A Writer's Horror- An Authors Explanation

Cupid's Request {Hiatus}

Hey guys, Miki here! Umm, So, I had a little problem.... Hmm, here's a little dramatic tiny story of what happened and why you're reading a note from me, instead of a chapter-


This was it. This was what was going to win them all over! This piece. I worked diligently, not wasting a moment of time. Hours, never taking a break. I'd finally finished, I looked back on it, smiling proudly with a small nod of approval. Doing a bit of proof reading before-


The screen turned black, I laughed, looking for my cursor, thinking this was just a momentary mix up. No cursor. Panicked, I checked the power. Off. This couldn't be happening. I turned it back on, checking my file once more. Nothing. It was blank.


My blood started to boil, no I refuse to believe this!

I checked everywhere, there was nothing, all my work= Poof. I sat in my chair, letting it sink in, feeling utterly defeated by this hunk of metal and plastic.


And on that fateful day.....



All because I didn't press save.







True story.


Yep, that's what happened. My computer is a laptop that is like a desktop since it's so worn out, if it's unplugged, it dies. And the power in the electricity socket thing cut out, and, there went my chapter! It was really long and I was INLOVE with it, I was really proud of myself and thought you guys would really enjoy it. But alas, I did not save.


I was working nonstop for- Tch, I don't even know. And didn't even think to save. I used to have microsoft word on my computer and it would autosave, but since I didn't have the honor of getting that program again, I had to use wordpad- hey, it's free.

Um, here is what I did manage to save though.... Only because I remembered it:


"When does your job start?" Sungmin asked, Seo Ri raised an eye brow at him.

"What do you mean? Techinically my job is always in motion."

"Well, for me..?"

"Whenever you're ready. Why? You tired of being single?" Seo Ri asked crawling on the table and staring at Sungmin, her face was just inches away from his. Sungmin noticed, her breath was cold. But it was warm outside. He shrugged it off, probably just another angel thing.

"Just a little lonely." He said softly. Seo Ri sat on her feet and crossed her arms,

"You have me though!" She said, he shrugged,

"True. But, you're an angel, you can't be my girlfriend. Besides-"

"What?" Seo Ri asked cutting him off. Sungmin gulped as Seo Ri moved closer and closer to him.

"It's n-nothing.... It doesn't matter anyways."



That's it.

So, I'm working really hard to get it as good as the original but the original will always be better.... There will be a little delay with that being said, thank you for your patience! Love, MikiYumi<3


PS, go check the last chapter, I accidently cut out a scene, it explains a lot xDD Sorry! It's in the beginning- Opened and closed with "~~~"

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CutieWay #1

Thank you~ I know right? I felt a little sad writing it x;
Awww...Nice update! :( Poor Seo Ri!
Nice update! I wonder what Bom will say to Seo Ri...
Thank you so much for the support ;c *sniffle sob*
I really love this story! There's always a smile on my face that forms whenever I this story has an update!!! You're awesome!
Thank you so much! <3
This story is sooooo cute and good and nice!!! Keep it up!!!
Don't be sad o; it'll be less heart breaking soon.
thanks for the update.. :(