
Cupid's Request {Hiatus}


On the way back to Sungmin's, Seo Ri was tapped on the shoulder, she stopped, and her heel. "Hwayoung?" She asked, looking at the girly dressed in dark blue. She smiled with her eyes before giving a little wave.

"Have you ever gone shopping around here?" She asked, looping her arm with Seo Ri's, and dragging her in a different direction from Sungmin's house.

"Shopping?" Seo Ri asked, trying to keep up the rapid speed of Hwayoung's walking as she made various lefts and rights.

"Mhm, I bought this there." She said flashing the ring on her right hand and shrugging, "They have a whole bunch of stuff. You have to give them stuff though, it's weird. But hey, they get something, I get something."

"Give them stuff? Like what?" Seo Ri asked, Hwayoung shrugged again, like talking about humans and their way of life was a regular thing for her. And it probably was, working with heart broken people, she talked about something called.... "Retail Therapy"?

"You have to get this earth job? I got a pretty easy one, I stand outside and hand out this paper stuff, and they give me more paper and coins, and with that, I can get this other stuff!" She giggled, "Cus when am I ever gonna need those papers and coins for anything else? Some girls whine about it, but I guess I don't live here so it's different for everyone." Hwayoung rambled, Seo Ri was surprised she was so chirpy today.

"I don't want ANOTHER job though, mine is already pretty hard." Seo Ri said, Hwayoung dragged her into a store that was sparkly with a lot of white.

"Come on, you never sleep anyways! It'll be fine, and besides, look at all this stuff! So much different kinds of clothes. Aren't you tired of wearing that white dress all the time?" She asked, look at all the different things on the racks,

She pulled out a pink dress with a poofy skirt. The top half was scattered in flashy silver sequins, Hwayoungs eyes sparkled as she held it up against Seo Ri, who just sputtered out, "Wha... I... I... What?" As she pulled the top half up, looking at the lacy fabric under it.

"Go try it on~" Hwayoung encouraged, pushing her into what looked like a closet.

Seo Ri looked at the dress, it was hot pink, and so... Outrageous. Regardless, Hwayoung wanted her to try it on, and as her friend she did so; While talking to her and telling her this was a stupid thing to do.

"This is a stupid thing to do! I don't need this stuff!" She said, Hwayoung laughed,

"Nonsense, it looks nice you get it. Like a puppy, you get the cutest one because you just go 'AWWW!' Same with clothes, you see it, you go, 'AWWW!' Because you want it. Just like the puppy."

Seo Ri was zipping up the back, and examining herself in the mirror, it was a pretty bring change. Her head began to swim a bit though. She swallowed back whatever pain was coming back before Hwayoung knocked on the door and started her. "You okay?" She asks, Seo Ri nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replies before taking one last look in the mirror and opening the door. Hwayoung gasped,
"Omo, you look amazing! The store people use Y though. You look y!" Hwayoung says, Seo Ri looks down and shyly tucks a peice of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you." She says softly.

"SHOES." Hwayoung says, and walks Seo Ri over to a different section of the huge store. Seo RI looks down at Hwayoung's feet, she's wearing platform Mary Janes. "Shoes complete every outfit." She says looking at the different kinds, "Maybe metallic for that dress."

"Metallic?" Seo Ri questions, Hwayoung nods, all the girls I help out, they've been telling me things. A whole bunch, maybe because they just need to think outloud or remind themselves, I don't know," Hwayoung shakes her head to refocus herself, "Either way, they talk about shoes a lot." She says before picking up some metallic silver/white flats with an accent bow. "You probably can't handle heels." She says, pushing the shoes over to Seo Ri.

Seo Ri sat on the little stool and pulled the shoes on, they were a little tight, but enough to just shrug off, she waved her feet around. "They're nice." She says, Hwayoung helps her to her feet.

"Good, then we'll get them." She says with a smile, "My treat. Bommie does accesories, you can take her out next time. She's crazy over the accesories..." Hwayoung says, taking off her shoe at the counter and gesturing to Seo Ri, "All of that please?" She says before flipping her shoe upside down on the counter; Coins and paper coming out, Hwayoung digs in there for the rest.

The women working the counter is trying to catch the coins falling off the counter. "Umm, I don't think you need that much." She says, Hwayoung shrugs,

"Keep it then, I don't need it." She tells the girl, the girl eyes her weirdly, thinking Hwayoung must me rich. Too poor to afford a purse or wallet though. APPARENTLY.


Seo Ri looks up at the night sky outside the store, holding her balled up white dress in her hands. "It's so late." She tells herself, looking around and seeing that Hwayoung had disappeared again.

While walking back to Sungmin's house she wonders if he'll even be awake. Or, what time it was.... Would he be mad at her for leaving so suddenly? What if she just stayed somewhere else for the night? What if she just stopped by Eun Hee's house? What if Eun Hee was sleeping too? What if she just camped outside for the night? What if.... What if.... What if....

Tossing everything aside, Seo Ri decided to just camp out. Where? Outside Sungmin's house, because she was a bit scared to stay anywhere else. She sat outside the door he usually came out of and watched the stars slowly disappear as the sun came up. At dawn; After aimlessly staring into the distance, she notices somebody waving at her, running her way. Seo Ri squints, trying to figure out who it was.

"I have to talk to you!" Bom said worriedly. What now? Seo Ri wondered.



I meant to get this out a few days ago, but I've been having issues with AFF! TT_TT" Anybody else expeirence that? It drove me nuts- Either way, I hope you like this chapter~ Love, MikiYumi<3

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CutieWay #1
Thank you~ I know right? I felt a little sad writing it x;
Awww...Nice update! :( Poor Seo Ri!
Nice update! I wonder what Bom will say to Seo Ri...
Thank you so much for the support ;c *sniffle sob*
I really love this story! There's always a smile on my face that forms whenever I this story has an update!!! You're awesome!
Thank you so much! <3
This story is sooooo cute and good and nice!!! Keep it up!!!
Don't be sad o; it'll be less heart breaking soon.
thanks for the update.. :(