

Yang is not the easiest man to impress when it comes to anything. He is the first to tell you  to work harder but always the last to tell you that you have done well. Jiyong is so use to his ways he is like that too some times. least when he was in the studio. Jiyong in the past use to be amazing in the studio working with the group. He would find their strenghs and highlight them. He would be hard on them until they got it right but they knew that he was proud of them no matter what. 

Jiyong misses that feeling of being that leader that the group looked up to. Now he is just a pregnant man who has issues. He will now have to fake his way on to tour instead of jumping around on stage. He can still make cute faces and maybe move a bit, but he will not be able to move like he use to. Gummy says that he is out of the 1st trimester so he is not too fagile but he still can't do too much since he is high risk. 

The leader rolls out of bed because being suspended means that most activities are on hold.  Jiyong has been invited to a fashion show in Paris for Chanel but that's not for a couple of weeks. It's been 3 days and Jiyong has been laying around the house pretty much not doing much but waiting for Seunghyun to get home. It's not like Jiyong can go out and do what he wants...that's impossible with the fandom that he has. 

Jiyong goes downstairs and turns on the TV flopping into the sofa waching the entertainment news. He knows it's mostly rumours but he gets amused when they talk about celebs. Jiyong lights up a bit when he hears his name but then frowns a bit when he hears it's about him and Lee Hi. The kid is barley legal and she constantly leaks things to the press about how they are together. Their so called couple name is GHigh so people have so many stories out. Just because Jiyong escorted her to the Mama awards that ONE time everyone went crazy. Jiyong doesn't remember much of the show because he was high but the girl was all over him in the after party making the paparazzi take some racey photos. 

"Aish will this kid stop leaking to the press..." says Jiyong resting his feet on the sofa to pull out his phone.

He yawns a bit and laughs because he has done nothing today to yawn and the whole Lee High's been going on for years. The kid is just trying to stay a flot in a very demanding popularity contest. A door opens and Jiyong sits up a bit. "Oh you are back early." 

Seunghyun comes over to the still in Pajamas Jiyong with a grin. "Ne. I missed your face." 

Jiyong rolls his eyes. "Bull..." 

Seunghyun then sits next to Jiyong. "What's wrong?" 

"Lee High..." says Jiyong with a grumble. 

"What now?" says Seunghyun amused that the kid is at it again leaking false stories to the media. 

"She made up a story that we left a hotel together." 

"Oh wow you two are getting closer now huh." says the older with a laugh. "Let her do it....I kinda feel sad for her" 

"I have let this kid do this for years because I was too high to see her non sense...I kinda want to really confront her about this one day. I'm at least sober." 

"Jiyong if you do that...the kid might stage something" 

Jiyong sighs. "Fine fine...I'll let it go....Well how was your day?" 

"Well it was pretty tiring. That's why I'm home early. They had us go through the first three stages and then we did it again after break." As Seunghyun is telling Jiyong what happened at work. You can see that Jiyong is sad that he is missing out. If Yang was not such a hard Jiyong could at least be hobbling during practice. "You ok?"" says Seunghyun looking at Jiyong. 

"Yeah...sorry. I just miss that I'm not there." says Jiyong in a low voice followed by a sigh. 

"Aw Yongie...It's ok..." says the older pulling Jiyong into a hug. He then feels the man tearing up a bit on his shirt. He pulls the man back. "Jiyong...why are you crying?" 

The younger didn't even notice. "Omo...I didn't realize. I guess it's the hormones" says the younger wipping a tear. "It's just that I miss all five of us on stage. I was looking forward to it." 

"We will get you back on stage. Just hang in there ok?" says the older with a reasurring tone as he brings his hand on Jiyong's cheek pulling his face closer to kiss the man deeply pressing his thin lips on the plump ones as they slowing open their mouths to allow acesses to one another as moans escape them. Jiyong exhales with a smile when they part and Seunghyun smiles back at the younger running a hand through Jiyong's hair. "Don't stress ok." 

Jiyong nods. Seunghyun's kisses nearly take his breath away everytime. His heart races and he can barely think straight as he nods and puts a dumb smile on his face. "Ne..." he says dream like. The older laughs a bit because he knows that he can put Jiyong in a trance and he loves it. 


Jiyong is going into the office today to see Gummy and then to swing by Yang's office. He doesn't know what for this time. He goes into the clinic and closes the door. Gummy is already waiting for the man with a smile. "How you feeling?"

"Well the morning sickness is completely gone but my hunger is getting worse. I'm always eating." 

"That's a good thing. The baby wants you to eat. She will tell you what she wants as the months go on." She then goes over to the table. "Ok get on" 

Jiyong sits on the bed and then lifts his shirt a bit as cool gel is placed on the belly. A knock on the door makes Jiyong flinch a bit. Gummy pulls back a curtain and then goes over to the door. "Ne? Who is it?" 

