Chapter Six : Something to lose !

The Sound You need
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- Byeol ! yaaaaah !  said Min Young while Hugging me , You're back ! I missed you friend !

- Missed you too Min young ! Stop making that face ! It's ugly ! hahahaha !

- Yahhh ! Don't say that ! So are you okay now ?! 

- Yeap ! I was okay then too but you know my parents ! They dragged me to the hospital for a full checkup and forced me to stay home for three days ! 

- Hahaha ! By the way , Kai looked worried when you were absent . I caught him searching for you with his eyes ! You lucky Girl !

- Pffff ! Unlucky me ! He 's a total jerk you know ! I don't like him !

- He did save you no ? You should thank him ! He's your Hero ! said Min Young 

Gosh , how can she be so dramatic about things ! My Hero ! hahahahaha  What a stupid thing to say ! Anyway i need to thank him and see if he's okay too  I mean he fell too and i fell on him as well  ! Maybe during lunch break !

Lunch time came faster than she wanted . Time to go find him ! 

- Min young ah ! Do you know Kai 's classroom ?! 

- OMG ! you don't even know that about him ! said Min Young ; Anyway it's lunch break so he won't be there   Everyone knows that he eats on the rooftop with his friends ! Why? Are you going to talk to him ?!

- Yes ! I need to thank him for saving me like you said ! 

- Ah ok! Do you want me to come with you ! asked Min Young 

- No thanks ! i can handle it by myself ! see ya ! 


Okay Byeol ! You just have to say thank you and ask if he's fine ! Don't fight and don't get angry ! 

I opened the rooftop door ! There he is ! I froze the moment i saw him ! He was laughing at something one of his friends said ! How can someone shine like that while laughing ! Wohhh ! WAIT ! Stop thinking like that ! And let's go ! 

- Hello ! 

Three pairs of eyes looked my way wide open ! What ! I just said hello ! 

- Hi ! said one of the two guys whom i don't

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imyskyheaven #1
@ prahesa : you will find out in the following chapters :)
prahesa #2
Chapter 6: i'm happy that they are friend now. I'm still curious about things that make her faint, does she has some kind of health problem?