Do you know what could happen?

Cupid's Request {Hiatus}


"When does your job start?" Sungmin asked, Seo Ri raised an eye brow at him.

"What do you mean? Technically my job is always in motion."

"Well, for me..?"

"Whenever you're ready. Why? You tired of being single?" Seo Ri asked crawling on the table and staring at Sungmin, her face was just inches away from his. Sungmin noticed, her breath was cold. But it was warm outside. He shrugged it off, probably just another angel thing.

"Just a little lonely." He said softly. Seo Ri sat on her feet and crossed her arms,

"You have me though!" She said, he shrugged,

"True. But you can't be my girlfriend, you're an angel. Besides-"

"What?" Seo Ri asked cutting him off. Sungmin gulped as Seo Ri moved a little closer, her lips close to brushing his.

"It's n-nothing.... It doesn't matter anyways." Sungmin stuttered, getting up from his seat and taking a deep breath.  "I have to go to school now...."

"You want to meet Eun Hee?" Sungmin asked, walking to the front door and putting his coat on. Seo Ri followed after him, wiggling her toes and staring at his shoes.

"Suuuuuuure...." She said with a small sigh. She knew everything about Eun Hee. She had to- and if she was to be quite honest; Eun Hee was actually a really nice girl. She'd been hurt by falling in love with the wrong people, she was rather naive with her heart. Sungmin wouldn't hurt her, and Seo Ri knew that. But she was being selfish and wanted to prolong their 'connection'.


Sungmin started walking towards Eun Hee, she was looking for something in her bag, Sungmin waved with a smile, Eun Hee didn't look up. "Umm... Eun Hee? Hi!" He said.

Eun Hee gulped a little, looking up at Sungmin. "I usually sit over there-" He said pointing, "But, I was wondering if I could sit by you today? Also, this is Seo Ri, you'll be seeing her a lot." Eun Hee looked behind Sungmin, Seo Ri looked at Eun Hee blankly as she raised her hand in an awkward wave.

Sungmin sat next to Eun Hee and they started talking, Seo Ri watched, and since she could; Though highly invasive-

Omo! Is he talking actually talking to me? He's so cute... Maybe he'll ask me to go out to lunch with him too...

Seo Ri scowled at Eun Hee, tch, of course that's what she is thinking. She thought, walking away, and looking back with a sigh- They didn't even notice when she left.


Seo Ri ran until she couldn't see a single human in sight. She collapsed on a secluded little patch of greenery. A little stream was nearby, when she had caught her breath she stared at her reflection in the water. What was there not to like? She frowned, starting to feel vain; Like her brother. She couldn't help it though, she was jealous. And Hwayoung was right, jealousy is, indeed, a monster. "I wonder what it would be like to be human..." She said, thinking aloud.

Thunder started cracking above her, Seo Ri looked up as the white clouds faded to a dark gray. She put her hand up, feeling a raindrop fall on her cheek. She wiped it and groaned. The star dust was going to fall off her wings. Heechul had no doubtly told Sulli to send a storm Seo Ri's way so she had no choice but to go up and see him.

Seo Ri stood up and disappeared.


"What." Seo Ri said, not really asking a question since; In all honesty, she didn't want to hear anything her brother had to say at the moment.

"Why would you think about something like that? Becoming one of them?" Heechul asked, his arms were crossed. His expression; Cold, and obvious he didn't understand why Seo Ri would ever want to be human.

"The freedom maybe?" Seo Ri asked, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"You love that human." He accused, Seo Ri rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"So you were watching."

"Of course I was watching."

Seo Ri puffed out her cheeks and stared at her brother. His expression remained unchanged. She laughed, "You act as if you're never been in love with a human before. Remember Yun Ji?"

Heechul's eyes widened, his heart stopping at the very mention of her name. "I didn't love her." He said quietly, looking down.

"Liar. You loved her. With everything you had- You knew it was a risk, I knew it was a risk. And when Bommie said you couldn't go to see her anymore, you were devastated." Seo Ri pushed, moving closer to her brother, his eyes were clenched shut now.

"Stop it..." He said, his shoulders heaving with each breath, obvious everything Seo Ri was saying was putting a strain on his heart.

"You could've turned human. If you wanted to."

"The penalty for choosing to become human, is having your memory erased."

"But was Yun Ji worth the pain? You know; As an angel, falling in love with a human meant you were slowly dying."

"I regret nothing- And that's why I don't want to see the same thing happen to you."

"Sungmin is different!" Seo Ri urged, dropping her seriousness.

"He doesn't love you!" Heechul said, Seo Ri's jaw dropped slightly in shock. She knew her brother was capable of saying cruel things, she just never thought he would say them to her.

