The Day I Saw You Cry

The Day I Met You


     "Seolhyun, I love you. Will you go out with me?"

     In that moment, to Seolhyun, it was like a dream that she never wanted to wake up from. It was a respite from the hell that she had

been living in for so long. She reached up and pinched herself on the cheek, it hurt. Hyejeong chuckled at her and reached up to pull the

younger's hand away from her face.

     "So, is that a yes, or a no?" she asked quietly.

     "Yes! Yes," Seolhyun  said more softly, realising how loud her voice had been. The look on Hyejeong's face was beautiful. She looked

so happy, and something close to...adoration was in her eyes as she looked down at Seolhyun. Seolhyun laughed happily and threw her

arms around Hyejeong, hugging her tight. Hyejeong laughed also and wrapped one arm around Seolhyun's waist and pulled her head

closer to her with the other. After awhile of standing like that, they both pulled away and smiled at each other.

     Hyejeong looked up at the black sky and sighed. "I think it's time we left, yeah?" she said, looking back down at Seolhyun. Seolhyun

nodded and they began their walk back. There was a comfortable silence around them that Hyejeong didn't mind, and they walked like

that for awhile, then suddenly, she felt a soft hand brush hers and then intertwine with her own. Hyejeong looked over at Seolhyun who

was smiling widely and she looked back forwards again, squeezing the smaller girl's hand lightly. The two went into Hyejeong's

apartment. "I need to go study for midterms unlike you," Hyejeong said, smiling teasingly at the younger girl and tapping her nose. "So I'll

see you later."

     "I need to study too, just because I skipped a grade doesn't mean anything," she said, pouting. Hyejeong laughed and shaking her

head, walked into her room.

     The tall girl scratched her head with the end of her pencil. Why did they even give them stupid math problems like this? She tapped

the pencil against the textbook, tapping faster and faster until she slammed her pencil down and let her head fall forward onto the

textbook, letting out a frustrated sigh.

     "Are you having trouble Hyejeong unnie?" a voice suddenly said in her ear. Hyejeong shot up and turned to see Seolhyun in the new

pajamas that she had bought her. She giggled at Hyejeong's face. "It's almost eleven Hyejeong unnie, don't you want to sleep," she

asked, cocking her head.

     "Really? I didn't notice," Hyejeong said, checking her phone. It indeed was eleven. She yawned and closed her book. "Yeah, I'm going

to sleep," she murmured, stretching.


     "Hmm? Mmmph!" When Hyejeong turned, she was met with Seolhyun's lips. They shared a passionate kiss and then broke off for air.

     "Payback," Seolhyun whispered and then she bounced out the door and closed it. Hyejeong stood there, shocked, touching her lips,

then she smiled and hopped into bed. Thinking of Seolhyun as she slowly fell asleep.

     Hyejeong opened her eyes to see that it was still dark. Why was she awake so early? She slowly crawled out of bed, got up, and went

to the kitchen for a cup of water. After she was done, she was about to walk back into her room when she saw the door to Seolhyun's

room. She hesitated, and then walked in. It was dark, but instead of the musty, storage smell she had become accustomed to whenever

she walked in, she was instead met with the sweet scent of Seolhyun. She slowly walked towards the bed and knelt down. Smiling, she

pulled down the covers and her smile instantly disappeared. Seolhyun, instead of the peaceful slumber that Hyejeong had thought she

would find her in, was obviously not in peace. The younger girl's face was scrunched up with pain, sweat beaded her forehead, and as

she watched, a tear slowly trickled across her face. Hyejeong slowly reached out and wiped away the tear that was trickling down and

suddenly, Seolhyun jerked back and whimpered. Hyejeong immediately recoiled also, but Seolhyun did not wake up, only curling up into

an even tighter ball. Hyejeong was lost as to what to do, then she decided something. She pulled away the covers and carefully got into

the bed. Then, she wrapped her arms around the younger's curled up body.

     Seolhyun flinched again, whimpering, but Hyejeong held on. Then, after awhile, the younger girl's body slowly relaxed, and soon she

was sleeping peacefully in Hyejeong's embrace. Hyejeong brought the girl closer to her and whispered. "I'll protect you Seolhyun. From

anything, so don't be afraid, and don't cry." Then, she fell asleep also, thinking only, about the girl beside her.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter was a little crappy, but I swear, it'll get better! So I wanted to thank my subscribers. It means a lot to me that you guys want to read my fanfiction. Haha. I'll try to study more. Anyways, please continue to support me and leave comments! Cheetolord out!

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HMS_Seoljeong #1
Chapter 20: A massive aoa sevensome (not in that way)
HMS_Seoljeong #2
Chapter 19: Either, we need mooorree
Thousandsunny #3
Chapter 19: fresh, i think this story had a good ending plus i kinda want a new one xD
hdnscrtown #4
Chapter 19: sequel or fresh it's okay ^^
Leminji28 #5
Chapter 19: I think a fresh start is a good Idea but if not I think yuna should find some one special too ^^
serravee #6
Chapter 19: Sequel please!
River1721 #7
Chapter 19: Sequel! ^^