An Awkward Lunch

The Lucky 7

“HYUNGS! I brought a friend who’s going to sit with us. Her name is (y/n).” He gestures his hands to present you to them.

At the same time the boys move their attention to you.

Youngjae and Jr smile sweetly at you.

Bambam waves hi very cutely while smiling with his mouth slightly open.

Mark gives you a smirk.

JB gives you a stern look with his arms crossed into each other.

Jackson excitedly waves his arm in the air and winks with his cheesy smile.

You break the silence and introduce yourself to them.

“Hi guys~” You wave. “Even though I’ve met all of you today, I’ll introduce myself again. I’m (insert y/n) and it’s nice to meet you all~” You give a slight bow and smile.

Jackson breaks the awkwardness and gestures you to sit next to him. He pats the space on his left. Yugyeom then seats himself next to you. You’re pretty sure you’re breaking sweat and blushing red at this point. All of the boys are looking at you…Intrigued like they’re trying to figure out a confusing artwork in a museum.

You break the awkward silence by making conversation.

“Sooooooo…… long have you guys known each other..?”

They all look at each other and debate numbers and dates.

In his serious tone, JB speaks, cutting off everyone else but answering for them as a whole. “About 3 or 4 years...maybe longer even.” He looks away and starts eating his lunch.

You gulp. “Ahhh. I see….So what year (grade) are you guys in?”

Jr’s the first to speak. His tone is gentle. “Well JB, Jackson, and I are 3rd years just like you.”

Then Bambam follows in. “Yeah, and Yugyeom and I are both 1st years.”

Mark follows right after him. “I’m a 4th year and Youngjae is a 2nd year.”

You freak out a little more knowing the age differences.

You clear your throat up. “Ahem...interesting. So how do you guys know each other?”

Jackson is the first to reply. “Welllll…we’re all training under JYP as trainees.”

Yugyeom follows him up. “Yeah, we’ve become close as a group. We’re almost like family.”

Bambam giggles. “Yeah and we also live together in a dorm.”

Your jaw drops and your eyes widen. “EYYYY?! TRAINEES?! DAEBAK!~ THAT’S AWESOME!”

The boys laugh at your reaction.

Jackson places his hand against your back and speaks. He turns his to you and smiles brightly. “Yeah! You’re going to come to all of our showcases and concerts when we debut, right!?”

You blush and start scratching the back of your head. You guys have only just met and Jackson is already inviting you to go to an event that is not even official yet. You feel special.

You smile happily at the boys. “I’ll definitely try if you really want me to go~”

Your mood is then brought down by JB who interrupts the moment. With his serious look and a stern voice he nags at Jackson. “Yah. Why are you telling her that? You know that we’re not supposed to be telling anyone.”

Jackson looks to JB and gestured his hands to calm down.  “Hyung! Chill out. She’s cool.” He looks back at you and smiles. “Just ignore him. He’s like that sometimes.”

JB sighs and rolls his eyes.

Mark tries to comfort him.

Yugyeom looks to you. “Yeah, don’t worry about him. He just needs some time getting used to you.”

 “So why don’t you tell us about yourself?” said Jr who was giving you a smirky smile while looking at you with eyes of curiosity with his head relaxed into his hand as his elbow supports it.

You stutter a bit. “Uh…w-w-well…I was born and raised in Ilsan and moved here because m y parents had to relocate for work. I have no siblings and have one best friend back in Ilsan. I’m very much into the arts in general. You know, like music, acting, art…stuff like that.”

Jr cuts you off. “Yah! Guys, she is definitely an artist! You guys need to check out her sketch book.” The boys look at Jr and then curiously at you.

“U-u-uhm yeah…Let me get it.” You bring out your book and the first one to snatch it out of your hand is Jackson.

All members gather and hover around you and Jackson who is flipping through the pages. The boys respond with “oohs and ahs” except for JB who is silent of course.

“This is really good!” you look to Youngjae who is smiling at you.

“So skillful, noona!” said Yugyeom with his gaze still fixed on the sketch book.

“Wow noona, you have talent!” said Bambam who’s eyes went from the sketch book and to yours.

“Can you draw me nicely like this!?” said Jackson who is overexcited. He bats his eyes at you for an answer.

“U-u-uh….yeah of course!”

All the members except JB jump in with excitement as they closely hover over you and invade your personal space.

Bambam: “YAHYAHYAH I want you to draw me!”

Youngjae: “Yeah me too!”

Yugyeom: “I want one too!”

Jr: “Yeah draw me please!”

Mark: “Yah, please draw me also!”

As hot as these guys are, you get a little uncomfortable and hot. You gesture your hands for them to back down and calm down. “Alright, alright guys...I’ll draw you all. Just calm down. Please.” They all back down and resume looking through the sketch book.


JB finally speaks up. “Is that all you can do?”

Slightly offended you speak with confidence. You look at him with narrow eyes and cross your arms in defense. “No. I also sing, dance, and act very well. I have won two singing contests, performed in a huge dance festival, and have been the leading actress for plays for as long as I can remember. I did say I am very much into the arts.”

The boys ‘ooh’ and ‘ah.’

Finally, the bell rings and saves you from another awkward moment. Everyone gathers their things together and prepares to leave.

Bambam waves. “Bye noona! See you around!”

Yugyeom and Youngjae follow in. “Yeah, bye noona!~”

Mark nonchalantly speaks. “See you around~”

Jr with a smirky smile comes in right after. “See you later~”

“Yeah, see you later, (y/n)!~” said Jackson with a cheesy smile.

You smile and wave goodbye to the boys and get up from the table. You look to JB who is last to put up his tray. He catches you staring. You quickly look away from JB who hasn’t said goodbye or anything to you and start walking off. Without your knowing, he quickly catches up to you and grabs you by the wrist, stopping you from leaving. Surprised by this action, you look up at him in disbelief.

“Yah. I’m sorry about earlier. Please forgive me.” His tone is more calm and softer.

“It’s f-fine.” You said as you pull your wrist out of his grasp. You look back to face him. His face is relaxed and softened with his eyes pleading for forgiveness. You start to turn back and walk away until he speaks up.

“Look…I’m sorry that I was being a jerk. It’s just how I am with new people…I hope that you don’t misinterpret me.” He waits for you to say something…anything.

You cross your arms together and scoff as you roll your eyes. “It’s fine, JB…I get it.” You can’t help but forgive him because it’s just how you are. “I forgive you.” Your eyes meet his. You gaze into them trying to look for something that shows his true self other than this cold and chic image. “We’re going to be late for class so we should probably get going.”

“Yeah…I guess I’ll see you around.” He does a slight smile and does a small hand wave goodbye before walking away.

You sigh in relief.

Glad that’s over with…now just another half of school left…..TT-TT



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Nicolescm #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon!^^
Really love this fanfic!^^
Its a great fanfic!^^
*Hwaiting* *Saranghae* ♤♡♤♡
TisIInfiringAra #2
This is a really great story! I do hope you continue it and be successful c: