7 Months

Cupid's Request {Hiatus}


Sungmin held Seo Ri's hands, Seo Ri's skin burned at the touch of his bare skin on her own; An almost comforting pain, the pain she would go through because of the choice she had made. "I... Seo Ri.... I think you're an amazing girl..." He said softly, moving her hair away from her face. "I adore the fact that you're so cute, and innocent by nature, kind hearted... Beautiful, of course. But... You're an angel. As cliche as that might sound, it's the truth. Humans and angels, there's a reason they're suppose to be kept apart."

"I can BE human, why won't you listen?!" Seo Ri begged, her bottom lip quivering a bit.

"Is it really that simple?" He asked, doubtly. Seo Ri sniffled,

"I loose my memory, and so do you." She said, wishing she'd bit on her tongue to keep her from bringing up the subject at all.

"See? Why can't we just stay like this?" He asked, looking into her eyes, Seo Ri swallowed hard,

"Because, I'm dying." She said outright. Sungmin's eyes widened, and his jaw dropping slightly in shock.

"W-what? Why?" He asked, concern, and worry washing over his features.

"When an angel falls inlove with a human..." Seo Ri started explaining, Sungmin stopped her for a moment.

"Wait... You love me?" He asked, Seo Ri gave him a weak smile.

"Of course I do, who wouldn't?" She said with a shrug, Sungmin looked down and thought back on everything for a minute, having it all suddenly click.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, why are you dying?" He asked, feeling a little selfish for asking, not even knowing how much time she had left.

"Because I love you. I'm not suppose to, if I fall inlove with a human- If any angel does, it distracts them from what they are suppose to do. So... We die, and are replaced.... If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be burning from the inside." Seo Ri said, it was the simplest way to put it.

"Well, can we take you to a doctor? How long will you last like that?" He asked, his hands tightening a bit around hers.

"If we went there, it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't be able to see anything wrong with me, I look human, and function as one. But on the inside, it's a clear picture of health, all the time." She said with a sigh, "At the most, about 6-7 months. But it gets more and more intense with each passing day. Especially because I'm Cupid. This is definitely not allowed."

"How bad is it now?" He asked, Seo Ri shrugged as if it was nothing and sniffled a bit.

"Like I'm chewing on glass and I drank bleach." She said with a nod. Sungmin's heart dropped and he stared at her, feeling utterly hopeless.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked, Seo Ri shook her head.

"Probably not..." She said softly, rubbing her thumb on Sungmin's hand. Sunmin stayed silent for a moment, trying to think of something to make Seo Ri feel better. He got up and smiled, holding a hand up.

"Wait a minute. Stay." He ordered, getting up and going to the kitchen. Seo Ri turned around and watched him move frantically, moving things around in cupboards. He sighed in relief and pulled out a stripped pink and white box with a bow on it. "I bought this last week, I was going to give it to a friend, but forgot about it." He set the box on Seo Ri's lap, she looked at it for a moment then back at him.

"What is this?" She asked, playing with the gold bow.

"Open it." He encouraged smiling and sitting next to her once more. She smiled back softly and proceeded to open the box. There were little spaces in the box, with neatly decorated circles and squares.

"Wh-... Why are you giving this to me?" She asked, blinking at him.

"It's chocolate, it's good, and fixes EVERYTHING, try it!" He insisted, taking one and putting it in his mouth. "It's good, see?" He said, his mouth full as his eye lids fluttered.

Seo Ri hesitated but put one in , a burst of flavor with each chew. Seo Ri held her cheek and closed her eyes, so lost in the flavor that she nearly forgot about how much pain she was in. "This is good! What's in it?" She asked, returning to her old self.

"Sugar... Cocoa.... Umm... Cream? Fudge... There are a bunch of different kinds. But, you feel better?" He asked, Seo Ri nodded, smiling gratefully at Sungmin. He put a hand on his chest and sighed, finally relaxing a bit.

Maybe he thought she'd forget, but Seo Ri's question still remained unanswered.


At 4am, Sungmin had fallen asleep next to Seo Ri, even after she insisted that he go to bed since angels didn't sleep. Seo Ri gently pushed him off her shoulder and went outside for some fresh air. Each breath stinged a bit.

She heard a pair of wings behind her and quickly turned around. Heechul stood there, hands in his pockets. He looked like a male model, not at all like an angel, he had normal clothes and everything. She looked behind him, and he didn't even need star dust to hide his wings.

Heechul looked troubled, not unusual, but this time, more then how he normally did. Seo Ri walked to him and smiled. Heechul looked at her, eyes glazed over. He hugged her, "He's not good for you." He said, running a hand softly through her hair, holding her close, protectively.

"Neither was Yun Ji, but that didn't stop you." She said, he couldn't deny it, maybe it was just genetics.

"I value the fact that you're head-strong, but please know your limits." He said, Seo Ri listened, partially. She didn't have any comment on it though.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, Heechul didn't really have a reason to come down earth. And he cared about Seo Ri, but not enough to come to earth just to tell her what he did. He had to have a greater purpose.

"To see you." He said, liar... She thought. Seo Ri narrowed her eyes on him, he sighed softly, "And to go see Yun Ji."

Seo Ri hit him, "No! You can't see her!" She said, he looked back at her,

"Why not!?" He asked, seeing no problem in just going to see her.

"For starters, it will hurt you, and because she doesn't remember you anymore, so it will hurt you even more. You'd finally just forgot her too..."

"I know she's married Seo Ri. I just want to see her... I never forgot her, I learned to live without her, but I never forgot her. It makes me a little sad you had to erase her memory of me though..."

"Please don't do it." Seo Ri urged, clutching onto Heechul's jacket, Heechul grabbed her hands.

"One moment, it's been so long."

"But it will bring back all the pain seeing her."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." He said, kissing Seo Ri's forehead. "Please take care of yourself." He said before vanishing.

Seo Ri hugged herself, the pain suddenly returning. 7 months. What a downer...


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CutieWay #1

Thank you~ I know right? I felt a little sad writing it x;
Awww...Nice update! :( Poor Seo Ri!
Nice update! I wonder what Bom will say to Seo Ri...
Thank you so much for the support ;c *sniffle sob*
I really love this story! There's always a smile on my face that forms whenever I this story has an update!!! You're awesome!
Thank you so much! <3
This story is sooooo cute and good and nice!!! Keep it up!!!
Don't be sad o; it'll be less heart breaking soon.
thanks for the update.. :(