Unshed tears pricked Seo Ri's eyes, as she blinked them away, biting her lip and looking at her brother in disappointment, "My job will get done- Whatever I feel for him, whatever he might feel for me; Is none of your business, and I'd greatly appreciate it if you stayed out of it." Seo Ri said through gritted teeth before diving back down to earth, not letting Heechul answer.


Seo Ri landed in a field of sun flowers. She sighed and took one by the stem, plucking the petals one by one. Chanting the simple words with each falling petal, "He loves me~" .... "He loves me not...."

"He loves me!" She exclaimed with glee, hugging the stem to her chest. She frowned and stared at the bald flower, who was she kidding. Looking to flowers for Sungmin's feelings?

"He doesn't love you!"

Heechul's words echoed in Seo Ri's head. Was he right? She hadn't known Sungmin long, that's true. But... He could... Learn to love her. She groaned, laying flat on her back, looking up at the sun flowers that shielded her face.

"Who loves you?" Bom asked from behind Seo Ri, Seo Ri rolled over and looked at Bom, sitting idly by with a smile on her face, she had a sun flower in her hand, she held it to her nose. "Ahhh, sun flowers are great. My favorites though are roses." She laughed, "Of course it is, huh?"

"Hey Bommie. Nobody, it doesn't matter." Seo Ri said looking at the flower stem in her hand before sighing and throwing it behind her.

"It's not a human boy is it? Oh, that would be bad news!! And I'd hate to tell my dear Riri she couldn't see that boy anymore--- Hey, have you seen that Sungmin boy? Gosh, Eun Hee is so sweet! You better make their connection good. She really deserves it, trust me! Haha, well, I hate to leave you here, you also look pretty glum..." Bom rambled, "Anyways, off to work again, I hope you feel better or whatever. Toodles~" She ended before disappearing.

Seo Ri shrugged, "Toodles..." This wasn't at all out of the usual. Bom often showed up and rambled to Seo Ri and poofing before she could even give her an answer.

Ugh, Eun Hee. What does she have that I don't have!? Seo Ri thought, with a huff, and a sigh. Eun Hee actually had alot to offer; Musically gifted, A+ student, natural beauty, and not to mention she's incredibly polite and nice. What guy wouldn't want her? Seo Ri thought again sniffling and throwing her hands up in defeat.

"FML." She muttered, hugging her knees to her chest and hoping to get a little rest. Far beyond logic though, angels never slept. Another downside to being an angel, never getting a rest.

"Fml?" Hwayoung asked, hovering above her, her wings flapping a bit. Seo Ri looked up at her sleepy-eyed friend. She got along better with Hwayoung, rather then Bommie, even though Hwayoung was kind of dramatic and often exaggerated things.

"Yeah, my life..." Seo Ri said, Hwayoung's eye brows stitched together.

"Well I'm sorry Seo Ri, but your life isn't exactly mine to ... I'm sure if you told Jonghyun though, he'd be more then happy to obli-"

"Eww.... No. It's a metaphor." I think "Not... Not anything like that... It's like, my life is terrible. That's what I meant."

"Oh. Haha, okay. I was going to say, if Heechul were to find out about that he wouldn't be too happy... U-umm... Anyways, why is your life terrible? I thought you loved your life?" Hwayoung asked, sitting next to Seo Ri. She sighed and leaned on Hwayoung, who put her arm around Seo Ri comfortingly.

"It usually is, and I usually do... It's just..." Seo Ri bit her bottom lip and looked at Hwayoung, who waited for Seo Ri to continue. "I think I might love a human boy..." She said hesitantly.

Hwayoung's eyes bugged, "W-wh... WHAT?! Do you know what that means? Love is bad Seo Ri! And a human?! Omo... Is this someone you're working with too? The consequences could be worse..."

"I said, I only might THINK I love a human boy- Don't worry, okay? I know, love is bad." Seo Ri said reassuringly, Hwayoung put a hand on her chest and she sighed in relief.

"Oh, okay, good. Because, if you fell in love with a human.... It'd be bad, really, really bad!" Hwayoung said cutting to the point, Seo Ri nodded, biting her lip.

She'd already fell inlove with him...


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CutieWay #1
Thank you~ I know right? I felt a little sad writing it x;
Awww...Nice update! :( Poor Seo Ri!
Nice update! I wonder what Bom will say to Seo Ri...
Thank you so much for the support ;c *sniffle sob*
I really love this story! There's always a smile on my face that forms whenever I this story has an update!!! You're awesome!
Thank you so much! <3
This story is sooooo cute and good and nice!!! Keep it up!!!
Don't be sad o; it'll be less heart breaking soon.
thanks for the update.. :(