Bare foot? And.... Clumsy?

Cupid's Request {Hiatus}


Seo Ri returned to the edge of her cloud, feeling utterly defeated, glancing up at the deep blue sky, filled with glowing stars. Then back at her brother, who was working on a project. He had to arrange the stars for a "meteor shower" as he put it. The idea of huge rocks raining sounded horrific to Seo Ri, but Heechul explained that the humans thought it was beautiful, atleast, some did. If his work was appreciated at all, that's all the motivation he needed to continue working as hard as he does.

A sudden idea popped into her head, and a mischevious smirk spread across her face. She put her up in the air a bit, getting ready to dive oh so gracefully down to earth. Sadly though...

"YAH!" Heechul yelled, grabbing Seo Ri's ankle as she dangled right below the clouds. "What are you doing!!!?"

"Going to see the humans! What does it look like I'm doing!?" Seo Ri yelled at him, her wings ruffling as she struggled to get free from Heechul's grasp.

"I told you NO!" He yelled back, tightening his grasp on her and trying to pull her up again. Seo Ri went limp and rubbed her eyes as she began to sob.

"Do you like making me miserable?" She asked, sniffling a bit, Heechul sighed once more.

"No, I don't. I just.... Ughhh...... Let's make a deal." He said, finally sounding more reasonable to Seo Ri. For once.

Seo Ri's eyes lit up, and she smiled ear to ear. "Really!? AHHHHH!!! You're the best big brother ever!!!!" Seo Ri said getting back on the clouds and giving Heechul a tight hug, he struggled to breath, and pat her on the back a bit.

"Y-yeah... Just, be careful okay?" He said, Seo Ri nodded fast, letting go of Heechul so he could breath and squealing, her wings fluttering all about.


Seo Ri was getting ready to leave, she had all her things; A cellphone, and star dust that made her wings disappear while she was around humans. Why a cellphone? Mostly to maintain her work schedule. Who would she call? She didn't know any humans, and if she needed to talk to an angel, she would just turn herself into water vapor and go back to the clouds.

She hugged her brother and thanked him profusely once again before diving down towards earth.

Her landing.... Wasn't exactly what she'd expected, but atleast she was there. She smoothed out her plain white dress a bit. She didnt have any shoes, she looked down at her bare feet. With a shrug she began walking, she'd put the star dust on her wings already, and looked completely human. She stared at everyone she passed by, absolutely amazed.

To Seo Ri's luck, she found the resturant Sungmin worked at, she stared through the window, forming a small 'o' as she watched him clumsily bump into things and apologize to costumers for dropping things on them.

Seo Ri waltzed in, the lady working the front of the resturant looked her up and down, shooting her a strange look as Seo Ri blinked innocently at her, clutching her cellphone and stardust to her chest.

"Right this way...." The lady said looking down at Seo Ri's feet, and grabbing a menu from the counter and leading Seo Ri to a small little booth. Seo Ri skipped behind the lady, looking at all the food everyone was eating. "A server will be here shortly." She said, setting the menu on the table in front of Seo Ri. Seo Ri opened it and looked at the various pictures, angels didnt exactly eat, so...

"I-I'm sorry, we're a bit short on staff today, so there will be a bit of a wait- Do you know what you want yet?" Sungmin asked, Seo Ri smiled, wanting to jump up and hug him, but one of things Heechul had said was: "Keep your touching to a limitation."

"U-uh... Just some water please." Seo Ri said softly. Sungmin looked at her, slightly confused.

"That's... All you want?" He asked, Seo Ri nodded. "Well, if that's all you want..." He said disappearing into the kitchen for a moment and coming back with a glass of water with precisely 5 ice cubes.

Right before Sungmin went walking off again, Seo Ri pulled on his sleave, forcing him to sit across from her. Sungmin nodded nervously at her, "I'm rather busy, I'm sorry, I can't stay."

Seo Ri frowned, "B-but I have to talk to you." She said, watching him stand up to leave.

"Stay after closing, and we can talk, okay?" He said bowing once more, "Sorry, again!"

"Wait, wh-w-when is that!?" She yelled as he continued walking, be turned around for a moment, holding up two fingers.

"Peace sign...?" Seo Ri wondered. She thought for a moment, either he had meant two minutes, or two hours.... Either way, Seo Ri made herself comfortable, and took sips of her water every once in a while.

Time ticked by, and Seo Ri watched as Sungmin tripped and rushed past tables, serving, and taking orders. It took some patience, but finally; An exhausted Sungmin plopped down across from Seo Ri once more. She flashed him her most charming smile, atleast what she thought was her most charming smile. He smiled back weakly, his shoulders heaved with each breath. "So.... What do you want to talk about?" He asked, once he'd caught his breath.

"Mostly just about you." She said honestly, resting her chin in her palm and staring at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, leaning across the table and staring at as well. She shrugged,

"Let's start with.... Who are you?"

"Who am I? Huh....." Sungmin began, leaning back and thinking. "Uh.... My name is Lee Sungmin, I'm in my second year of college, and I'm working in this resturant 5 days a week, 6 hours a day."

Seo Ri already knew, but she liked the sound of his voice, she'd never heard it until now. "Who are you?" He asked, Seo Ri's eyes widened with interest.

"You really want to know?" She asked, tilting her head, he nodded.

"Of course~" He said smiling warmly at her. Seo Ri stretched a bit.

"Well, for starters, my name is Seo Ri. AKA, Cupid, nice to meet you~" She chirped. Sungmin held a hand out.

"Cupid, huh? Where are your wings? And love arrows? And blonde hair?" He asked. Seo Ri stared at his hand for a moment, giving it a light shake, before folding her hands and placing them back in her lap. Seo Ri raised an eye brow at Sungmin,

"Yes, Cupid. My wings are hidden so you humans dont freak out, and my arrows are mostly just for show. I don't need to use them. As for blonde hair..." Seo Ri took one of her brown curls between two fingers and looked at it. She laughed, "I honestly dont know where you got blonde hair from."

"Well, I just figured, angels, blonde, close to white, and angels are pure, so, white... Is... Yeah... I'll stop talking now..." Sungmin said looking down and chewing on the inside of his cheek glancing up at Seo Ri awkwardly. "So umm..." He began, breaking the awkward silence. Seo Ri didnt feel it, but he apparently did.

"How does it work?" He asked, Seo Ri's eye brows furrowed.

"What do you mean? How does what work?" She asked, blinking owlishly at him for a moment.

"You know, your job. You're cupid aren't you? Don't you... Make people fall in love and stuff?" Sungmin asked quite naively.

Seo Ri laughed, "Where in the world do you get this kind of information!?" She said snorting in between her laughs.

"Ohh, I just... I'm sorry." He said putting his head down, Sei Ri shook her head.

"No, no, it's okay, just strange. Umm.... Well...." Seo Ri tapped her chin. "I get a list. You know how people say everyone has a soulmate? Well, it's true. I can't spontaneously just put two people together. It's not that easy. And if I do mess with the list, one person doesnt get a mate, and then it just messes with the whole order of things. My job is basically to.... Get them together. I'm the one who makes your palms sweaty, and the butterflies in your stomach. Well, I make it happen anyways..." Seo Ri explained, Sungmin nodded slowly.

"But, what happens if something happens to somebody's mate, and they're left alone?" He asked, Seo Ri's eye brows stitched together.

"You mean... Break-ups? Or... Death?" She asked slowly.

"Could you explain both? I might ask later if you dont explain it all now."

"Oh- Well... Err.... If there is a break-up, it's the angels who made the lists fault. But, the angel who deals with that Ryu Hwayoung. She's kinda depressing, since she sees all the arguing, and fights... She doesn't have much hope in love. She means well though. What she does is help with coping, and yeah. With death, sometimes we're able to find someone else for you, other times... Not so lucky..." Seo Ri said, scratching the back of her head.

"I see, geez, this is a complicated job you guys have." Sungmin said, puffing out his cheeks. Seo Ri nodded.

"It is..." She sighed, "But, it's fine, my job is fun- For the most part." She said with a smirk.

"Your job is getting people together, like, meeting right?" Sungmin asked, Seo Ri nodded. "Could you... Give a demonstration?" He asked smiling suggestively at her.


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CutieWay #1
Thank you~ I know right? I felt a little sad writing it x;
Awww...Nice update! :( Poor Seo Ri!
Nice update! I wonder what Bom will say to Seo Ri...
Thank you so much for the support ;c *sniffle sob*
I really love this story! There's always a smile on my face that forms whenever I this story has an update!!! You're awesome!
Thank you so much! <3
This story is sooooo cute and good and nice!!! Keep it up!!!
Don't be sad o; it'll be less heart breaking soon.
thanks for the update.. :(