"It's me....Seungri" 

Gummy opens the door and allows the younger in. Jiyong hasn't really shown off his belly or really talked about the baby much but in  a text between him and Ri being nosey he found out aboutt he appt today. "I wanted to see my neice." says the younger with a smile as GUmmy pulls back the curtain. Jiyong is a little shy exposing his belly. 

"Oh hyung your belly is a little cuuuuuute." 

Jiyong laughs as Gummy starts to put the device on his stomach. "So here is baby and she is growing nicely." says Gummy looking around the stomach with the ultra sound. "And now the heart beat. "The sound goes through out the room making everyone smile. Jiyong looks at the little figure starting to look more like a baby. 

"She's ok?" says Jiyong to Gummy.

"Ne Jiyong" she says with a warm smile. Seungri then truly sees that Jiyong is all in for this baby when he has such worry in his voice and how he rubs his belly unconsciencously. 

"Hyunnnng she so beautiful" says the younger. 

Jiyong smiles and takes the new pictures of the baby. "She is because she is mine." 

Gummy finishes the appt and then Seungri and Jiyong leave the clinic. "Well Ri I have a meeting with the Boss." 

"Oh I wonder what for?" 

"Yeah I'm wondering the same." 

///////////Yang Suk's office

Jiyong comes into his mentor/Boss's office with a slight tense feeling. He is not sure why he asked the man to come here. He is not sure what to expect. This is Yang. 

Jiyong goes and sits on the white sofa and waits for the man to come back from one of his many meetings through out the day. Yang then comes into the office. "Oh you are here already?" 

Jiyong nods. "Well you don't normally call me to your office." 

"Well when you were high I didn't want to bother. I asked you here because I found out that you are staying at Seunghyun's right?" 


"You need to leave there. Have you thought about his image....we can't have you going to and from there...what if they think that you two are together." 

Jiyong then sits up. "No one knows that we are there...why does it matter." 

"Because it's not going to work....I have seen you two together and I don't like it. I have many plans for Seunghyun and I don't want you messing that up." 

"Oh so you don't want me to mess with your potential money." says Jiyong clearly offended by the words. "What am I suppose to do. Just pack up and leave. I have been there for months and I like it there. I like being with him." 

"I don't want you two together. You already brought down this company enough with your drugs and your now ed up pregnancy." 

Jiyong stands. "I have heard enough. You can make fun of me all you want but you will not tell me how to deal with my personal life. Seunghyun is a grown man. I'm sure he is aware of the risk....we both are. Please I think of you as a father....don't make me hate you." 

"You are no  son of mine. Move out of that house and away from Seunghyun tonight or I will fire him." 


"You heard me. I'll even disband BigBang and cancel the tour. Enough for you?" says Yang still with the same tone that he has to everyone who is not doing what he wants. "This is a company at the end of the day and you are all my investments. When my money is going to get ed up I need to make some changes. Move out." 

Jiyong tears up a bit...."Why...why must you be so terrible." Jiyong then feels his hand being grabbed. His eyes widen. "Seu SEu Seunghyun." 

"I quit." says Seunghyun as he drags Jiyong outside of the office and into the elevator.

Jiyong then presses buttons trying to send the elevator up. "What are you doing Seunghyun!? You can't quit!" says the younger in a panic. "You can't do this because of me." 

Seunghyun then slams his hand on the stop button on the elevator putting the machine to a halt. He gently looks into Jiyong's eyes. "I heard everything Jiyong. I was going up to the meeting because I thought that he was going to reconsider letting you on tour. I was going to be some backup...but when I heard those words...I couldn't take it anymore. This is bull and I will not put up with it." 

Jiyong shakes his head. " need to go back up. You are not pregnant you have a great career with acting. What will you do?!" says Jiyong still paniked. Seunghyun then brings the younger into an embrace and releases the hug. "Jiyong" says the older looking at the younger ones. eyes. "I'm in love with you. Madly." 

"You what?" 

"I love you! I love you Kwon Jiyong." says the older again. "I'm willing to do this for you. I don't care about everything else. I just care about you and our baby." 

"Hyung....I can't let you do that..." 

"I'm doing this. Yang needs to wake up and stop bullying you BigBang is already suffering having you not on tour. With me gone too I bet he will rethink things." Seunghyun pulls out his phone seeing that it's Youngbae on the line. "What the hyung!" 

"It's a long story. Just let me call you back later ok." The two hang up and Jiyong is still in the still elevator. "So what now Hyung?" 

