Time Jump

The Lucky 7

It’s been more than a couple of weeks since you first met the boys. Since then you have gotten somewhat closer to them. Your interactions with the boys have been less awkward and you are now a little more comfortable being around them.

The awkwardness between you and JB is not there anymore as both of you have gotten over the incident during that first lunch meeting. You and JB now are close lab partners and make a great team in class when it comes to the projects. His serious demeanor is still there but seems to slowly be softening.

“Be careful! Be careful! DON’T spill it!” he said as you were concentrated on slowly pouring in the chemical in your flask.

“SHHHHH!!….concentrating here…” you replied in sassy tone as both your eyes are glued to the liquid going into the flask.


You’ve been meeting with Youngjae every other day of the week in the piano room to sing duets with him so that the both of you can improve your singing. He’s still a bit shy but leads the way on the piano and vocal coaching.

“Youngjae-ah, you should raise your pitch a little higher here and here. I think it’ll sound better,” you said as you were pointing at the music sheets.

“Ahh…okay…you’re probably right. Let’s do it,” he replied shyly.

As you both ran through the music together he raised his pitch higher as directed.

“See…didn’t that sound better?” you said as you stared at him with a cheerful smile.

“You were right, Y/N! But here and here is when you should come in so that my note and your note here don’t overwhelm this part of the song…There should be balance.” He said while pointing to the music sheet.

“Ohh okay then…let’s go through it again with your suggestion then,” you said as you both prepared your vocal cords and fingers on the piano.


You’ve become close study buddies with Junior for your Literature class. You both sometimes meet in the library and café for your study sessions. He has been helping you to understand the readings and lecture notes from the class.

“Okay so here, the author tries to explain how the setting can be interpreted into reality of what the people are actually feeling inside…”

You look at him with confusion and jaw slightly dropped as he carefully scanned and read through his notes.

He meets stops and meets your eyes. “Yah…if you needed clarification why didn’t you just tell me to slow down?”

“Because I didn’t want to interrupt! You seemed so into it!”

He sighs with a smile and begins to explain the first part of his notes to you again.


You and Bambam don’t meet often other than lunch but every now and then you both run into each other in between classes. In that time, you both just talk and share some laughs as he escorts you to class.

You were standing at your locker when you felt a tap on your left shoulder. Your first instinct was to turn toward the tap in which case you saw no one until you turned to the right to find Bambam there with a mischievous smile on his face.

You smile at him as you playfully shove him. “Yah! Bambam don’t do that!~ It really does catch me off guard.”

He giggles as you close your locker and begin to walk together. “Ah, but you know it’s funny though~~”


You and Jackson have gotten closer to each other more than the others. He’s still very talkative with you and is very open to listening to anything that you have to say. The only time that you guys have these private talks is during your PE class.

“So we had grown up together since about 3 or 4 years of age until the end of secondary school we kind of went our separate ways for some reason…sometimes when I think about that it just makes me a little sad even though I should have gotten over it by now…” you said as you were looking down at your feet.

He puts his hand on your shoulder and rubs it a little to comfort you. “It’s okay…sometimes these kinds of things just happen. The only thing you can do is continue to live your life and just remember the memories.”

“Ahh, yeah…thanks Jackson,” you said as you looked up at him and smiled. “You’re really just awesome.”


As with Bambam, you also don’t often run into Yugyeom other than lunch. The only time you get to have a nice conversation with him is during lunch and occasionally your music class.

The boys were chit chatting with each other while you and Yugyeom were having your own private chat.

“And when I was around 9 or so, I had already mastered house dancing. Since training under JYP, I’ve learned more dance moves and such from our trainers. So hopefully when we all debut, our fans will love and be amazed by my performance. I can’t wait until our debut day arrives.”

You were just nodding and smiling at him while he was rabbling on about him becoming a trainee and what all has happened up to today. You admired his passion for dancing and his excitement to debut.


You and Mark aren’t as close as how you are with others but recently he’s become a little more talkative and playful with you. Sometimes if you both happen to leave at the same time for school in the morning, you both walk together and share some small talk and giggles.

As you’re walking to school you hear the screeching of skateboard wheels coming up from behind you. Not to your surprise though, it’s Mark. He smiles and waves at you very cutely. You stop to wait for him and wave back to him with a smile on your face.

He skids his board onto the street to make a stop. He forcefully jabs his foot at the end of his skateboard to throw it up and catch it.

“Good morning, Y/N-ah~” he says with a smile and twinkly eyes.

“Good morning to you too, oppa~ I’m surprised because this is the 4th time in a row that we’ve walked to school together.”

He responds with a longing stare and smirk before looking forward.

You smile back at the thought that maybe this isn’t a coincidence but that maybe he could be doing this on purpose to walk with you to school. You then focus more on walking and starting up some small talk since he usually doesn’t.

“So how’s practice been going for you guys?”

“Hmm…well it’s been tough. Our debut date is coming soon so we feel a little pressured,” Mark replied.

“Ahh…well I think you guys are going to do just fine so you shouldn’t worry too much!” you said cheerfully to try and pump him up.

He looks at you and bows his head. “Thank you.” He smiles at you with gratitude.

You both finally reach the school grounds and say your goodbyes as you both depart.

“Bye bye Mark~” you smiled and waved.

He waves and smiles at you before jumping up on his skateboard. You watch as he smoothly rode his skateboard through the school grounds. 


~During lunch time~

You go through the lunch and grab the usual favorites and find your table where the boys are. As you approach their table you notice that the boys are having an argument. Your smile turns into a frown as you become concerned. "Yahyahyah! What's wrong with you guys? Why are you arguing like this?!" 

They all stop arguing and face you.

"Yah! Noona! Who's your favorite out of all us?" said Yugyeom with a serious face on. 

Your heart drops. "W-w-what?" you stuttered. Your eyes flutter to each of the guys.

"Yeah, who IS your favorite?" said Jackson with narrowed eyes.

You try to avoid answering the question. "H-how did this even come up between you guys?"

"Ya, don't try to avoid the question. Answer," said JB in his serious tone.

You give in. "Guys. I don't exactly have a favorite, okay? I only just met you guys...Plus I'm still getting to know you all. You guys shouldn't be concerned about who's my favorite and what not." You take a seat in your usual spot. "Now come on guys, you need to get over the argument. Besides, this is one of the only times in the day we all get to chat and enjoy the time together so we should always try to make the best of it." The boys nod their heads in agreement and begin to pick at their food.

At this point, what you don't know is that the all of the boys have fallen for you and the argument began as they each became jealous from hearing about their individual encounters and meetings with you.

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Nicolescm #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon!^^
Really love this fanfic!^^
Its a great fanfic!^^
*Hwaiting* *Saranghae* ♤♡♤♡
TisIInfiringAra #2
This is a really great story! I do hope you continue it and be successful c: