed me his towel so I could wipe the tears in my eyes from the sting of the onions. He gave me an encouraging smile. And then he went back to the pasta for the seafood dish. I asked him to go easy on the shrimp, though. And I had to ask Donghae to stay away from the kitchen for he would eat it up in a matter of seconds. In truth, I think I was doing pretty well. Nothing had been burned yet, I haven’t missed anything in the directions, and I paid a lot of attention to Wookie’s reminders. Such as keeping my elbows in so I wouldn’t make so much mess. After one more hour, we were also done with the cheesecake. I was grinning from ear to ear. I hugged Wookie tight.

“We did it! We actually did it!” I kept telling him over and over again.

“Yes, we did, Kyuhyun. I’m so happy for you! And I’m sure she’ll be so touched when she sees all your effort.” Ryeowook answered me with an affectionate pat on my arm. “Guys! We’re done, you can come and sample the food!” He hollered. All the doors opened and they all lined up in front of the dining table.

“Well, what do you know, Kyuhyun did make something great.” Heechul said.

“This is amazing, Kyuhyun!” Shindong said.

“Thanks. But I couldn’t have done it without Ryeowook’s help.” I said. “Thanks, hyung.”

“Aww it’s okay, Kyuhyunnie.” Wookie answered me. “Alright guys, get a plate, get one of everything, and let Kyuhyun know how it is. On three, okay? Eunhyuk and Donghae, I mean it, on three.” We all looked at the excited pair hovering over the dishes. Leeteuk and Yesung placed themselves near them. Siwon had his hands clasped together. Sungmin was still gaping at what was before him. Heechul just stood waiting. “One, two, three!” Wookie clapped his hands.

“Kyuhyun. You sly boy. Where have you been hiding your talent, eh? This is great!” Eunhyuk exclaimed. I smiled widely. Hey, coming from him, it’s pretty great.

Everyone praised the food. It was too surreal.

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I love Kyuhyun
adys88 #2
This story supeeeer sweeeet ♥
unnilovesKYU #3
@chengELF: thank you! :D
unnilovesKYU #5
@Fanficsmaster: because Kyu IS sweet. ^^<br />
@YESUNGanimyeonandwae: thank you :D<br />
@BlackTearsInParadise: thank you sooo much! :D
BlackTearsInParadise #6
Perfect,just perfect!!<br />
I had goosebumbs all throughout while reading this story.Looking foward to more of your stories ^_^<br />
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #7
Great ending. *sniffs Have a wonderful married life. :DDDDD
GraphicGuy #8
Wow kyuhyun is so sweet~ ^_^