"We can go home now. I will make you some yummy food my love" He then rubs Jiyong's belly lightly "Soobin Ah...Appa is not happy right now...let's cheer him up ne?" says the older looking at Jiyong with a smile.

"You are such a dork." says Jiyong with a smile. 

"Oh I could kiss you." says Seunghyun pressing the button to let them back down the elevator. The doors open to the first floor. Seunghyun has his car waiting as fans scream his name and Jiyong's. Seunghyun opens the door for Jiyong making the younger growl. "Yah! They are watching!" 

"Let them watch." says Seunghyun watching Jiyong carefully get into the fully loaded Benz. 

Seunghyun gets in the car and looks over at Jiyong. He then leans over and adjust the seat beat. "I need you two to sit properly ne." 

Jiyong is not sure if Seunghyun is just trying to cheer Jiyong up or is he really happy about them being a family. The man confessed in the elevator that he is in love with him and Jiyong hasn't responded. He can't just yet because this all happened so fast. They are together for four months living together while Jiyong sobers up. Seunghyun has been there a lot since they got together. The two of them don't even have a label yet. 

It's not long before they are in the private drive to Seunghyun's mansion. 

Jiyong is the first to get out as he goes through the front door taking off his shoes. Seunghyun follows behind the younger and takes off his shoes as welll going further into the living quaters. Seunghyun then goes into the kitchen looking at the fridge and starts rambling about food they might have for dinner. Jiyong watches as the man puts random items out and back into the fridge. "Jiyong....are you listening to me"

Jiyong just has a smile on his face. He is in love with this goof. "I love you too" 

"I could just make thi....What you say?" says the older coming around to the younger. 

"I love you too. I just realized it now...and now I can say it proudly." says Jiyong looking into the dark eyes. "I have never had someone care for me like you do. I don't think that I could function with out you." 

"Same for me...." Seunghyun then smiles a bit. "Is this the part where we have ...I still think I'm not ready yet...." says the man shyly. 

"I just want food right now. I want you but Soobin and I want food. You can do that right?" 

"Oh ne ne." says Seunghyun starting to prepare food. "Go and watch TV. I'll bring the food to you" 

Jiyong nods going towards the living room. "Hyung?" 

"Ne...." says the older preparing veggies 

"Will everything be ok?" 

"Of course baby." says the older with a smile. "I have you" 

"So corny" 

"Oh and stop calling me hyung." 

Jiyong flops on the sofa. "What do I call you then." 

"By my name...or hyung unless we are doing YG stuff." 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Hmmm Ok Hyunnie Bear" 

"Oh god not that one..." 

"Hyunnie bunny" 

"Stop before I call you Pookie" 

"OH I don't mind it's cute." 

"Oh no you are one of those." 

Jiyong lays on the sofa. "Oh what do you mean Hyunny Bunny? Keep cooking well for our Soobin Hyunnie Bunnny" says Jiyong in a cute voice. 

Seunghyun laughs. "Ok Pookie...what have I gotten myself into to" The man laughs. 


"Nothing Pookie Wookie" 

Jiyong makes a sound of disgust. "Ok...we can stop." 

"Oh never Pookie" 

"Oh Geez..." 



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Enni13 #1
Chapter 15: I know it’s been three years, since the last update, but this story is too wonderful, to get lost of it.
Sorry, my English could be better, but I’m from Germany.
Fighting and lots of love from Germany
wiliswu #2
Chapter 15: while waiting for update, read this story again for the 5 or 6 maybe 7 times. pls update
mspennyles #3
Chapter 15: This story is too beautiful and too much of a treat to give up on. Please, please find a little time to let the fantasy continue. We will always be waiting for you... just like we wait for Bigbang.
Rolan1878 #4
Chapter 14: I don't normally read unfinished fics coz it's hard to wait for what will happen but i couldnt resist reading this. Hope you will still get back to this one day. Thank you
sparklingunicorn #5
Hey how are you? I hope you're doing well. I really love your stories and I just wanted to thank you for writing and posting your amazing fics for all of us to read! I've read most of your stories years ago and now I just found your channel again and I'm rereading your stories and they are still incredible! Thanks for everything and I would love to read an update for reality of you have the time. Lots of strength and love from Paris!❤
JJ1006 #6
Chapter 15: I am losing count how many times I read this story again and again while waiting for a new chapter. Am not getting tired of it :)
lovelydarling #7
Chapter 15: I'm so happy your still updating. I'll always wait for you my dear!!!
Chapter 15: Yesssss!!! I've been missing this story soooo much! Loving these chapters! Thank you!
ayaayawae #9
Chapter 15: Want to meet soobin :)
Kiing_jc #10
Chapter 15: Amazing I've been following this story for so long it's worth the long waits gtop fans always are out there